Today At Our Fellowship

Thursday, September 5, 2024

This Weekend @ AUUF

Thursday 9/5/24

6:30 pm Choir Practice

Friday 9/6/24

12:00-2:00 pm Freethinkers, In-Person

Saturday 9/7/24

8:30-10:30 am AA Slap Happy Group

1:30-3:30 pm Private Rental

Sunday 9/8/24

9:00 am The Forum In- Person & on ZOOM

11:00 am Sunday Worship In- Person & on ZOOM

12:30 pm -The Alliance at AUUF

1:30 pm -Worship Associate Meeting on Zoom

4:00 pm Anchorage Friends Meeting

Monday 9/9/24

3:30-6:00 pm Private Rental

6:30-8:00 pm Fireweed Sangha of Mindful Living- Private Rental - Room 5

Tuesday 9/10/24

2:00-3:30 pm Hungry Book Club

Wednesday 9/11/24

3:15-5:15 pm Private Rental

Thursday 9/12/24

5:30-7:00 pm CYRE Team Meeting

6:30-8 pm Choir Practice

Half Portion for September

Food Bank of Alaska

The Forum Live at AUUF & on Zoom

9:00 am Sunday, September 8, 2024

Click here to join on Zoom.

Click here for Speaker's bio.

Discounted Play Tickets for AUUF

The company presenting the upcoming Anchorage production of James Morrison’s one-man play, “Leave Your Fears Here,” an uplifting and inspirational exploration of his family’s journey after their young son was diagnosed with brain cancer, is offering the AUUF community a 50% discount for the Sunday, September 15 performance, while they last. Reservations can be made through the Midnight Sun Theatre Company website, MidnightSunTheatre.Org. Use the code Senior915 to get the discount; it will only work for the Sept. 15 performance. Tickets are being sold only on the Midnight Sun website. The playwright, TV and film actor James Morrison, will be speaking this Sunday, September 8, at the Forum at 9:00 am, in person. You can read more about him on the Speakers Bio Page for this Sunday’s Forum and on

here: (James' website) and (IMBD) here.


Welcome to Fall and another great month of Forum programs.  At least four of the five Forums in September—and maybe all of them—will be in-person. Our speaker for September 22, Rev. Matt Schultz, would love to join us in person and is trying to make arrangements for that but may not know for a week or so. Many of you have been asking about meeting in person as often as we can, so please stay tuned: As soon as we know we’ll post the info in This Week at Our Fellowship and announce it at the Forums between now and then. As always, you can join all our Forums by Zoom if you can’t make it in person. 

If you missed the September 1 presentation and excellent conversation with Alaska AFL-CIO President Joelle Hall on Labor Day weekend, you can listen to it and audio recordings of our other Forums by going to and clicking on the “Podcast Archives” link at the bottom of the big green box front and center on our Home Page. When you listen to one of our podcasts, remember to check the “Show Notes” before clicking on the button to start playing the recording. If our speakers show slides or video during their presentation, we post links to those in the Show Notes so you can view them while you listen to the speaker talking about them, like you would have if you’d been able to join in person. The Show Notes also contain the speakers’ bios and photos, and sometimes links to other materials related to the program. Thanks to Ken Winterberger for all his work making these podcasts available to all of us. 

This Sunday, September 8, we will be joined in person by TV, film, and stage actor James Morrison, who grew up in Anchorage in the ‘70s and will be in town to perform his one-man play, “Leave Your Fears Here,” an inspirational play exploring his family’s battle with their young son’s brain cancer. He will be joined by Midnight Sun Theatre’s David Block, and Paul Brown. On September 15, our speaker will be mountaineer, naturalist, and raconteur Tom Choate, sharing reflections as he turns 90, still going strong and still stopping to enjoy the flowers. On September 22, Rev. Matt Schultz, pastor of First Presbyterian Church and known to many of you for his work on homelessness and involvement in other community activities, will talk about “Deweaponizing the Bible,” a timely topic in the run-up to the election.  This may be in person. A fourth Sunday Forum would normally be Zoom-only, but we are hoping to do this in-person, so stay tuned: as soon as we know whether Rev. Matt is able to make arrangements for someone to take over another Sunday morning responsibility at his own church that day so he can join us in person as he would like, we’ll let you know.

Finally, our Forum speaker for the fifth and last Sunday this month, on September 29, will be Joe Josephson, sharing reminiscences about Bob Bartlett, one of Alaska’s first pair of US Senators. Joe is a former state senator with a long record of public service to Alaska and Anchorage, beginning with his work as staffer and aide to Bob Bartlett while Bartlett was still the territorial delegate for Alaska. He will be joined for the Forum by his son, Andy Josephson. This will be a good opportunity to learn some history and say goodbye to Joe as he begins his retirement.

Sunday Worship Live at AUUF & on Zoom

11:00 am Sunday, September 8, 2024

Jennifer and I are looking forward to this service so we can see everyone again and introduce her (our new Director of Religious Exploration) more formally to the congregation! In preparation for this Sunday, please:

1. Remember to bring water in representation of experiences that fed your soul this summer--maybe you did a lot of gardening, went kayaking or swimming, ate a lot of popsicles--the sky is the limit regarding the different types of water you can bring to our Water Communion service!

2. Bring some actual coinage for our service as we would like to have a noisy offering this Sunday.

3. Be prepared to help us act out our worship story.

3. Plan to stay for a Soup Sunday after the service. Yum!

4. Check in with your AUUF friends to make sure they're coming so we all can catch up with one another.

See you Sunday!

Blessings, Rev. Lise

Click here to join on Zoom.

Volunteer Fair

Sunday, September 15th will be a "Volunteer Fair" at AUUF to recruit folks to the various teams/committees at AUUF. Please be sure that someone from your team is there to tell folks about your team and answer any questions. Flyers or half-sheets with info about your team are encouraged to hand out to folks perusing. Ideally, booths will be set up between the services and after the 11am service. Please contact with questions. 

We look forward to seeing you there!

- Connections Team

A message from Jennifer Bluntach

AUUF's new Director of Religious Exploration

Greetings AUUF members and friends!

I arrived in Anchorage the last week of August and am now working in-person at the Fellowship. I am excited to meet everyone over the coming weeks and months! I am planning some time to sit and chat this month on Sep 12, 19 and 26 (all Thursdays) from 10am-12pm for anyone who would like to stop by any time during that time frame for coffee and a visit. 

Teacher orientation for RE teachers and helpers will be on Saturday, September 14 from 9am-1pm. Childcare will be available. This year we will be using Chalice Children for Pre-K and Soul Matters for the other school age groups which have a monthly theme. I don’t know about you, but I find themes very exciting and fun. There is even a themed music playlist for each month. I’m not musically gifted but I sure love and appreciate music!

In addition to Sunday RE classes, Coming of Age will begin in mid-October. I will be leading that group but need helpers (a second adult to be there) and mentors (for the kids to meet monthly or every other month with.) If I could get four individuals, as helpers to rotate being at the gathering times that would be fabulous. Then the commitment would just be coming once every two months or so as we will not meet weekly. More information about COA will be out later this month.

I have many things to learn and become familiar with so I greatly appreciate your patience with me as I adapt. I’m human and am sure to miss something or make a mistake from time to time but will try my best. 

One of the crucial parts in youth programming is the help of volunteers. Programs can’t exist without two things, participants and volunteers. My plan is to make volunteering simple and fun! If you are on the fence about volunteering, please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions by email, phone or in-person. Any time commitment is greatly appreciated!!!

Looking forward to a great year!

Jennifer Bluntach

Fall Frolic 2024-2025

The registration for Fall Frolic 2024-2025 is now open. The plan for this year includes many traditions like “The Talent Show” and “Moon Lanterns”. We are also open to including new workshops and activities. If you have ideas to share or would like to lead a workshop, please contact Annie Belts, 907-440-6393. Finally, if you have any interest in cooking or helping with meal planning, please contact Annie Belts. Please register as soon as possible and note that the registration cut off this year is September 15th. The deadline ensures we have enough time to shop for food and materials. We are excited to see everyone Sept 27-29th at King’s Lake in Wasilla.

 Fall Frolic 2024 Registration

September 2024


Food Bank of Alaska

Hunger is a reality for many in our community, though it’s often hidden. Nearly 45 percent of families seeking food assistance in Alaska have at least one working member, and almost 65 percent are facing unpaid medical bills. With 1 in 8 Alaskans, or around 94,000 people, needing food assistance, hunger is closer than we might think.

Children and seniors are particularly affected. Over 1 in 6 children in Alaska face food insecurity, and 9 percent of seniors are at risk of hunger, placing Alaska 12th in the nation for senior hunger risk. Social Security is the main source of income for 18 percent of those relying on Alaska’s food distribution network.

Food Bank of Alaska, committed to eliminating hunger, distributed 6.7 million pounds of food last year through nearly 150 partner agencies. Their efforts included serving 50,119 children’s meals, distributing 22,998 senior food boxes, and providing over 5 million meals to those in need. During the Thanksgiving Blessing program, 9,997 families received holiday meals, and 79 rural sites were supported statewide. Additionally, 629,343 meals were secured through SNAP outreach.

September is Hunger Action Month, a nationwide effort to raise awareness about hunger in America and inspire action. This month, as we reflect on the reality of hunger in our own state, let’s join in the collective effort to make a difference.

This work is made possible by 1,064 volunteers who contributed 17,628 hours to help fight hunger. Every meal and every hour of service is a step toward a more just and compassionate society.

For more information or to get involved, visit or follow them on Facebook.

Go to

Click on the Half-Portion note or Donate/ Pay

at the bottom of the home page.

Enter your donation under

“Half-Portion for Social Action”

Support Grow North Farmers!


The last day of the farm is coming quickly! Farmers will be selling produce every Thursday until September 26th at Grow North Farm.


Grow North Farm provides a space for agricultural entrepreneurs with a refugee background to launch or support their agriculture and food-based business. Come shop local and enjoy fresh veggies every Thursday from 4:00-7:00 p.m. at Grow North Farm (3601 Mountainview Dr. Anchorage, AK 99508).

Anchorage Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

(907) 248-3737

Minister, Rev. Lise Adams Sherry, (she/ her) 907-248-3737 x2,

Office hours are usually Tu 11-3; Th and F 11-3, and by appointment

Congregational Administrator, 907-248-3737 x1

Usually Monday - Tuesday & Thursday- Friday 11:00 am-3:00 pm.

Please call before coming.

Jennifer Bluntach (she/her) Director of Religious Exploration

Office hours usually are:

Sunday 9am-3pm, Tuesday 9am-3pm, Wednesday 9am-3pm, Thursday 9-3pm and Friday 9 am-12 pm

Kelly Spring, (she/ her) Communications Specialist,

Kelly's remote office hours Mon-Fri 9 am -1 pm

Esme Danner (she/her) Music Director

907-248-3737 x4

Dan Norton: AV Coordinator

907-248-3737 x5, 

Contact the Connections Team for more information on how to get involved at AUUF.

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