Short Term Vacation Rentals FAQ

In 2023, the Province enacted Bill 35, the Short-Term Rental Accommodations Act, aimed at addressing the housing crisis and regulating short-term rental listings.


While Bill 35 will not change the Town’s regulations on Short Term Vacation Rentals (STVR), the Province will begin enforcing their regulations as of May 1, 2024.

Does the Town permit Short-Term Vacation Rentals (STVRs) in residential areas? 

No. The Town has never permitted STVRs in residential zones, except those designated as Bed and Breakfasts (B&Bs).


Has the Town adopted new restrictions? 

No. At the April 10, 2024, regular Council meeting, Council decided to not make any changes to STVRs in Qualicum Beach, allowing only B&Bs. In 2027 Council will conduct a thorough review of expanding STVRs in the Town.


Will Bed and Breakfasts currently operating in the Town be allowed to continue to operate? 

Yes. Bed and Breakfasts may continue to operate in compliance with applicable Town bylaws and policies.


In what zones are Bed and Breakfasts a permitted use?

A1, A2, A3, A4, CD8, CD15, CD18, RR1, R1, R2, R5, R14.


What are the requirements for a Bed & Breakfast?

  • must be conducted in the single-family dwelling (not secondary suite attached or detached building),
  • have sleeping rooms contained within the dwelling,
  • have the owner reside in the dwelling during rental,
  • provide breakfast as the only meal served, before noon, and
  • have a Town issued business license.

How will the Province Enforce Bill 35?

The Province will be monitoring all online STVR platforms such as Airbnb, VRBO, Expedia, FlipKey, etc. Facebook Marketplace, Kijiji, Craigslist, Classified Ads (newspapers etc.) Any operations that do not have a license will be required to either come into compliance or cease operation.


What are the fines for non-compliance of the provincial regulations? 

The Province is responsible for enforcement of provincial regulations. To date there is no information on the specific enforcement measures that will be utilized by the Province.


Will there a be a grace period for owners of non-conforming STVRs? 

The grace period for homeowners to come into compliance with provincial regulations ends on May 1, 2024.


What if I rent my house/unit month to month?

Month-to-month leases for residential accommodation do not come under the STVR classification as long as rental is continuous with the same tenant. This type of accommodation comes under the Residential Tenancy Act.


Are STVRs allowed in zones where Resort Condominium is permitted?

The Town allows STVRs in zones where Resort Condominium is a permitted use (C2, C6, C8, C9, and CD1). However, it is the responsibility of the applicant to confirm compliance with all provincial regulations, including the ‘Principal Resident Requirement’. An application for a valid business license is required. Subject to the applicant’s written confirmation that they comply with provincial requirements, the Town could issue a STVR business license in these zones.

How do I submit a complaint to the Province?

If a short-term rental host or platform is not following the provincial rules, the public can report to the Province through the Public Tip Information Form.

For more information:

Public Works Week - Open House 

We are having our annual Operations open house to celebrate Public Works Week, and you are invited!

Thursday, May 23

9:45 am to noon, and 1pm to 3pm

Public Works Yard

233 Fern Road East


Come and see first-hand the hard work that goes into keeping the Town running smoothly. Our Public Works, Parks and Facilities departments will be on site to show you around!

Family Day - May 26

Family Day is a full day of activities with something for all ages! We look forward to hosting you and your family at this special annual event.

  • 8:30-11:30 am - Shriner’s pancake breakfast at the Civic Centre with live music
  • 12-12:30 pm - Community Street Parade - travels down Primrose, along Second Avenue to Civic Centre.
  • 1-4 pm - A full day of fun at the Community Park including:
  • Activities: inflatable games (13 to choose from), face painting, a skate jam, dog agility, vintage cars, fly fishing exhibition, science exhibition, and lots more!
  • Live entertainment: VI Skydive, Highland Dancers, Song Bird Studios Singers, Craig the Magician, Belly Dancers, and Ukulele Band.
  • 4-7 pm - Free Swim at Ravensong Aquatic Centre.

For full information visit

Help Restore the Lodge

Funding for Waterfront Enhancements

The Town’s waterfront enhancements continue with $500,000 in funding received from the BC Active Transportation Infrastructure program. This funding will be allocated towards enhancing the central waterfront area, with a primary focus on expanding parking facilities and accommodating active transportation infrastructure.

The initiative aims to repurpose underutilized Town-owned land located along the waterfront on Highway 19A. In addition to creating additional parking spaces, the project will include the development of bicycle/pedestrian shoulders to facilitate active transportation.

Last year the Town did a similar project, creating much-needed parking spaces and a bicycle/pedestrian shoulder along 0.4 km of the south side of Highway 19A, directly opposite the central waterfront area. Areas along the extreme west and east of Highway 19A however, remained incomplete due to previous funding limitations. With this new funding injection, the Town is now poised to expand parking accessibility and expand active transportation links further along the waterfront.

Recognizing the significance of the waterfront as a premier tourism attraction for Qualicum Beach, the Town recognizes the importance of enhancing accessibility to fully unlock its potential. The expansion of parking facilities and the provision of dedicated cycling lanes will not only enhance safety, but also improve year-round accessibility, thereby enriching the overall visitor experience.

The total anticipated cost of the project is $878,000, with $500,000 secured through the BC Active Transportation Infrastructure program reducing the Town’s portion to $378,000.

Construction is slated to commence late summer 2024, with anticipated completion by the end of October 2024.

For more information visit

Beach Creek Culvert Funding

The Town has secured grant funding of $1,374,000 towards the crucial replacement of two deteriorating corrugated steel culverts located on Crescent Road East. This funding, provided jointly by the Federal and Provincial Governments, is part of the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP), under its Green Infrastructure: Adaptation, Resilience, And Disaster Mitigation Sub-Stream.


These culverts, situated beneath a deep road embankment crossing the fish-bearing Beach Creek, are essential for maintaining the integrity of our ecosystem and safeguarding our community's infrastructure. Currently, they are unable to withstand future pressures and are at risk of failing, which would lead to flooding and the collapse of the embankment, jeopardizing the habitat supporting spawning coho salmon. A failure could additionally pose a significant threat to the Town’s major sanitary sewer trunk main, resulting in a potential raw sewage spill into Beach Creek and, ultimately, into the Strait of Georgia.


To address these pressing concerns, the Town has initiated a comprehensive project that includes the reconstruction of the culverts, along with structural embankment reinforcement, installation of a fish-passable flow control structure, replacement of water mains, and partial road reconstruction. The funding is a crucial step towards completing this vital project. With a total budget provision of $2,067,400, the grant funding will greatly assist the Town in ensuring the successful completion of this initiative. 


The project is scheduled to run from June to November 2024, requiring road diversions on Crescent Road East and intermittent traffic and pedestrian interruption. 


For further information and updates on the culvert replacement project, please visit

Youth Earth Day Planting

In honor of Earth Day, students from Kwalikum and Ballenas Secondary Schools, alongside community members, planted 540 tree seedlings along the Grandon Creek walking trail. Organized by retired forester Tom Whitfield, supported by the Town of Qualicum Beach and MLA Adam Walker, the initiative aims to rejuvenate the aging Red Alder forest, ensuring a sustainable habitat for future generations.

Kindergarteners from Qualicum Beach Elementary School also joyfully dispersed native flower seeds along the Pollinator Pathway to enhance biodiversity. Funding from the Parksville-Qualicum Foundation's Small Neighborhood Grant program, along with contributions from Streamside Native Plant Nursery and West Coast Seeds, fueled the project's success.

Volunteers from local conservation groups, such as the Brown Property Preservation Society, Streamkeepers, and Arrowsmith Naturalists, contributed to the effort, emphasizing community collaboration for environmental sustainability.


Water Restrictions

From May 15 to September 15 the watering of lawns and gardens will only be permitted between the hours of 7 pm and 7 am daily.

Hand watering is permitted at any time.

For more information visit here

The Town is seeking quality candidates for the following:

  • Student Parks – Temporary, Full-Time
  • Accounting Clerk - Permanent, Full-Time
  • Student Human Resources - Temporary, Full-Time

For more information visit here

Spring Chipping Complete

Thank you to all who helped make our collection a success. The next chipping will be in October.   


For more information visit here

Taxes and Utilities

The 2024 property tax and utility notices will be mailed in late May. The due date will be July 2, 2024.

For more information visit here

Sky Lantern - Fire Hazzard

Qualicum Beach Fire Rescue does not support the use of sky lanterns and asks members of the public to refrain from using them. 

These devices cannot be controlled, and swept by the wind can bring it into contact with flammable materials far from the point of release.

Field House Washroom Closure

Due to recent vandalism and fire attempts, the field washroom will be locked and unavailable until further notice.

For any information regarding this incident, please contact the RCMP.

What's Happening

  • May 1 - Regular Council Meeting, 10am
  • May 13 - Public Open House, 10am
  • May 22 - Committee of the Whole, 10am
  • May 23 - Public Works Open House -
  • May 29 - Regular Council Meeting, 10am

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