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Dear St. Bernard Residents,

As the design for the Louisiana International Terminal moves forward, surveys of the property's topography are necessary. Beginning on Monday, April 18, a third-party consultant group, Fenstermaker, will begin the Topographic and Utility Mapping Surveys at the Louisiana International Terminal Project Site in Violet.

Please note, these surveys are to better understand the existing conditions of the site, and do not signal construction. These surveys will facilitate the Port of New Orleans in the designing and planning process showing the existing conditions of the site.

Here's what local residents can expect to see:

Topographic Surveys

Fenstermaker will have a vehicle with their logo alongside of the truck working throughout the site. In addition, an All-Terrain Vehicle will also be utilized in areas with limited vehicle access. 


Fenstermaker’s sub-consultant, GoTech will also have company marked vehicles working near the roads and throughout the work area. The field crews will be wearing high visibility safety vests and will be carrying GPS equipment to survey the area. Surveying activities will be ongoing for approximately two months for this project. 


Utility Surveys

A Louisiana One Call crew will be marking underground utilities throughout the work site. Field crews will be traversing throughout the site with a GPS system surveying the One Call Markings, Water Lines, Sanitary Sewer, Storm Drainage, Electrical, Gas, Telephone, Streetlight Utilities and existing topography. 


River Surveys

Starting on May 2, a Bathymetric and Magnetometer Survey will be performed on the Mississippi River near Mile 83, using a 26-foot survey crew boat. The survey will utilize a pole-mounted multibeam sonar with GPS attached to the crew boat to map the existing water bottom elevations in the river. A Magnetometer will be towed behind the crew boat to detect any pipelines or anomalies throughout the worksite.

We are committed to working with you to design a project that brings opportunity for St. Bernard families and protects local quality of life. Learn more at


The Team at the Port of New Orleans

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