February 2021 | Issue 4
TCI Connection
“We inspire families and individuals to overcome the disease of
addiction by creating real long-term solutions!”

Angela Agro Graichen is the Service Coordinator for TriCircle, Inc.'s Clinical Services. She comes to us with 20+ years of experience as a business manager and is currently continuing her education in health information management. She is a lifelong resident of CT and has two amazing sons. Her wealth of knowledge and experience will help build momentum as we move forward reaching our benchmarks and working to accomplish our short and long term organizational goals.
CLINICAL SERVICES - Now Accepting Clients
TriCircle, Inc.’s Clinical Services are now open and accepting new clients. Our master’s level clinicians facilitate a range of evidence-based programs, giving clients the opportunity to grow, change and maintain long-term recovery.

TCI’s Clinical Services offer:                                           

Flexible morning or evening hours
Time for family                                                       
Ability to seek and/or maintain employment
Practice of new coping                  
Enjoyment of substance free activities 
Benefits for personal health and wellness
Click here to learn more or call (860) 349-7074 to set up an intake.
Reflections for February from Ana Gopoian, Our Executive Director
Want to feel better in February and beyond? A commitment to thinking thoughts of gratitude has been a game changer for me. As Zig Ziglar said, "Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions." I have learned over the years that my thoughts control my feelings, and I control my thoughts! If I don't like the way I am feeling, I simply change my mind! Try making a list of all the things you are grateful for, big and small, and watch amazing things manifest all around you!

Save the Dates
  • Sat., Feb. 27, Sun. Feb 28, Sat. Apr. 10, Sat. May 1, 11:00 am to 3:00 pm - 2nd Memorial Quilt Square Making Events
  • Wed., Mar. 10 - Middlesex Chamber of Commerce 4 Part Series "Learning to Live in Recovery"
  • Sat., Mar. 13 - Live in Enfield Together WE are Stronger! Raffle and Recovery Event
  • Apr. (Date TBD) The Great Wallingford Dash


This year, celebrate St. Valentine’s Day by loving yourself? Sounds easy? For many of us, it is quite difficult.
“To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance.” (Oscar Wilde)

Quiet your inner critic as it leads you to think negative thoughts yourself. When your inner critic bubbles up, challenge it with positive “I” statements.
“A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.” (Mark Twain)
Reframe your negative thoughts. An easy first step is to use milder words. Replace “hate” with “not my favorite” or “bad” with “not to my taste”.
The hardest step she ever took was to blindly trust in who she was.” (Atticus)

Eliminate negative and limiting words from your vocabulary. Should, ought or must lead to a pessimistic view of life and lead us to avoid new experiences.
“Don’t forget to love yourself” (Soren Kierkegaard)
by Elizabeth Fullerton, PhD
Recover Your Family
Spotlight on Trish Williams
A Healing Journey of Hope After Loss
"August 15, 2011, was the day my world turned upside down and inside out. It was the day I lived every parent’s nightmare when I found my 24 year old son who had taken his own life. My son Chris would melt hearts with his gentle soul and his beautiful smile. The joy he brought to our family was beyond compare, but as my son Tom stated, “We lost Chris the first time he put that needle in his arm.” Gone was the happiness he had in his life; gone was his ambition; gone was trust; gone was the son and brother we had known. The demon of addiction robbed Chris and us of the “normal” joys of a family. Dropping Chris off at the Merritt House for detox, when we should have been dropping him off at his dorm in college, broke my heart. For years, we struggled. His journey was my journey.

I saw firsthand how the system can drown someone in this awful abyss where escape seems impossible. Addiction, joblessness, late fees, motor vehicle violations, court appearances, detox, rehab…the list goes on and on. How I wish that I could have been able to reach out to a group like TriCircle for support. After Chris died, I met my neighbor Ana. When she told me about her vision, I had to get involved. Her passion and compassion are unmatched by anyone I have ever known. Being a part of TriCircle’s growth as a volunteer has not only been rewarding, but also healing.

Hope After Loss has helped me connect with other parents who are living through their loss. By opening up to one another, we not only help ourselves, we also help others in the group. Working on the Memorial Quilt has further brought parents together. By creating squares for the quilt, we celebrate our children by defining their lives, not their deaths. Each square is created with love and memories that not only connect us to our children, but also connect each one of us to one another.

Together we can grieve. Together we can celebrate our children. Together we can find our strength. “Together WE are Stronger!”

by Trish Williams
TriCircle, Inc. offers 11 monthly support groups. Our 7 Hope & Support and 4 Hope After Loss groups are made available each month face to face and on Zoom. In towns across CT, these meetings are co-facilitated by two paid professionals (one licensed and one para-professional) with lived expertise. We provide a safe and confidential space for parents, guardians and others who are concerned about a loved one’s substance use or addiction or who have lost a loved one to an accidental overdose, drug induced suicide or drug related murder. There is no judgment or blame, just support and understanding. Join us as we work together on this journey of healing. Click here to learn more.
We have scheduled four upcoming sessions that will offer the opportunity to honor and remember a loved one lost. This impactful, traveling memorial has the power to draw families and community together in a united effort to start the conversation, provide support and reduce stigma. Anyone interested in creating one of 36 squares for our 2nd Memorial Quilt can get more information about our quilt project and how to get involved by visiting: Memorial Quilt
TriCircle, Inc.'s 2nd Memorial Quilt
Square Making Events
Sat., Feb. 27
Sun. Feb 28
Sat. Apr. 10
Sat. May 1
11:00 am to 3:00 pm
Zoom, In Person and RSVP Options To Be Decided
Forms Available Online at:

 It is easy! Do all your everyday shopping online! First, be sure to sign up on Amazon Smile and choose TriCircle, Inc. as your recipient organization. Then, every single time you make a purchase from the Smile.Amazon site, a percentage will be donated to us! It doesn’t cost you a thing!

Come Get Muddy With Us at the
Charity Challenge Down 'N Dirty Dash!
STAY TUNED for details as springtime,
along with the muddy season, approaches!

Looking to become a TCI Volunteer?

We have opportunities on the following
TriCircle, Inc. Advisory Boards:

Communications & Public Relations
Fundraising & Events
Click here to learn more.

Social Ambassador Needed

TriCircle, Inc. is looking for a social media ambassador. This volunteer position is vital to our continued growth and outreach. We are looking for someone who is committed to our cause and loves TriCircle, Inc. and Social Media. The position will take 2 hours per week (just 22 minutes per day)! The ambassador will promote TriCircle, Inc. through positive media posts, interact with and respond to social media and increase social media presence. For more information please contact lenore@tricircleinc.com
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