Friday, August 9, 2024

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Mission statement: Seek others in our community, Serve their needs, Grow in the love of Christ, and Connect with each other

#1 Pastors Points:

I love coffee. So much so that I purchase green coffee beans and roast them to a nice dark roast, then grind them to create a little touch of heaven. That being said, if you've seen me out and about or stopped by my office, you've most likely seen the insulated mug that I carry with me just about all the time. When I wake up, head to the gym, come to work, run errands...when I head out of my house, I usually take my 20 oz's of liquid gold with me to fuel me for what's to come.

This Sunday, we kick off a three-week sermon series that we are calling "Back to the Grind," a phrase that is associated with getting back into routines. Specifically for us, our kids are back in school, Sunday School, Youth, and Adult programming begins this week, and when that happens we settle into the "regular routines of the year." As we enter this season, we share this series to remind us all that along the way, we take God with us.

In the many beginnings, we take God with us. As we face challenges and receive joys, we take God with us. As we grow in our discipleship, work in mission and ministry, and live into whatever the next 9 months hold, we take God with us.

That being said, we invite our kids, youth, college students, teachers, school staff and administrators to bring your backpacks, messenger bags, and/or brief cases to church on Sunday. We want to share in a time of prayer and blessing for all in our schools, as we take God with us into the school year.

This is always an exciting time of year as ministries kick off and God works to shape and mold us to seek, serve, grow, and connect, as we take God with us into life!

See you Sunday!

Pastor Tim    

Can you help?! Children's Sunday school this year will be set up as stations. Volunteers will help guide students from station to station. There will be separate teachers responsible for teaching the materials. We'd love for ANY adults to pick up a shift to help! CLICK HERE


Sunday school for all ages PLUS "back to school blessing" is Sunday the 11th!

We’re starting Sunday school classes in a rotation model next week! NEW THIS YEAR - All ages Pre-K through 8th grade have classrooms on the 2nd level . Please drop off (starting at 9:30) & pick up there. Senior high class is on the lower level, in the youth room.

PLEASE NOTE: Kids can go directly to Sunday school at 9:45, and will receive blessing from Ms. Erin during class time.

Pastor Chelsea will also have a children’s moment during worship(all services), for those that choose to stay in the service.

Also Starting sunday evening! Youth Worship/Group is back! Join us!

#3 Small groups to check out

Pastor Jerry leads...

Pastor Jerry Mills is back leading a Men's Bible Study on Thursday nights, from 6:30 to 8:00 in the FUMC library. It is great to have him back for this study for men. All men are invited. The study is also available on Zoom. For more information contact Pastor Jerry Mills at, or Bob La Chance

New Adult small group - Monday nights at Red Dragon!

This fall, FUMC will be launching and highlighting small groups for you to get connected and grow together in community. 

Join our "A Question of Faith" dialogue discussion group that has started meeting weekly on MONDAYS at Red Dragon Brewery in downtown Fredericksburg at 6:30 pm. 

We are using the guided journal "Let’s Read the Gospels" by Annie Downs Purchase not required. Just come with your Bible (or Bible phone app) and join the conversation. 

Look for Keith (picture on the right) and a co-helper

Want more info? Reach out to Keith Priest at

*Non-alcoholic beverages can also be purchased on site for those who choose not to drink (which is totally honored and supported).


Precepts Bible Study

This is an ecumenical group that is grateful for the space that FUMC provides for this Bible study. Some of our members need the elevator, which is a big plus. Join us!

When: Tuesdays at 1 pm in Rm 209 POC : Camilla Prewitt Email :

Phone : (540) 371-7071

#4 Ways to SERVE

Don't forget that tomorrow is our 2nd Saturday SERVE ... with lots of opportunities to get involved and serve at and through FUMC!

Click on the graphic to learn more! Or reach out to us to see what you can do!

Kitchen Clean up

Our Kitchen Committee is cleaning out closets and shelves. We have an excess of kitchen platters, some of which were donated long ago. The ones no longer needed are on a table in the Gathering Space. If you know of someone who donated any of these, or if you want anything, please take them either to the donors or take for personal use. All items will be discarded after August 25.

#5 Events you don't want to miss


FUMC’S Joy Fellowship Group invites you and your friends to join them at the ballpark for an afternoon of fun. On Wednesday, September 4th, at 12:05 PM, JOY members and their guests will gather to celebrate the end of summer and catch a FredNats baseball game.

Tickets are now available for $18.02. Payment may be made through Simple Church, Pay Pal, or check. Checks should be made out to FUMC with JOY/FredNats game on the memo line. Mail or leave in the church safe slot. 

Reminder: There will be no July meeting of the Joy Fellowship. August’s meeting has been moved to Wednesday, September 4th for the FredNats Baseball Game.

For more information, contact Bev Rawlings,

Click on the image if you/your youth would like to attend! Details in the sign-up genius! (6th - 12th graders and their families welcome!)

Can't attend yourself but your youth wants to go? Reach out to and carpooling can be organized!@

Beach wristbands are $12 per person for anyone five years and older. $2 to park a car.


Online Worship


About Us

United Women in Faith-Social Action/Green Team


Easy things to do to be better Caretakers of God’s Creation!!.

Plastic bags are a pervasive problem, polluting land and water and harming wildlife. They don't biodegrade, and their production consumes energy and creates pollution. Bring reusable bags when shopping, and recycle any plastic bags at grocery store recycling bins.

Catch up on Mission Rivers District news

You don't want to miss it. Mission Rivers District Newsletter Undue Medical Debt Campaign $25.00 - $500.00 Undue Medical Debt, formerly RIP Medical Debt, is an organization that purchases medical de

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Fredericksburg UMC

308 Hanover Street

Fredericksburg, VA 22401