April 13, 2023

Hello Docents,

Thank you for being part of our Volunteer Docent program. We are so grateful for your participation. Here's a current list of school, private, and public tours scheduled for April and May. It's shaping up to be a very busy spring.

We have several school tours booked in the coming weeks, and our need for school tour docents is urgent. Contact me if you'd like to learn more. Sensory tour is 45 minutes; Adventure and History tours for students are 60 minutes.

All tours are available for shadowing as part of docent training or as a refresher.

Private tours are all 90 minutes unless otherwise noted. Public tours are all 60 minutes.

Steve Byrns is offering President’s tours on 4/16 and 5/7 at 11 am (1 tour per month) and up to 3 people can shadow. Contact me.

I will confirm your booking as soon as I can. Be aware that I may not be able to assign you to all the tours you request.

Docent sign ups are not yet on Volunteer Local so send me your requests ASAP at bgorinmd@gmail.com. Please cc: mmay@Untermyergardens.org.

Batya Gorin, Docent Chair

4/16 Sun. 11 am President's Tour (3 docents can shadow)

4/19 Wed. 10 am Thornton Donovan School ages 15-17, 19 students History

2 docents 60 minutes (these are Italian exchange students with excellent English)

4/19 Wed. 10 am Rising Ground 9 high school students History 60 minutes

(Claudia Judelman is assigned)

4/23 Sun. 11 am Public History Tour part 1(60 minutes) 1 docent

4/28 Fri. 9:30 am Boyce Thompson 5th grade 35 students 60 minutes

Mythology 2 docents

4/29 Sat. 11 am Run Meet up (adult group focused on art and culture) 15 people

History 1 docent

4/30 Sun. 11 am Public History Tour part 2 1 docent

5/2 Tue. 12:30 pm Masters School 7th grade 54 students History 3-4 docents

(we will confirm exact number)

5/4 Thu. 10:30 am Garden Club of Madison NJ 15 people Horticulture 1 docent

5/6 Sat. 1 pm Michele Seidl, 3 people, History and Horticulture, 1 docent

5/7 Sun. 11 am President's Tour (3 docents can shadow)

5/10 Wed. 10:30 am Mamaroneck Center for Continuing Education History 30 people

2 docents (Rain date 5/16)

5/14 11 am Sun. Public History Tour part 1 60 minutes 1 docent

5/14 2 pm Sun. George Phipps 4-8 people History 90 minutes 1 docent

5/15 10 am Mon. Boyce Thompson pre-K with 3rd grade buddies 30 kids total

Sensory tour 45 minutes 2 docents

5/15 Mon. 12 pm Congregation Emanuel-El of Westchester History 15 people 1 docent

5/16 Tue. 10am Garden Club of Irvington 15 or more Horticulture 90 minutes

1 docent (maybe more)

5/18 Thu. 9:30 am Yonkers Public Schools 3rd grade 60-70 students

Adventure tour 3-5 docents 60 minutes (Joe Ades is 1/5 assigned for 5/18)

5/21 Sun. 11am Public Tour seasonal highlights (Horticulture) 60 minutes 1 docent

5/23 Tue 2 pm Bronxville Senior Center 30 people History 90 minutes 2 docents (Rain date 5/30)

5/24 Wed. 11am YPIE Volunteer Advisory Board 60 minutes 10-15 people

History 1 docent ( should be familiar with school tours) Rain date 5/25

5/24 Wed. 10 am Fairfield Garden Club 15 people Hort 90 minutes 1 docent

5/28 Sun. 11 am Public History Tour Part 1 60 minutes 1 docent

5/30 Tue. 8:30 am Crosshill Academy (Yonkers PS) 60 4th- 6th grade

Adventure tour 60 minutes 4 docents (Susan Butterick is 1/4)

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