Five resources to address the top topics that my clients are raising in our conversations. What's on your mind?

Being Intentional

As we start a new year, the word I'm hearing most often from my clients is "intentional." In our personal lives and at work, we can all benefit from being more intentional. For your career, read How to Be a More Intentional Leader for three helpful ideas.


Delegating Effectively

Quite a few of my clients have put being better at delegating at the top of their goals this year. If that's one of your goals, you may glean an idea or two from The Essentials: Delegating Effectively.


Getting Out of the Weeds

A new-leader client takes on new tasks before giving her team a chance to volunteer. In How to Stay Out of the Weeds, Scott Eblin offers a simple tactic to avoid this pitfall.


Advocating Effectively

There is much to love in Adam Grant's interview with Carla Harris. From strategies to building relationships with mentors, advocating for ourselves and getting the support we need.


Staying Connected

In my latest article for SmartBrief on Leadership, I share five steps for creating strong connections with peers. for staying on track to reach your goals.  

Download Widen Your Circle of Connections worksheet.

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If you're interested in chatting about any of these topics, schedule time with me.

Every so often I share five resources that resonate with me or address topics my clients are facing. If you're new to this email series, welcome! Thank you for reaching out to me, downloading one of my worksheets or subscribing on my website. If not finding value in the content or you get too many emails, I get it--and, you know what to do.