National Human Trafficking Awareness Day is recognized each year on January 11th.

Most survivors of human trafficking need to build a stable, safe, and secure foundation from which they can rebuild their lives. During the first months of the pandemic, Polaris Project hotline statistics showed that the number of situations in which people needed immediate emergency shelter nearly doubled.
“Sex and labor trafficking don’t happen in a vacuum but are the end results of a range of other problems – poverty and systemic inequity, to name just a few,” said Nancy McGuire Choi, interim CEO of Polaris. “The economic upheaval, the fact that people are essentially trapped with their abusers, the desperate straits so many find themselves in, are conditions where trafficking thrives."  The Polaris Project
In order to quickly assist survivors with stability and safety, Street’s Hope/Voluntad always focuses on making sure that basic needs for shelter, food, clothing, medical care, and access to benefits and identification are met within 30 days. It is only then that survivors can set further goals for rebuilding their lives away from their traffickers.
As a direct service provider, Street’s Hope/Voluntad is on the front line with survivors, every day. 

In honor of the survivors we work with in our community, please learn more about human trafficking from these trusted sources.

Street's Hope/Voluntad | 720-420-9951 | |