Sponsored Students Scoop University Scholarships
Top of Their Class
Elvis - Top 1%
Hazel - Top 1%
Kudos to our  2016 graduates who will begin university next week - on full scholarship!

A gain this year, KSHP- sponsored students  emerged with top honors on Kenya's national exams. Eight of our nine graduates qualified for full-tuition  scholarships. 
Isaac - Top 1% 
Our 'village kids' could not have done it without their sponsor's support.

Orphaned and impoverished, these determined young scholars  powered themselves through four years of devoted study to  attain their dream: a free university education.  
This year's grads plan careers in math, teaching, engineering, business, info technology, pharmacology and nursing. 

Each graduate will support up to thirty family members and add value to the community. Your sponsorship of a deserving student elevates lives of many. Join us today!

Ian Jordan 

        to our students.

      Bravo to our                    sponsors!        
Your donations improve the social & economic future of 12,000 children  through KSHP programs in . . . 
  • Sponsorships
  • Girls' Empowerment
  • Primary School Literacy                
Kenya Self-Help Project| 802-863-5948 | KSHP@comcast.ne t| w ww.KenyaSelfHelp.org