Art of Convening
- are founded on a practical methodology that builds and expands your personal resilience, emotional intelligence, and leadership capacity.
- teach the art and science of designing and leading meetings and conversations that are radically inspired, productive and on purpose for all involved.
You will learn tools and skills to:
• Bring your purpose into play to
create presence, maximum engagement
• Clarify and stay on purpose in every engagement
• Design meetings of safety and engagement
• Improve communications and accountability
• Influence organizational
You will design and implement a case study situation to create results like Bob and many others using the convening tools and skills learned.
Join me and a cohort of conveners, coaches and facilitators. Bring your inspirations, toughest challenges and successes.
Craig Neal and the CPL Team
Feb 28, Mar 14, 28,
Apr 11, 25, May 9, 23