Today At Our Fellowship
Thursday, June 6, 2024
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This Weekend @ AUUF
Find Zoom links here.
Thursday 6/6/24
Friday 6/7/24
9:30 am - 11:15 pm Private Rental
12:00- 2:00 pm Freethinkers only at AUUF
6:30-8:30 pm Small Group Discussion with Rev. Lise
Saturday 6/8/24
8:30-10:30 am AA Slap Happy Group
4:00-9:00 pm Memorial Gathering for Maureen
Sunday 6/9/24
9:00 am The Forum ZOOM only
11:00 am Sunday Worship In- Person & on ZOOM
12:30 pm The Alliance
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1:30 pm Worship Associate Meeting
4:00 pm Anchorage Friends Meeting
Monday 6/10/24
3:30 pm Private Rental
6:30 pm Fireweed Sangha of Mindful Living- Private Rental Visitors welcome
Tuesday 6/11/24
2:00 pm Hungry Book Club
5:15 pm PILOT to Assembly
Wednesday 6/12/24
Thursday 6/13/24
5:30 pm CYRE Team Meeting
Half Portion for June
Refugee Assistance and Immigration Services
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Freethinkers Book Selection
Freethinkers discussion group meets every Friday at 12:00pm - 1:30pm in Room 7 downstairs at AUUF. We just finishing reading The Brain That Changes Itself by Norman Doidge. The many examples and uses of the neuroplasticity of our brains gave us pause as we considered our own experiences with brain injuries, stroke victims, education, and so many other subject areas.
The Brain.. was our third book since our January selection meeting. We had 15 titles nominated for this round including the remaining candidates from the January selection cycle.
At our May 24 meeting, we selected our next two books. There was the usual exchange of what we know about some of the books and some advocacy plus an appropriate amount of levity. Many titles were removed for lack of a moderator. Cari again made a list on a poster board and we each gave her our top three titles. Based on the votes, we will next take up Write Hard, Die Free by Howard Weaver nominated by James Dryden but, we hope, moderated by George Bryson. The next book will be A World Lit Only by Fire by William Manchester.
We will have a one session discussion of Yuuyaraq: The Way of the Human Being on June 7 and begin discussion of Write Hard, Die Free on June 14.
Click here to read more.
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Summer RE Class Volunteers | |
Peace Camp is back! June 24 - 28, 2024!
Children & youth from 1st - 8th grade are welcome to participate.
We are looking forward to a week in our beautiful Alaska outdoors, rain or shine! Music, stories, Crafts, games and bike rides. Lots of fun for everyone. Adults interested in volunteering in some way, please contact Elayne Hunter, Annie Belts or Rosene Beachy.
And if you’ve been saving any of those giant coffee /fruit cans, we would love to take them off your hands.
Registration forms are available on the AUUF website as well as the RE Facebook Group. Early bird registration by May 1. Payment can be made on the AUUF Donations page.
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Join us in community for General Assembly 2024
General Assembly (GA) offers so many ways to deepen our experience of Unitarian Universalism—whether through connection with each other and our wider community in worship, discussion and decision making about business items up for a vote, or engagement with leaders and speakers in workshops. This year's online GA, beginning Thursday, June 20 and going through Sunday, June 23, will have all of this and more.
Click here to read more.
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The Hungry Book Club
The Hungry Book Club is meeting on Tuesday, June 11th at 2pm in the Library. The book being discussed is Stacy Abrams' While Justice Sleeps. Whether you have read the book or not, please come to join us for 90 minutes of discussion about both the book and getting to know each other better!
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Our WhaleCoast guests begin arriving next week! Thank you to the many AUUF members who have volunteered to provide housing, transportation, and/or food for them while they are here. A few are coming early to Anchorage on the 13th and 14th, but the majority will arrive during the day of Saturday the 15th. They have their orientation early Sunday morning, then join us for the 11am service. Please consider attending that service – it is nice when there are more AUUF attendees than WhaleCoast guests!
Jane Gray is coordinating the banquet on Sunday evening, beginning around 5pm when they come back from their day sightseeing in Anchorage. If you would like to help provide food (and stay to join some of them for dinner too), please contact Jane directly or send an email to The guests always enjoy being able to talk with other Alaskan UU’s.
Right after the 11am service on June 16, we will begin the setting up of tables and chairs. We are planning on having the banquet outside this year, weather dependent. We always need help with moving the tables and chairs – please consider staying. The Dollies are not going to be performing this year (thank you Di Smith and Jane Gray for years of music and laughs), so we’re in need of some entertainment. Background music during the drinks and appetizers are nice, and then something short at the end of dessert. Jim and Denise have always shared their talents; maybe others would like too also. If someone could share their singing of the Alaska Flag song, both verses, it would be wonderful. If you are interested, please contact Peggy at
The second tour will be in Anchorage the evening of July 24 through the morning of July 26, with the banquet the evening of July 25. We are still looking for hosts. Please complete a WhaleCoast form or send an email to to volunteer.
Peggy Robinson, Chair. Mel Langdon, Co-Chair
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AUUF Auction Updates
There is still space for some adventures this summer with other UU’s! A few experiences for this summer still have space in them. If you are interested in a beach picnic at Kincaid Park ($25/person, $60/family) on August 3 or a weekend at Manitoba Huts on June 29-30 ($175/person), please contact Carma Reed or the AUUF office.
Tom Choate may still have some space left on his Summer Alpine Walk in July ($50). Contact him or the AUUF office for more information.
Upcoming fall auction. Former member Judith Anderegg has already contacted the office to donate one of her handknit creations for our auction this fall! It’s not too soon to start thinking about what you can offer to be bid on – a handmade article? Experience or lesson? Food or a meal among congregants?
The on-line auction will again be held starting about mid-October, with it culminating in an annual dinner on Saturday, November 2 (tentative). The Auction Team needs some new members who enjoy the various aspects of organizing it, from gathering and sorting donations, writing descriptions, taking photos, monitoring the bidding, and planning and running the ending auction part of the dinner. Please contact the office at if you would like to help.
Last fall we made over $16,000 on the auction, so this is a major (and fun) fundraiser for us. There is something for everyone to be part of this event!
Come join us!
-Peggy Robinson
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June 11th at 5pm in the Assembly Chambers at Loussac Library is the time that AUUF will present our annual PILOT check, or Payment In Lieu Of Taxes. This year the check is for $4616 - a combination of half-portion funds from February offerings, $1000 from the Operating Budget, and donations from 6 individuals. Don is not available this year for the presentation, so Vice President Kalen Saxton will be presenting the check to the Assembly chair. AUUF members are welcome and encouraged to come and support Kalen during the presentation. It will be on the agenda around 5:15pm.
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June 2024
Refugee Assistance and Immigration Services
Catholic Social Services’ Refugee Assistance and Immigration Services (RAIS) is the primary resettlement agency in the state of Alaska. Since 2003, RAIS has been dedicated to providing comprehensive support to refugees and new arrivals as they transition to life in the United States. Our mission is to empower new arrivals by offering a wide range of services including case management, employment support, English language classes, and cultural orientation. Through these initiatives, RAIS aims to help individuals and families achieve self-sufficiency and fully integrate into their new communities.
Currently, RAIS faces an urgent need for additional resources to support the growing number of refugees arriving in Alaska. Since 2021, the program has grown over 2000%, and currently serves over 900 individuals throughout the state. RAIS works daily to ensure safe and warm welcomes for families, enhance their educational programs, and help new arrivals build the tools for success in the United States. You can learn more about the work happening at
If you would like to continue to support RAIS, we are in need of volunteers, particularly Meal Team members, who ensure new arrivals are well-fed with culturally appropriate food for their first three months, and childcare helpers at Fresh International Gardens - our refugee-led agricultural co-op. We also invite you to join us for a World Refugee Day celebration on June 27th at Grow North Farm located at 3601 Mountainview Drive, Anchorage from 4:00 - 7:30 PM.
Go to
Click on the Half-Portion note or Donate/ Pay
at the bottom of the home page.
Enter your donation under
“Half-Portion for Social Action”
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Anchorage Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
(907) 248-3737
Minister, Rev. Lise Adams Sherry, (she/ her) 907-248-3737 x2,
Office hours are usually Tu 11-3; W and F 11-3, and by appointment
Congregational Administrator, 907-248-3737 x1 AUUF
Usually Monday - Thursday 10-2, plus additional hours. Please call before coming.
Kelly Spring, (she/ her) Communications Specialist,
Kelly's remote office hours Mon-Fri 9 am -1 pm
Esme Danner (she/her) Music Director
907-248-3737 x4
Dan Norton: AV Coordinator
907-248-3737 x5,
Director of Religious Exploration,
Our new DRE will start August 1, 2024. Please contact Rev. Lise in the mean time.
Contact the Connections Team for more information on how to get involved at AUUF.
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