October 30, 2023

Scurvy Dogs!

Avast me hearties! The costumes are ready, the makeup is on, and our well mannered actors have been transformed into the rag tag, ruthless band of pirates that makes Treasure Island one of the greatest adventures that that ever captured a young reader's imagination.

Don't miss this thrilling spectacle taking place right in front of you (and, actually, all around you).

Treasure Island opens this Thursday, November 2 (though our Opening Gala is on the Friday as usual). Pay What You Can Thursday is November 9 and there will be a Relaxed Performance on Sunday afternoon, November 12.

Get your tickets now online (button below) or at Choose Refill in Lakeshore Village, behind Wendy's.

Don't delay!

Fight scenes, loud noises. Parental discretion advised for children under 10.

Buy Tickets Now

The PAY WHAT YOU CAN performance of Treasure Island is on Thursday, November 9. Purchase advance tickets online and choose your price or come to the door after 6:30pm and put your donation in the jar.


We are having a second round of auditions for our winter production, DRY STREAK.

When? Saturday November 11, 1 - 3pm & Monday November 13, 7 - 9pm, both at Shuswap Theatre, 41 Hudson Ave NW.

Who? 2 men and 2 women in their 20s, & 2 men and 1 woman in late 50s/early 60s.

Rehearsals? Start last week of November with a break for the Christmas holidays.

More Information - Including who to contact and about the play - on our website.

Performances -

February 16 - March 2

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