In Vilas County, the heart of Wisconsin's lakes and forests!

Property Tax Bill

2016 property tax bills have been mailed by the Town Treasurer following action taken by electors in attendance at the town's annual fall special meeting on November 29th.   Voters reviewed the 2017 proposed budget prepared by town officials including a tax levy of $894,860 which is identical to last year's levy.  The suggested levy was approved unanimously by meeting attendees.  Details of the budget, which the board will strive to adhere to, can be viewed on the "Budgets and Financial Statements" page of the town website, .

Elector's Meeting

Also approved at the fall elector meeting was the purchase from the WI Department of Natural Resources of approximately 38 acres of land adjacent to Highway 155 and extending eastward to the town "stump dump" property at a cost of $48,000.  No property tax revenue will be used for this purchase. This land currently contains the Fern Ridge Hiking Trail and a Bo-Boen Snowmobile Trail.   Part of the land will be made available for an ATV-UTV trail.  Other public recreational uses will be considered.  Suggestions from the public to the town board are welcome. 

Big St. Germain Drive Culvert

Drivers who cross Lost Creek on Big Saint Germain Drive are no doubt aware that the culvert under the roadway was replaced in November of 2015, but the installation was done poorly.  The board has been trying for the past year to rectify the problem.  The firm hired for the installation has not been cooperative and the matter has recently been referred to the insurance company from which a performance bond was obtained prior to the work being done.  The board is confident the culvert re-installation and re-paving of the roadway will eventually be accomplished properly at no additional cost to the town, but not before next spring at the earliest.  An update on this issue will be provided as soon as developments permit.  In the meantime vehicle operators on Big Saint Germain Drive are urged to proceed with extra caution when crossing Lost Creek.

Public Works Committee

The Public Works Committee recently announced the hire of Nathan Gebhardt to the town crew following the resignation of Mike Van Meter who had worked for the town the past eleven years.  A future outreach message will further explain the duties and recent accomplishments of the town crew.  In the meantime, please give a friendly wave and welcome to Nathan.

Future Communications

Watch for future messages containing information on:
  • Action being taken by the board to evaluate the Community Center and Red Brick Schoolhouse in preparation for recommending how (or if) each building might best be used.
  • Progress on development and enforcement of a "Code of Ordinances".
  • Other activities of the town board
You are encouraged to forward this and all future messages to others you feel may be interested in receiving them.  Or send first and last names and e-mail addresses of such people to with a request they be added to the distribution list.

Merry Christmas to all from
Your St. Germain Board of Supervisors

Town Board Members

Town Chairperson - Tom Christensen
Supervisor 1 -  Ted Ritter
Supervisor 2 - John Vojta
Supervisor 3 - Doug Olson
Supervisor 4 -  Jim Swenson


Town Clerk 

Animal Control