The Baldwin County Education Coalition is proud to support the eMINTS Comprehensive Program. eMINTS is a training program for educators that offers program participants approximately 200 hours of high-quality, research-based professional development training for 2 years. The goal of the eMINTS program is to help transform the teaching and learning experience in our Baldwin County schools. We spoke with Jeremy King, Education Technology Support Services Counselor, and Katie Nettles, Consulting Teacher - Education Technology Support Services, to learn more about the eMINTS program and to encourage more Baldwin County teachers to apply. Both King and Nettles are eMINTS Certified Affiliate Trainers.
Read our latest blog to learn more about the eMINTS program and how you can apply.

The Baldwin County Eduction Coalition is thrilled to host this year's Gulf Regional Innovative Teaching Conference (GRITC) happening July 19 through July 21st. GRITC would not be possible without the help of our valued sponsors and the support of the Baldwin County community. To learn more about GRITC, visit our website for details.

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