"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.  Indeed it is the only thing that ever has. "
                                                        ~Margaret Mead


Wheel of a Deal Wednesday

The Spokesperson E-Newsletter
Virtual Team Building Games
Last week I lead my first Zoom session on Virtual Team Building Games and 490 people showed up!  It was amazing!  It was my first time leading a virtual group of that size and overall it went very well.  I'm going to do a 'repeat' session tomorrow, April 2 at 3:00pm MT / 5:00pm ET in case you missed last week's session.  (Plus, it will be better than the first one since I've learned a few tricks and ironed out a few kinks since then.)  I'm going to have people register in advance this time so you make sure there is room for you.   Register in advance at this link to reserve your spot!  I hope to see you there!  Here is a link to the free downloadable handout that accompanies this workshop.

I'm also leading a More Virtual Team Building Games next Thursday, April 9 at 1:00pm MT / 3:00pm ET.  Registration required for this as well to reserve your spot!  Click here to register for More Virtual Team Building Activities.

I'm working on the handout for the 'More' session and will share it out as soon as it's finished.    

And just so you know, our warehouse is still open to ship orders!  Not many people know this, but we operate Training Wheels on our property, so since we're still at home, I can still ship orders out!  I haven't run the shipping department in a looooong time, but I still remember how to do it!  I have great people employed that do this for me now, but for the short-term yours truly is more than willing to ship you any activities or props you may need.  So if you have budget dollars you need to spend or any needs for support materials, I would love any support you can give to my small business so I can keep my staff employed for the long run.  Thank you!  

Best wishes to everyone in this odd time in history.  Be healthy, be safe and remember that spending time in nature can be very healing for the soul.

Have fun out there, 
Michelle Cummings
Owner/Trainer/Big Wheel
Training Wheels  

Co-Founder and Chief Creative Officer
Personify Leadership
Important Training Wheels Info

Wheel of a Deal:  On Sale this Week...

Table Top Comfort Zone Bullseye
I use this prop in my  Virtual Team Building Activities workshop and teach you how to use it in a virtual format.  Those of us in the Experiential industry often ask our participants to step outside of their comfort zones.  This Comfort Zone Bullseye Activity will help participants to understand what it means to step outside of their comfort zone and be open to experiencing something new.  This activity also allows participants to see how one person may be in their Comfort Zone, and another person may be in the Danger Zone for the same scenario.  This leads to excellent debriefing points on how we all have different tolerances for different scenarios. 

Regular:  $49.99  On Sale:  $44.99

Click here to purchase or for more information.
Connecting Children to Nature
Connecting Children to Nature
Ideas and Activities for Parents and Educators

Get outside!  Connecting children and youth to nature entails, first, fostering their love of nature and empathy with the natural world; second, helping them acquire, appropriate to their development, a grasp of how living things and systems work; and third, guiding them to make knowledgeable choices as they live out their lives at home and in community. This is a practical, how-to book. The premise is that we are in living in a critical time for a reality check on how our kids are growing up. The digital world and screen time have become pervasive. Some balance needs to be restored for healthful development, for the sake of both child and society.

Regular:  $31.99  On Sale:  $25.99

Click here to purchase or for more information.
Table Top Labyrinth
Table Top Labyrinth
Finger trace this labyrinth for a little action and reflection.  The labyrinth has only one path so there are no tricks to it and no dead ends. It makes for a wonderful reflection tool that allows participants to enter with something specific in their mind, and reflect on it during the time it takes to wind their way through the maze.  Once they reach the center, they can stay there as long as they like before they wind their way back out.   The path winds throughout and becomes a mirror for where we are in our lives.  It touches your sorrows and releases your joys.  Walk it with an open mind and an open heart.

Regularly  $49.99   On Sale: $44.99

  Click here to order or for more information
Experiential Facilitation 101 Class

Our Experiential Facilitation 101 training is an introductory class for the team building facilitator.  This three-day training provides an important first step in building the foundational skills necessary to lead experiential programs.  
Date:  July 7-9, 2020
Date:  October 6-8, 2020
Date:  December 15-17, 2020
Location:  Hampton Inn, Littleton, CO
Time:  9:00am-4:30pm,  Breakfast & Lunch included!
Price:  Regularly $975
Includes instruction manual and $50 credit towards Training Wheels gear.

Certification in this class:  $3500, July 7-10, October 6-9 and December 15-18.
Social Media Sites
Social Media icons
Make sure to 'Like' us on Facebook!  We post coupons, activity ideas and other fun things each week.  You can also interact with other Facilitators!
Connect with me on Linked In!  
Training Wheels Linked In Company Profile:  Training Wheels Group LLC
Personify Leadership Linked In Company Profile:   Personify Leadership
Follow me on Twitter!  @TrainingWheels1     @PersonifyLeader   @MichelleCSocial
Where In the World is Michelle?
Upcoming Conferences and Workshops where Michelle is presenting:  
biking backpackers
Want to participate in one of Michelle's workshops?  Is she near you?  Piggy back a training for your organization when she is traveling near you.  Here's a link to our event calendar as well.

All Programs Cancelled or Postponed through mid-May.

April 7-9, Virtual Client Program, South Carolina

April 17, Virtual Client Program, Washington, DC

May 17-20, Tentative, ATD Conference, Denver, CO

May 17-19, Virtual AWAG Conference, Munich, Germany

May 27, Tentative Client Program, Moose Jaw, Saskachewan

June 7, Tentative, CampCon, Washington, DC

June 12, Client Program, Golden, CO

June 17, Client Program, Virginia

June 23-24, Personify Leadership, Littleton, CO

June 23-26 Certification in Personify Leadership, Littleton, CO

June 27-29, ACU-HO Conference, Portland, OR

July 7-9, Experiential Facilitation 101 class, Littleton, CO