March 2021 | Issue 5
TCI Connection
“We inspire families and individuals to overcome the disease of
addiction by creating real long-term solutions!”

TriCircle, Inc. seeks to identify people who reside in Connecticut and have demonstrated a commitment to further their collegiate or technical/trade studies. We recognize that the epidemic of substance use disorder exists here in our state, and, tragically thousands of wonderful people have died due to the disease of addiction. We have come together to continue this scholarship opportunity originally created in honor of Michael F. Gagnon II.
The TriCircle, Inc 2021 Memorial Scholarship will be awarding (2) $2,500.00 scholarships in 2021.
Scholarship applications and information are available on our website at: You can contact us by email at:, by visiting the front desk of our Executive Offices at: 6 Way Road, Middlefield, CT 06455 or by contacting Christine Gagnon: (860) 877-9098. 

The signed, completed scholarship application with all supporting documentation must be received in one packet and postmarked no later than May 29th, 2021.
Now Accepting Clients
TriCircle, Inc.’s Clinical Services are now open and accepting new clients. Our master’s level clinicians facilitate a range of evidence-based programs, giving clients the opportunity to grow, change and maintain long-term recovery.

TCI’s Clinical Services offer:

Flexible morning or evening hours
Time for family
Ability to seek and/or maintain employment
Practice of new coping skills
Enjoyment of substance free activities
Benefits for personal health and wellness

Click here to learn more or call (860) 349-7074 to set up an intake.
Reflections for March from Ana Gopoian, Our Executive Director
Addiction is a family disease. As detrimental as the disease itself are the emotions associated with the shame, stigma and isolation that parents, guardians and extended families often feel as a result of their loved ones' drug or alcohol use. TriCircle, Inc.'s commitment to offering support to the whole family, cannot be overstated. Our Hope & Support and Hope After Loss group meetings are made available each month on Zoom. These meetings are co-facilitated by two paid professionals - one licensed and one para-professional with lived experience. We provide a safe and confidential space for parents, guardians and others who are concerned about a loved one’s substance use or addiction or who have lost a loved one to an accidental overdose, drug induced suicide or drug related murder. There is no judgment or blame, just support and understanding. Join us as we work together on this journey of healing. Click here to learn more.
Save the Dates
  • Saturday, Apr. 10 and Sat. May 1, 11:00 am to 3:00 pm - 2nd Memorial Quilt Square Making Events
  • Wed., Mar. 10 - Middlesex Chamber of Commerce 4 Part Series "Learning to Live in Recovery"
  • The DMHAS Family Webinar Series
  • Saturday, May 8 - Dave Frye Memorial Motorcycle Run, North Carolina (details to follow)
  • (Date TBD) - Live in Enfield Together WE are Stronger! Raffle and Recovery Event
  • Sunday, June 6 - The Charity Challenge Twisted Trails 5K Color Run
  • Saturday, June 12 - tentative date for the Recovery Block Party
Setting Boundaries With Your Loved One
Communication with loved ones suffering from the disease of addiction it is not easy. A desire to keep our loved ones safe can lead us to yell, badger, threaten, lecture or disengage. There is a better way! Communicating with positive intent allows us to speak and listen judgment free; accept they are doing their best, regardless of what they do or say. The principle of positive intent allows us to change our behavior while recognizing we cannot change our loved ones. Phrases and actions that help me as a I navigate life with my son.

  • “How would it be for you if…….?"
  • “Let me think about …..”
  • “That is an idea…..”
  • Give choices you can accept
  • Decide your minimum
  • Walk Away
by Elizabeth Fullerton, PhD
Recover Your Family
Spotlight on Joanne Setaro
A Healing Journey of Hope
OxyContin came into my life in 1996 when a neurologist specializing in headaches prescribed it for my migraines. Having no knowledge of opiates, trusting my doctor and desperate for relief, I started taking it. Over the course of months, my dosage increased rapidly. I maintained a home, kept my job and drove my children around in my new altered state which became my new normal. After several years, my neurologist left private practice to pursue an opportunity with Perdue Pharma. I was referred to a local doctor who had no interest in me but felt obligated to refill my monthly prescription.

After 8 years, I realized I was addicted. This medication controlled my life. My children were affected by my mood swings. I fell asleep in meetings at work. Back in 2003, there were few resources, and I was too ashamed to ask for help. I investigated rehab facilities but, without a referral, it was pointless. Finally, I asked my prescribing doctor for help. She responded that, unless I was suicidal, she could do nothing. Needless to say, I said I was suicidal and stepped into rehab a few days later.

In July of 2003, my addiction to opiates ended. Ironically, it was then that I lost my job, my children went to live with their dad and my life was consumed with anxiety, depression, shame and guilt. I had to retrain my brain to talk, walk and function without the haze of drugs. It took several years of hard work and many hours of therapy dealing with repressed emotions that flooded back like tidal waves.

I am proud to be in recovery for 17 years. I continue with therapy and group support to stay on course. My family has grown and includes 4 beautiful grand babies, all boys. Meeting Ana and becoming involved with TriCircle allows me a voice. I no longer suffer in silence and have the opportunity to help others. There is always hope. Together WE are Stronger!

by Joanne Setaro
Where did you find help?

We are interested in learning where the loved ones of those with substance use disorder (SUD) go for help, support and answers. Our goal is to write a book for loved ones to learn from what you have learned about addiction, language of the systems, self-advocacy, resources,
as well as the different paths to recovery.
At the end of this brief survey, you will have an opportunity to provide contact information. If you are interested in sharing additional information via a phone call, please let us know. For questions, you may contact one or both of us:
Ana Gopoian - 
Elizabeth Fullerton -
We have scheduled upcoming sessions that will offer the opportunity to honor and remember a loved one. This impactful, traveling memorial has the power to draw families and community together in a united effort to start the conversation, provide support and reduce stigma. Anyone interested in creating one of 36 squares for our 2nd Memorial Quilt can get more information about our quilt project and how to get involved by visiting: Memorial Quilt

Zoom, In Person and RSVP Options To Be Decided
Forms Available Online at:

We have a new company page on LinkedIn -
please click the icon below and add us to your network!
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, too!
 It is easy! Do all your everyday shopping online! First, be sure to sign up on Amazon Smile and choose TriCircle, Inc. as your recipient organization. Then, every single time you make a purchase from the Smile.Amazon site, a percentage will be donated to us! It doesn’t cost you a thing!

The Charity Challenge Twisted Trails 5K
at Tamarack Lodge in Voluntown, CT,
on Sunday, June 6, 2021.
STAY TUNED as springtime approaches!
In place of MUD, we will be hosting a
covid compliant
Color Run!

Looking to become a TCI Volunteer?

We have opportunities on the following
TriCircle, Inc. Advisory Boards:

Communications & Public Relations
Fundraising & Events
Click here to learn more.

For more information, please contact
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