HCEG Webinar | August 23, 2016

Healthcare payers are at the center of a changing environment, with new advancements cultivating effective digital players.

For nearly a decade, marketplace disruptions have and continue to revolutionize the healthcare payer market. Altering the way many organizations operate, these changes which include the Affordable Care Act , have allowed for the emergence of new products and distribution channels that could prove to be very advantageous for healthcare payers.  

In 45 minutes of hard-hitting presentations followed by 15 minutes of questions and answers, you'll discover how healthcare payers may use digital commerce to acquire new members, develop relationships, drive revenues, and enhance their customer experience strategies.

Join us August 23 and hear Daniel Hughes, Managing Director of Sales at Softheon, and Dana Franke, Director of Operations at Softheon, describe the digital commerce ecosystem for healthcare payers. Attendees should expect to hear insider perspectives on how health plans can:
  • Benefit by integrating digital commerce technologies with other channels, including offline channels such as health insurance retail locations and call centers
  • Incorporate a greater portion of their business into digital channels 
  • Generate revenue and customer value through superior operations
  • Increase customer experiences (payment, personalization, marketing, shopping tools, and multichannel approaches, etc.) with the digital commerce ecosystem
  • Gain insight into member behavior and market trends to develop processes for customer engagement
Webinar Attendees will receive two complimentary reports from Gartner, an industry-leading information technology research and advisory services firm.

 | HCEG | 954.361.5236 | info@hceg.org | www.hceg.org