Central Coast Concerned Mountain Bikers
Central Coast Concerned Mountain Bikers Newsletter
Happy New Year! January 2015
From Paul Reinhardt

We have 182 members now.  That is up from 148 at this time last year!

We worked 5,530 hours during the 2014-2015 trail work season.  That is up from 5,345 hours last season. 

The  Wednesday  TrailWork crew accounted for over 2,000 hours this season working with the SLO Rangers on trails in the city open space.
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CCCMB Strategic Planning Session in the Works

From Kelli Schoner:

The CCCMB Board of Directors will be meeting with 11 volunteers and trail advocates representing a wide range of perspectives on  Sept 27  for a day of planning and direction-setting. Though an unusually sedentary day for us dirt movers, we know this discussion is needed in order to ensure maximum effectiveness and our relevancy to our community.  

We will be looking for ways to best accomplish our mission:  Expanding the network of sustainable trails in SLO County, maintaining our established trails, and providing a great experience for our members and volunteers.

We hope to come away from the day with an updated set of goals which will further our mission and encourage greater volunteer involvement. Stay tuned for information about valuable ways you can contribute to the longevity and future of our trail system.

Sincere appreciation is extended to Dale Magee and Quality Suites for their vital support.
Stenner Flow Trail is Open!

From Connor Culhane:

After four and a half months of trail building and nearly 900 hours of volunteer and San Luis Obispo City Ranger labor, the new Stenner Flow Trail opened this summer! The Stenner Flow Trail descends from the bottom of The Eucs to the bottom of Elevator Trail, and apart from a section of trail Stenner Flow shares with Elevators near the top, Stenner Flow is designated a downhill direction only trail, giving riders a chance to work on their berm-riding skills.

Niels Grether, the man behind the Stenner Flow project, undertook the planning and permitting process required by the city of San Luis Obispo as part of a senior project for Cal Poly. When it finally came time to break ground this spring, a diverse group of CCCMB, FASTA, and local hiker volunteers and the SLO City Rangers teamed up to bench in tread and construct the trail's 17 berms. Enjoy!
Plans for Construction of Pismo Preserve Trails are Being Finalized

From Greg Bettencourt:
The plans for the construction of Pismo Preserve trails are being finalized.  The eleven mile single-track trail system is in the process of being flagged by a team of Land Conservancy and CCCMB folks lead by Scott Couture of the LC.  

The bulk of construction is expected to begin at the beginning of December and take six to eight weeks to complete.  The Land Conservancy has hired Forest Trails Alliance, a professional trail building organization, based in Nevada City to build the trails.  Volunteers will be used during the build process and to do essential finish work later.   

When the exact plans have been solidified and details become clear the Conservancy and CCCMB will be sharing that information with all interested parties and asking for volunteers.  What we do know now is that volunteers will play an essential and huge part in creating these trails.  We intend to have information to you about specific needs, the time frame and a bunch of fun stuff by very early October.  

It is likely that the Preserve will be open in late spring or during next summer, in the meantime, please respect that the Pismo Preserve is closed to the public.
FASTA Update Summer/Fall 2015

From Jim Aaron, FASTA Board:

The Big News from FASTA is the Stenner Creek Flow trail is now open.  Although FASTA didn't build it, it was our proposal to the City,  Ranger Doug and 3CMB took the project and completed it allowing FASTA to focus on opening the Jail Break Trail.

The Eucs project with the addition of the Flow Trail now offers a unique riding experience available nowhere else in the county.  A definite Win-Win!

This summer several of the FASTA Board members traveled to check out the new Flow Trail in Santa Cruz and the Truckee Bike Park to pick up new idea's for implementation to The Eucs and the flow trail.  When it rains we will build new features and add to existing ones to improve the riding experience even further.

The fall build schedule will be out next month and FASTA hopes to expand the Jail Break trail wooden feature with a second level of banked decking, and continue to add more jumps and berms as well as start work on the lower grove with skinney's and drop jumps.

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Our partners and sponsors support CCCMB in many ways such as helping with administrative tasks and donating gift certificates to reward participants at trail work events.