April 1st. 2024

SafTCart in Need of More Expansion

Our next phase will quadruple our available area for building truckbeds and trailers. Further expansions will involve a covered storage area for pre-fabricated trailers. SafTCart is always looking to the future for greater solutions to better serve our customers.

SafTCart is in a very peculiar situation. We are currently restructuring the truck shop to accommodate even more truckbed and trailer orders while we research and design another shop expansion. We just finished one phase of expansion which tripled the area for truckshop finishing (JC's area, covered later).

Employee Spotlight:

JC Keenum

JC Keenum was born and raised in Clarksdale but at 64 years old now lives in Drew, MS. He is divorced with two children and four grandchildren whom he raises himself.

JC has worked at SafTCart for 7 years. He currently is the truckshop technician where he is in charge of finishing truckbeds. That includes the wiring, air systems, hydraulics, and electrical. He says he loves his job and enjoys what he does, however getting older has made his job more painful to accomplish. he noted, "it is always chaotic getting everyone on the same page" initially, but once he does then "everything runs smoothly and we can get them out consistently."

JC loves his free time for it is time he can spend with his grandchildren. He loves hunting and fishing but has not found as much time to do that recently. His main hobby is gardening, where he grows everything from tomatoes and lettuce to beets and cantaloupe.

SafTCart appreciates JC's many dedicated years and his hard work in ensuring truckbed orders are fulfilled.

Featured Product:


The STP-16-PJNT is like our standard STP-16 pallet but with a unique base that provides adequate spacing and design for pallet jacks. This allows an easier transportation of pallets around a facility without the need of forklift.

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Saf-T-Cart | 1322 Industrial Park Drive, Clarksdale, MS 38614 1-800-542-2278