Prez Corner:
It was great to reboot triathlon in 2021 and here we are at the start of 2022 at what will hopefully be a year full of races. I hope you have our club events on your calendar … and remember, if you can’t race, we can always use race-day support.
Each year, we usually kick off the season with our Kick Off Dinner. Unfortunately, that event is still on pause at this time. Instead, we are going to have ‘Kick Off March’. Each week in March, we will do some type of training event – and we hope you are able to participate. The events will be low-key and all levels of athletes are welcomed. We hope this will be a good month to reconnect with training partners and maybe meet new training partners.
New this year is we have adjusted our annual membership. All memberships will start on March 1st, 2022 and be good through February 28th, 2023. The reason for doing this is that we will have a better understanding of our membership numbers for the year – which helps with budgeting. Although the club does not have a large operating budget, we do have expenses each year (e.g., storage, trailer insurance, permits, webhosting, etc.).
So … that means we will be doing a membership drive in March! We do hope you will continue your support of the club by keeping your membership active.
Each year, we have a ‘theme’ that we try to keep in mind. In 2020, we focused on ‘calling out’ the great things that members were doing by using the hashtag #thatsthevegasway. In 2021, we focused on being fit and ready to race and being in control of our training using the moto ‘Lets make it happen!’ … #letsmakeithappen. For 2022, as we start to get back to race-normal, lets focus on the enjoyment of training and enjoyment of toeing that start line. So our theme will be #enjoythejourney
I really hope to toe the start line with you all in 2022 at one of our club events! Thank you again for your support in 2021 and I know the club will enjoy the journey in 2022.
~John Mercer