Call for Environmental Justice Technical Assistance (TA) Providers

As part of Tribal Public Health Week 2024, the National Indian Health Board (NIHB) is excited to launch the Tribal Environmental Impact Network (TEIN), a cohort of professionals with experience in issues impacting environmental justice in Indian Country. This network of experts will assist NIHB in providing technical assistance to Tribal communities for funding opportunities as part of NIHB's Tribal Environmental Justice Technical Assistance Center (TEJTAC).

NIHB's TEJTAC was established to support underserved and overburdened communities addressing environmental and clean energy concerns by increasing access to federal funds.

The network is open to professionals who work or have worked on environmental health and environmental justice issues in Indian Country. If this is you, please consider joining!

The Tribal Environmental Impact Network seeking experts in the following areas:

  • Clean energy
  • Climate change
  • Geology
  • Air quality
  • Solid waste
  • Environmental health
  • Water quality
  • Sanitation
  • Transportation
  • Agriculture
  • Emergency response
  • Hydrology
  • Legal services
  • and more!

To be considered to be part of the Tribal Environmental Impact Network, fill out the TEIN interest form below. Compensation for technical assistance services will be provided for members of the Network.

Join us in advancing Tribal Environmental Justice!

Interest forms accepted on a rolling basis

All interest must be submitted via the online form using the link above. Proposals submitted by email, fax, or postal mail will not be accepted unless permission is obtained in advance from NIHB.

For more information, visit the Tribal Environmental Impact Network website or contact

TEIN Interest Form
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