Conflict Resolution Clinics @ Community Boards

Root Causes of Workplace Conflict

0With Brittny Bottorff & Matthew Cahill0

October 18, 5:30-7:30pm PDT

 Live Interactive Workshop on Zoom

If not addressed and managed effectively, workplace conflict can disrupt productivity, lower employee morale, and expose an employer to costly administrative complaints and lawsuits. This interactive, live webinar will identify common root causes of conflict in the workplace and give participants tools and approaches to avoid and mitigate conflict.

Through active engagement and participation, Brittny and Matthew will explore how these root causes can be addressed by employers and mediators to best mitigate workplace conflict and allow employees to thrive in a harmonious work environment. Workshop participants are encouraged to bring a current or recent workplace conflict to share for applying the tools learned during the workshop to real-life conflict situations.

This session will be insightful and interactive by design. Brittny and Matthew utilize several collaborative tools to maximize engagement.

Participants will learn how to:

  • Identify common root causes of workplace conflict and challenges to addressing the root causes of workplace conflict
  • Learn how fear, bias, and conflict aversion can create a toxic work environment
  • Understand and identify the type of biases that can cause or escalate workplace conflict
  • Share techniques on how employers can best avoid or mitigate workplace conflict, including how to frame conversations, interactions and employee relations to be more inclusive and less likely to cause conflict
  • Share best practices for mediators to help resolve and mitigate workplace conflict

Brittny Bottorff

Brittny Bottorff is a founding partner of Insight Counsel LLP. Brittny investigates complaints of workplace misconduct as an impartial, third-party fact-finder. Brittny’s work investigating alleged misconduct often involves identifying and analyzing interpersonal conflict in the workplace. Brittny also helps facilitate conflict resolution in the workplace. Brittny is actively involved with the Association of Workplace Investigators (AWI), and she regularly serves as faculty for the AWI Training Institute for Workplace Investigators. Brittny frequently speaks on topics involving workplace misconduct and conflict. Brittny previously served on the Board of Directors for Community Boards, and she currently serves on the Community Boards Advisory Board. Learn more about Brittny and Insight Counsel LLP here.

Matthew Cahill

Matthew Cahill is CEO and President of The Percipio Company. Matthew’s deep expertise in cognitive, social, and workplace biases is rooted in the belief that if you have a brain, you have bias. He works with executives to reduce mental mistakes, strengthen workplace relationships and disrupt existing bias within current HR processes, meeting protocols and corporate policies. Matthew has demonstrated success with large clients like LinkedIn, Salesforce, and dozens of small-l to mid-size companies looking to create more inclusive workplaces, work smarter, generate more revenue and move from bias to belonging. Learn more about Matthew and The Percipio Company here.


  • Date: October 18, Tuesday
  • Times: 5:30-7:30 PDT
  • Cost: CB Members, $25 | Public, $45
  • Location: Live Interactive Workshop on Zoom
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