Database of Patterns & Sources Count

18,782 patterns, 1,141 sources now available in the Database Patterns and Sources.

June eNews 2024

Dear Transferware Enthusiasts:
We're pleased to send you this edition of our eNewsletter to give you the latest club news informing you of up-coming club activities and interesting new content on our web site and our Facebook page. We welcome your comments, suggestions, and input; email the TCC Web Content Administrator
Visit our Website
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TCC Bulletin Vol. XXV No. 1

Current issue is available for members to download here. Printed version is in press. Free to all is a sample article: Transferware from the Thames by Richard Hemery.

The TCC Bulletin Index -- incorporating listings of articles from the Fall 1999 issue through to the most recent issue. A rich resource! Search Index.

The Bulletin editors are seeking contributions for the upcoming bulletin. Contacts: Dan Sousa: or David Hoexter:

Transferware Collectors Club (TCC) Bulletin writers guidelines: Download writers guidelines

2024 Vol. XXV No. 1


Yellow glazed 5" jug

Shown is a yellow glazed 5" jug with a leopard or cheetah pattern. The maker is unknown. For members, this is pattern #18958 in the TCC Database of Patterns and Sources. View larger image. See past Patterns of the Month.

Thanks to Judie Siddall for preparing the "Pattern of the Month."


Unidentified Oriental Floral Platter

This large well- and-tree meat platter from the Gestler Collection is an unidentified pattern that is printed and painted with an Oriental inspired floral pattern. The combination of cool blues and warm reds and oranges creates a stunning contrast. Despite research efforts by Eleanor and Dave Gestler to identify the maker of the unmarked piece, it remains unknown. View a video tour of the Gestler Collection on the club’s website at:

Go to the PuzzleSee past Puzzles of the Month.

Thanks to Scott Hanson for preparing the "Puzzle of the Month" and photo by Scott Hanson.


Chair Back Tile

Tiles don't need to be placed on floors, walls, or surrounding a fireplace. This one nicely compliments a chair. The tile pattern shown here is Wheat Bouquet, and for those interested in additional information, it is pattern # 19246 in the TCC Database, of Patterns and Sources. See larger image. See past Photos of the Month.

Thanks to Jayne Scott for the images, posted to our website Message Board. Thanks to David Hoexter for preparing the "Photo of the Month."



A Visit to the Gestler Collection was presented by TCC president Scott Hanson at the TCC 2021 Annual Meeting. He visited Pittsburg, PA to see and hear about the wonderful and extensive Eleanor and David Gestler Collection. Dave and his late wife Eleanor built the collection over decades with annual trips to the UK to seek out additional pieces. The collection is notable for its breadth of themes, colors, shapes, and patterns. There is something for everyone to love in this collection! Scott talks with Dave and daughters Kim and Carol about Eleanor and the collection. We also get a glimpse of Dave’s extensive Early American Pressed Glass collection. A live Q&A session with the Gestlers follows the video presentation. Watch video.


Historic Eastfield Village

June 21 - 22, 2024

A World of Ceramics in Early America

This year they'll explore historic ceramics from Asia to America that shaped and inspired those who made and bought them. This two-day workshop will include lectures on Chinese influences on English ceramics, utilitarian oyster jars, figural pottery of Ohio, mid-eighteenth century ceramics in an urban context, and hands-on demonstrations guided by a master potter. Read more.

Register Online at:


Wednesday, 26th and Thursday, 27th June 2024

“Mystery, Beauty & Preciousness”


Mystery, Beauty & Preciousness - The mystery, beauty and preciousness of art over the centuries will be discussed including Schatzkammers (Imperial Treasuries), Regalia, Church Treasuries, Rare Jewels, Snuff Boxes, Rare Ceramics – Saint Porchaire and Vezzi, Princely Arms and Armour made by the Helmschmid Dynasty of Renaissance Armourers in the city of Augsburg who counted the Emperors Maximillian I and Charles V among their many clients.

Booking opens on 31st January. For all information including the amazing line-up of international speakers and topic please visit:

At SCI / Society of Chemical Industry, 14-15 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8PS

TCC Worldwide Lecture Series

Thursday, July 18th, 2024 12PM EDT (note earlier time)

Unraveling the Mysteries of Selling One’s Collection at Auction: Two Perspectives

Speakers: Collector Nick Routson and Ceramic Specialist Heather Cline in a discussion/presentation moderated by Leslie Bouterie

Description: In this program, guest presenters TCC Member and Transferware Collector Extraordinaire Nick Routson and TCC Secretary, Ceramic Specialist, and Auction House Professional Heather Cline will share the “ins and outs” of the auction process from two points of view: that of the collector-seller and that of the auction house sales team. In 2021, Nick Routson embarked on a monumental downsizing of his stellar and extensive collection of American Historical transferware along with much of his lovingly assembled collection of antique furniture, textiles, ceramics, and glass from his home in Phoenix, Arizona. He selected the prestigious auction house of Jeffrey S. Evans and Associates of Mt. Crawford, Virginia, to handle the multi-session sale. Nick worked closely with their Head of Ceramics Heather Cline on all aspects of the process. In a lively discussion, moderated by Leslie Lambour Bouterie, Nick will share his personal experiences of preparing and placing his treasures in the capable hands of the auction house professionals over 2,000 miles away, and Heather will explain the process of expertly accessioning, promoting, and selling his beautiful antiques. With their insights shared and Q & A opportunities offered, the “mysteries” of the auction process will be revealed.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 810 7239 7974

San Francisco Ceramic Circle

Tuesday, September 17, 2024 6PM PST

Castles and Clay: Decorative Tiles in California Architecture.

Avril Angevine, arts lecturer and California pottery specialist

Cosponsored with the American Decorative Arts Forum.

Virtual via Zoom


44th Semi-Annual Premier Americana Auction

Jeffrey S. Evans and Associates

June 20 through June 22

Jeffrey S. Evans and Associates will be holding its 44th Semi-Annual Premier Americana Auction June 20 through June 22. Included will be over 400 pieces of predominantly blue and white transferware in a variety of forms including patterns depicting Arctic Scenery, Indian Sporting, India views, and other attractive scenes. A 64-piece children’s toy dinner set featuring John Rogers’ Monopteros pattern is a favorite. The complete catalog will be posted by approximately June 7. Jeffrey S. Evans and Associates website.

Please contact us if you are offering or know of an upcoming auction 

with an emphasis on transferware.




A lidded vegetable tureen by Turner & Co of Lane End in Staffordshire, who were in business from around 1762 until 1806. It is decorated with a printed blue and white willow pattern later known as "Turner's Willow". 1800-06.

China Rose Antiques website


A lovely Mason's Ironstone blue and white lidded vegetable tureen decorated with the transfer pattern known as "Turner's Willow". This pattern was used by John and William Turner until their bankruptcy in 1806 when Mason's acquired the transfer plates. 1825-20.

China Rose Antiques website


An octagonal soup tureen, under dish and ladle decorated with Minton's "Chinese Marine" blue and white transfer print. The decoration is extensive on the outside, and also appears on the inside of the tureen and the bowl of the ladle. The crisply moulded knop on the lid is represented as a basket of fruit, and the tureen rests on four lions paw feet. 1825-30.

China Rose Antiques website



I am looking to buy an item showing "Oriental Meeting" (TCC Database #4621). Please contact Susan D. Walter at, or call 619 591-8093 (I’m on Pacific Daylight time).

Please contact us if you are interested in placing a classified ad

with an emphasis on transferware.


2011 Paul and Gladys Richards Foundation Research Grant Program Recipient.

Pat Halfpenny

Developed content for an online exhibition of British transferware decorated with American themes. View completed project.

All grant applications must be received by May 4 of the year the request is made. Learn more.


Surprising Spout Prints, by DeeDee Dodd

Every once in a while, when working as an editor in the TCC Pattern and Source Print Database, one is completely surprised. It might be when a marked piece in a pattern surfaces, and it suddenly becomes possible to identify the maker of that pattern. It might be when one finds evidence of copper plates being purchased by one potter at another potter’s bankruptcy sale, explaining why the patterns of the two potters appear to be identical. It might be when one finds evidence of a pattern being re-issued under a different name decades after it was originally introduced. Or, as in the case at point in this article, it might be when one finds some unexpected pattern anomalies. Read the article.

‘Sawney’s Defence’: Anti-Catholicism, Consumption and Performance in 18th-Century Britain, by Danielle Thom

This article examines an 18th-century English transfer-printed quart mug, printed with an image derived from a popular anti-Catholic satire from about 1779. The article explores the relationship between object, image and audience, locating the mug within a nexus of Protestant masculine sociability that extended across the social hierarchy. Drawing upon existing forms of printed polemic, the mug shaped and was shaped by extra-Parliamentary political action, primarily in the form of toasting. This opened up possibilities for representation beyond those embedded in print culture, bringing a crucial performative element to an otherwise fixed point of polemical reference. Read this article.


Bottle Ovens and the Story of the Final Firing by Terry Woolliscroft and Pam Woolliscroft

In 1978 Gladstone Pottery Museum in Stoke-on-Trent had the audacious idea of firing a potters' bottle oven, with coal, for the very last time. This traditional way of firing pottery had ended in the early 1960s with the introduction of the Clean Air Act. Before all the knowledge and skills of firing a bottle oven were consigned to history the museum embarked on a project which proved to be an enormous undertaking, massively complex and tremendously daunting. This book, published in the 40th anniversary year, tells the story of The Last Bottle Oven Firing. More information.

History of the Staffordshire Potteries, by Simeon Shaw

Available as a PDF download. A classic publication, still referenced by researchers. Download here.


Oxford Ceramics Group

Explore this website and you will find information about current OCG events, zoom lectures, research papers, links to other societies, and examples of members’ ceramics. Visit the site.

The Potteries of Trenton NJ Society

The Potteries of Trenton Society (POTS) is a New Jersey non-profit corporation. Their mission is to promote the study and appreciation of Trenton’s ceramic industry by: gathering and preserving information related to the industry, sponsoring research projects, seminars and conferences, and promoting industry-related heritage tourism activities. Visit the site.

Find more of the informative resources we've compiled here.


A Membership List updated on March 31, 2024 is now available (for members only and only for non-commercial use). Download now. Please review your entry on the list, and notify us of any changes in your contact information.


Please contact us if you have recommendations of

newly published transferware books.


Has Your Postal Mailing Address Changed?????

If you have moved but are not receiving your quarterly TCC Bulletin, you probably forgot to notify our member chair of your new address (this applies to email address changes also). The bulletin is mailed “bulk” and is not forwarded to new addresses by the USPS. Please notify the member chair directly:



We are now accepting simple classified (not display) advertisements from TCC member transferware dealers as well as non-dealer members and auction houses. There is no charge for this member service. Following are the criteria:  

  • Limited to three quality images of item(s) for sale or example(s) of an item(s) you wish to purchase.
  • Include a very short description paragraph, including a link to your website and/or email address.
  • Dealers must be TCC members, limited to once/year maximum.
  • Requests will be processed in the order received, and there is no guarantee as to when your ad will be posted.
  • The TCC Web Administrator at his/her discretion has the right to reject inappropriate or inadequate submittals.


The Database Needs Editors 

Do you love a good mystery? Do you fancy yourself to be a Sherlock Holmes or Miss Marple? If your answer is "yes", then you are the perfect candidate to join the ranks of TCC Database Detectives! Download more information.  

New Database Discoveries

Articles Needed 

Please contact the web administrator with suggestions or contributions of future Database Discoveries articles. See Database Discoveries archives. 

Contributions Needed for Bulletin  

Bulletin editor Richard Halliday is seeking contributions for the upcoming bulletin.



Looking for anyone with a passion for the beauty and history of transferware who would like to help record lovely old patterns for a worldwide audience. The Database of Patterns and Sources is maintained by a team of the nicest people you'd ever want to meet. You could be one of them! We're currently looking for editors in Romantic patterns, Literature and Performing Arts, and Tiles, but let us know your interests and we can find a spot for you. Contact Len at for more information!


The TCC Bulletin editor seeks submittals to future editions, particularly from first time or occasional authors. We have an extremely knowledgeable member base, yet many of our members seldom or never share their knowledge, at least in printed form. Now is your chance. Bulletin submittals do not need to be extremely technical or lengthy. They just need to be interesting and relate to British transferware! And they need to be accompanied by quality images. We would especially welcome articles from our growing number of archaeologist members.

Don’t fret if you have little experience. We will be pleased to work with you, to formulate your concept and bring your article along. Simply send us your ideas, if that is where you are, or text, even in preliminary form, if you are further along. Please submit in MS Word format, and separately, images in png, pdf or jpeg format. Please do NOT convert to PDF. Don’t worry if this is a problem for you; we’ll work with you to bring your article from preliminary to final, printed, stage, no matter your level of computer and word processes experience. Download the Guidelines.

Suggested topics: 

  1. Your favorite transferware piece, either your own or displayed elsewhere (why is it your favorite?, how did you acquire it?, what is the pattern, maker if known?). 
  2. What is your favorite place to view transferware: museum? stately home? Historic or archaeological site?
  3. Tell (and show) us your own collection (really good pictures required).
  4. New discoveries.
  5. Archaeological sites: overall summary of the excavation as relates to transferware; discuss a particular pattern or piece; context/importance of the transferware.
  6. In-depth research of a pattern, series, maker.


Dan Sousa, Interim TCC Bulletin Editor:

David Hoexter, Co-Editor:

Michael Sack, Co-Editor:

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