Envision Greater Green Bay was formerly BACC - Bay Area Community Council
JULY 2022
A Happiness Index for
Greater Green Bay?
by Gratzia Villarroel, Board Member
What do Bhutan's Gross National Happiness (GNH) and Nordic Countries have in common? And why should we care? Perhaps we can actually promote happiness in Brown County. A brief look at the trajectory of the Southeast Asian country of Bhutan, that of the Nordic countries, and the World Happiness Report offers some clues. Read the article here.
Imagine this headline:
Green Bay Living the Good Life
by Devon Christianson, Board Member
Ryan Good would love to see that headline someday. For now, the president and CEO of Foundations Health and Wholeness is focused on intentionality: “Think intentionally, act intentionally, and be good intentionally.” That’s Ryan’s motto in both his personal and professional life. And, if he has anything to say about it, wholistic mental health services – including openness to personal spirituality – will characterize counseling and mental health support in our area in future years. Read the article here.

We Celebrate our Past Too!
by Rick Sense, Board Member
The Golden Age of Brown County Enterprise: Their CEOs, Strategies and Teams was the final book that concluded a five-part series by the Greater Green Bay Chamber's "member book club series." Envision's own board president, Phil Hauck, led a three-week read/discussion of his book celebrating our area's golden past. Learn more here.
Redefining Poverty in the US
by Heidi Selberg, Board Member
The majority of adults in the US will experience poverty as defined by the Federal Poverty Level during their lifetimes. This has important implications for any work designed to address poverty or upward mobility, as poverty is not experienced by a fixed group of people who need to work their way out of the situation. Rather, it is experienced widely. A podcast presented by the WBUR program On Point earlier this year offers some really important facts. Read a summary here.
Foresight you can use today
recommended by Dave Wegge

As the massive global Baby Boom generation ages, how can we ensure that our healthspans and brainspans match our lifespans? How will irreversible trends toward increasing longevity impact healthcare, medicine, Medicare, self-care and environmental safety? What about disruptive new medical technologies and age-reversing pharmaceuticals? And how can we ensure “health justice”?
recommended by Nan Nelson

How might supply chain issues be addressed in the future? It's a complex problem we've encountered many times in the past five years, from the search for PPE and ventilators for COVID response, to shortages of building materials and computer chips held up on container ships, to rising inflation caused by shortages. This website includes a variety of articles on ways to solve the problem.
recommended by Lynn Gerlach

Autonomous (ie. driverless) trucks on our highways by late 2023? Two companies, Embark and Aurora, suggest that a driverless truck on the highway is probably safer than a driverless taxi in town - and it might help fill those empty store shelves. Watch a short video here.
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