25th Anniversary of Being an

Open and Affirming Congregation

Order of Worship

30 June 2024

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Prelude ~ Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Shared by Travis Meyers, Kate Vincent, and Nathan Servilican

WELCOME! After today we begin our July Sabbath. We

will not have worship services on Sundays in July. We

encourage our friends and members to take time to

renew, refresh, and visit other churches.

Bring your

experiences back to us August 4th and share your

stories. Thanks for making Shadow Rock your chosen

spiritual family.


Centering Affirmation: God loves diversity!

Welcome and Announcements

Led by Pastor Ken

Opening Words

Led by Pastor Ken

One: Who are we and what are we called to do?

All: We are the sensitive and responsive ones called

to create a world where every person is radically

affirmed and barriers between people become

bridges of inclusion, justice, and spirituality.

Call to Worship

~ About Pride Sunday

Led by Pastor Ken

The first Pride marches were held on June 28, 1970 in cities

around the United States, on the one year anniversary of the

Stonewall Uprising. Thousands of LGBTQIA+ people gathered to

commemorate Stonewall and demand equal rights. Invisibility

was not an option anymore. Within a few years, gay rights

organizations were founded throughout the world. The first Pride

Sunday at a church is attributed to the Metropolitan Community

Church (MCC) in the early 1970s, shortly after the Stonewall

riots. The MCC is a Christian denomination founded in 1968 with

a specific focus on serving the LGBTQIA+ community. In the

decades after Stonewall, a number of Mainline Protestant

denominations also began holding annual Pride Sunday worship

services as a way to celebrate LGBTQIA+ identity and affirm the

church's commitment to equity. Both Pride and worship are acts

of celebration and protest, acts of remembrance, and

enactments of a world where all belong. We practice these acts

in a world where the safety and rights of LGBTQIA+ people are

threatened each day.

On Pride Sunday—or Imago Dei Sunday—ON THE SUNDAY WE


AFFIRMING CONGREGATION, we cry out for justice and rejoice in

the beauty of our embodied selves. We remember the suffering

of those who came before us and imagine new ways of loving

ourselves and our neighbors. Pride Sunday is a celebration of the

image of God in everyone and the diversity of humanity. In the

beginning when God breathed the breath of life in us, God

blessed us and called us very good.

There is no better way to celebrate the fact that we were created

in the image of the Divine than by being unapologetically

ourselves and becoming the people God called us to be:

authentic, whole, complex, and made to love, even when others

say, “they have gone out of their mind” (Mark 3:21).

Both Pride and worship are acts of celebration and protest, acts

of remembrance, and enactments of a world where all belong.

We practice these acts in a world where the safety and rights of

LGBTQIA+ people are threatened each day. On Pride Sunday/

Imago Dei Sunday, we cry out for justice and rejoice in the beauty

of our embodied selves. We remember the suffering of those

who came before us and imagine new ways of loving ourselves

and our neighbors. Today, you are welcome in this worship ser-

vice exactly as you are, embracing all aspects of yourself: your

doubts, curiosity, anger, hope, disappointment, complexities,

faith, and joy. You were made very good. Let’s rejoice in this

truth and worship the One who made us all.

Singing Our Faith

~ There Is Room For All

There is room for all, in the shadow of God’s wing.

There is room for all, sheltered in God’s love.

And I rejoice and sing,  

“My refuge and my rock, in whom I trust!”

There is room for all.

There is room for all. 


Greetings From the Southwest Conference

and Opening Prayer

Shared by Rev. Dr. Toni Hawkins

Being That Sensitive Part of Society


Led by Pastor Ken

This is our time to share the celebrations of our lives:

birthdays, anniversaries, words of kindness and works of

peace and justice.

We celebrate joys, sorrows, and grief as part of our

comprehensive view of life.

This is our time to give voice to goodness!

Celebration Song

~ No Matter Who

Led by Travis Meyers

No matter who, no matter what

No matter where you are on the journey of life

You’re welcome, welcome here in this place.

No matter who, no matter what

No matter where you are on the journey of life

Accepted, welcomed by God’s grace.

1. For we are family, meant to be

Purposed for eternity

Born in love, from above; God’s community.


2. And in diversity, unity,

Harmony for all to see

Justice and equality; God’s community.


3. Together we will sing, worship bring

Hands and hearts outstretched to all

Jesus praise, hearts a-blaze; listen to God’s call.


Celebrating Belonging with Claiming Sunday 

Recognition of New Members and Friends

From time to time we recall how new people arrived,

decided to stay and enrich our life as a congregation.

We also recognize that we are a very mobile and

transient society, so we have people who claim us for

a season and then their journey takes them away, and sometimes back again. A traditional understanding of membership does not fit the way we live our lives, so we celebrate the coming and going of people in a new way.

When we are blessed by their presence, their

contributions and their faithfulness, we celebrate

that people have arrived and decided to call Shadow

Rock United Church of Christ their new spiritual

home. We become milestones in each other’s

spiritual journeys. Today, we welcome them into this

growing and changing fellowship.

Invitation and Introductions

Danielle Heckel

Haley McCloskey

Susan and Ken Felt

Chelsea and JW Gaberdeil

Marilyn and Dale Childs

Sharing Our Covenant

Led by our President of the Board, Susan Wadell

(Please stand in body, mind or spirit)

We covenant one with another to be that sensitive and responsive part of human society which perceives and responds to God’s newest thrust in the midst of history. The uniqueness and greatness of every life is radically affirmed. Our task together demands a comprehensive view of life, always pointed intentionally to the future. Our life together

will involve us individually and corporately in study and worship, always maintaining a proper balance between proclamation of the Word about life with the deeds which make life good. Those activities which eliminate age barriers, cut across religious dogma, reduce cultural parochialisms and engage secular people with life’s ultimate possibilities will be worthy of our best efforts.

Welcoming and Claiming New Members

Led by Pastor Ken


One: We welcome you into the fellowship of

Shadow Rock United Church of Christ. Thank you for

claiming us and giving us the joy of claiming you.

We have welcomed, loved and served each other

and today we complete a full expression of claiming

and being claimed.

All: The full expression comes only when we have insured that every life is radically affirmed and every person has a place at the table of Creation. This is our work of peace and justice. Thank you for what

each of you brings: experiences, insights, enthusiasm, questions, faith, doubts, and gifts for ministry. Together we are the people of God in this place.

One: Together we represent a unique and unrepeatable presence of the Spirit of Life and Love to the world.

Welcome Song

~ For Everyone Born

For everyone born, a place at the table

For everyone born, clean water and bread,

A shelter, a space, a safe place for growing,

For everyone born, a star over head.

And God will delight when we are creators of

justice and joy, compassion and peace:

Yes, God will delight when we are creators of

justice, justice and joy.

For woman and man, a place at the table,

Revising the roles, deciding the share,

With wisdom and grace, dividing the power,

For woman and man, a system that’s fair.

And God will delight when we are creators of

justice and joy, compassion and peace:

Yes, God will delight when we are creators of

justice, justice and joy.

For everyone born, a place at the table,

To live without fear, and simply to be,

To work, to speak out, to witness and worship,

For everyone born, the right to be free.


In response to our celebrations and the deep goodness of life, our offerings for the

celebration of life, in this place and beyond, shall now be



Give Online


Invitation to Give ~

Shared by Pastor Ken

One: When we pause and decide to give, despite worries

and scarcity, we participate in mystery and love.

All: Giving is mystery: when our gift moves away from us and towards a need in the world.

One: Giving is mystery: when somehow, our spirit

lightens in grace and assurance.

All: Giving is mystery: when the Spirit enters our giving and burdens are lifted. We rejoice in gratitude.

Offerings and Offertory 

~ True Colors

Shared by Travis Meyers, Kate Vincent, and Nathan Servilican

Word About Life ~

Shared by Pastor Ken

A child sounds the chime to help us enter into space with the Spirit for the purpose of focusing on the present moment.

wedgeblade graphic

Words For Mission

Led by Sue Stuart

One: As a fellowship, we are often called to

explore our capacity for love and justice.

All: May we strive to see our diversity as

strength and solidarity, rather than

division and hierarchy.

One: Let us move into the week with grace and

gratitude. These are the times!

All: We are the people!

One: All of Creation is blessed.

All: May we love all and serve all.

One: May God be with you.

All: And also with you.

One: Amen.

All: Amen.


Sending Forth Song

~ We Are A Gentle, Angry People

Led by Travis Meyers, Kate Vincent, and Nathan Servilican

1. We are gentle angry people, and we are singing,

singing for our lives. (x2)

2. We are young and old together, and we are

singing, singing for our lives. (x2)

3. We are gay and lesbian people, and we are

singing, singing for our lives,

Bi, trans, queer and straight together, and we

are singing, singing for our lives.

4. We are a land of many colors, and we are singing,

singing for our lives (x2)

5. We are dreamers of new visions, and we are

singing, singing for our lives (x2)

Thank you for being with us,

Dr. Toni!

Sermon Reboot is ON for today.

This is a time to talk about the message and explore together using the ORID Art Form Conversation methodology. What is ORID? It stands for Observation, Reflection, Interpretation, and Decision. You will get the hang of it.