Microtransit Coming to Conway (Ark.) in October
Microtransit service will begin in Conway in late October.
The Rock Region Metro transit agency has scheduled two public meetings on Sept. 13 & 14 where officials will explain the service to Conway residents. A specific start date will be announced. The service will be called Metro Connect Conway. It will allow riders to hail transit vehicles on demand, from smartphones or by calling a phone number to book a ride. Initially, transit will run two vehicles, circulating in a defined zone, from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Saturday, except for six holidays when the transit system is closed. Read More
| ATTN: SWTA Marketing Professionals |
The design of the new SWTA website is well underway. We cannot wait to reveal our long-awaited website redesign.
Instead of utilizing stock photography, it is the SWTA Staff's desire to feature actual SWTA Nation agencies and people throughout our site.
If you would like to submit professional photography to be featured on the new website, please send .jpeg or .png files to Communications Specialist, Alex Aitken at aaitken@swta.org.
| Public transit use zooms in Colorado during month of August | Zero dollar fare drove more Coloradans to trade their cars for public transportation in the month of August! Last month, the state rolled out its first-ever “Zero Fare for Better Air” campaign, an initiative designed to decrease ozone levels by increasing public transportation use. To encourage Coloradans to get on board, Mountain Metro and other public transit offered free rides for the entire month of August. The Colorado Association of Transit Agencies (CASTA) said Thursday that ridership soared thanks to the campaign, with cities statewide boasting huge gains during August. |
CTAA: State transit partners express concern in small vehicle purchasing
In August 2022, CTAA surveyed its 54 state partners to learn more about the bus purchasing crisis, which received 46 responses. The survey asked eight questions and the results can be found here.
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VIA Metro Service Changes Scheduled for August 22 | A new VIA Link zone, and an Express bus service to the San Antonio International Airport are part of VIA Metropolitan Transit’s scheduled service changes began on August 22, 2022. View the new schedules online at VIAinfo.net/ServiceChanges. Additionally, new VIA Link Zone A new VIA Link zone opened Monday on the city’s South Side to serve an area that includes VIA’s Madla Transit Center, Palo Alto College, Texas A&M University-San Antonio, South San High School, South Park Mall, H-E-B, Toyota Motor Manufacturing and more. VIA Link South, which began service Aug. 8, is VIA’s fourth on-demand transit zone to open since 2019. The app-based van service will replace existing bus service in the area, offering better frequency, additional hours of operation, and improved access to convenient trip options with the same fares and discounts as bus service. Passengers can learn more about the on-demand rideshare service at VIAinfo.net/Link or by calling 210-362-2020. | DCTA, DART Approve Joint Rail Operations Facility |
An inter-local agreement with Denton County Transportation Authority (DCTA) was approved by the Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) Board of Directors for a Joint Rail Operations Facility (JROF) for testing, operations and maintenance of the new Stadler Fast Light Intercity and Regional Train (FLIRT) commuter rail vehicles for the DART Silver Line regional rail project currently under construction.
Located in Lewisville, Texas, the joint facility is an expansion of the DCTA A-train Operations and Maintenance Facility (OMF). Read More
| ETCOG Board to Vote on $81.1M Budget |
The East Texas Council of Governments (ETCOG) will hold its 102nd Semi-Annual Board of Directors Meeting on Thursday, September 22, from 11:45 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Among other items, the Board will consider the budget and planning guide for ETCOG operations for the fiscal year from October 1, 2022, through September 30, 2023
“ETCOG provides a forum for elected officials to come together and solve common problems,” said ETCOG Executive Director David Cleveland. “With local elected official guidance and consent, we administer and manage the state and federal grant programs for which we receive funds. Our Board will review the budget and planning guide in which ETCOG delivers regional services through four major service areas: Workforce & Economic Development, Area Agency on Aging (AAA), Public Safety, and Transportation.”
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