We're reaching out to you today to ask for your help in meeting a critical need in your community.
The barriers women face are real and constant.
Support and resources are needed to uplift women and girls and they urgently need programs to meet those needs – programs that are made possible with the Women’s Fund support. I’m thinking about a family like Rachel’s.
Rachel, a single mom with just a high school education, wanted a brighter future for her family. She recognized that her current circumstances working in a restaurant fell short of who she wanted to be and had little hope that she would be able to improve her situation. Her greatest concern revolved around the future of her children, fearing it might mirror her own experiences. But you can help women like Rachel endure and thrive, bringing her dream of a better future for her children to life.
And your gift will be DOUBLED by matching funds making an even greater impact thanks to a generous supporter who also believes in dreams like Rachel’s. Every dollar you give now will become $2.00 for women striving to improve their lives and those of their children.
No parent should have to struggle to give their children a brighter and more hopeful future. But they can and will rise above if the right supports are in place.
Women need your help right now.
Without the caring and kindness of someone like you, women like Rachel are in danger of staying stuck. There would be limited supports for women who need an extra boost for a very different future and no hope for their children. To be without hope, especially for your children, is devastating.
We know you care deeply about women and their children trying to make it in a world full of obstacles. Will you be there to support women like Rachel?
In the United States, only 1.8% of philanthropy goes to organizations focused on women and girls. But the good news is that with every investment we make, we are changing that statistic. The deadline to double your impact is December 31, so please give as soon as possible to inspire women to be more than they thought imaginable.
I’ve seen it happen many times before, women are lost with nowhere to turn to find support, and no one to guide them in a direction that can be life-changing for them and their children. Then they find that connection point and meet others going through a similar journey. They develop connections and a new belief in themselves of what is possible.
And – thanks to generous hearts like yours – women find the resources, support and connections – they find their people, people who can uplift them to envision a future they never thought possible. It’s perhaps the best gift you can give, and you’ll feel wonderful knowing you were able to help when she needed you most.