Today At Our Fellowship

Thursday, July 25, 2024

This Weekend @ AUUF

Thursday 7/25/24

2:00 - 8:00 pm Whalecoast set up & banquet. Guests arrive at 5:15 pm.

Friday 7/26/24

12:00-1:30 pm Freethinkers, In-Person

Saturday 7/27/24

8:30-10:30 am AA Slap Happy Group

Sunday 7/28/24

9:00 am The Forum ONLY on ZOOM -

11:00 am Sunday Worship In- Person & on ZOOM

4:00 pm Anchorage Friends Meeting

Monday 7/29/24

6:30 pm Fireweed Sangha of Mindful Living- Private Rental - Room 5

Tuesday 7/30/24

Wednesday 7/31/24

Thursday 8/1/24

Half Portion for July

Planned Parenthood

The Forum

9:00 am Sunday, July 28, 2024 ONLY on Zoom

This week’s speaker at the fourth Sunday Zoom-only Forum will be Betsy Baker, from the Board of the new nonprofit “In Our Backyard,” talking with us about a significant homegrown pilot project to address one piece of our community’s homeless issues. It involves using “tiny shelters” for interim housing of homeless seniors. They have a lot of community support already and are looking for more. 

Next week, on Sunday August 4, we will be in-person at the Fellowship, and as always on Zoom for those who can’t make it. Our speaker will be award-winning photographer and human rights activist Scott Langley, who is in Anchorage for the Alaskans Against the Death Penalty’s annual Fish Fry. It would be great to get back to having good in-person attendance to strengthen our sense of community and fellowship. 

For those of you who missed last Sunday’s presentation on the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and wish to catch it on the podcast please note that a key part of it was a 30-minute video from Democracy Now! that you can access through the Show Notes Ken has posted accompanying the podcast and watch it as you listen or separately. It adds a great deal to see and not only hear it, but it is a difficult subject and can be hard to watch.

Click here to join on Zoom.

Click here for Speaker's bio.

Sunday Worship

11:00 am Sunday, July 28, 2024 Live at AUUF & on Zoom

Click here to join on Zoom.

Fall Frolic 2024-2025

The registration for Fall Frolic 2024-2025 is now open. The plan for this year includes many traditions like “The Talent Show” and “Moon Lanterns”. We are also open to including new workshops and activities. If you have ideas to share or would like to lead a workshop, please contact Annie Belts, 907-440-6393. Finally, if you have any interest in cooking or helping with meal planning, please contact Annie Belts. Please register as soon as possible and note that the registration cut off this year is September 15th. The deadline ensures we have enough time to shop for food and materials. We are excited to see everyone Sept 27-29th at King’s Lake in Wasilla.

 Fall Frolic 2024 Registration

Share-the-Care Needs More Volunteers to Help Congregants in Need!

There has been an increased number of people at AUUF who could use a hand with meals, rides, or just friendly visits. Our Share-the-Care base of volunteers could use more people to fill these needs. Please consider taking some time to keep ours a caring community. You can email or contact the office to get connected with our Care Team. Donna Massey is coordinating.

A Quick Quiz

  • What is speed limit on East 16th and 20th Streets in Airport Heights?
  • What is the speed limit on the internal streets in Airport Heights?
  • Did you know that the Airport Heights Community Council requested legislative funds for traffic calming?

Of course, none of us would purposely speed and endanger anyone on our way to AUUF, but it is easy to be focused on getting here on time for a service or meeting. Please leave a few minutes earlier and watch your speedometer. Our neighbors will appreciate it!

(Answers: 25 mph, 20 mph, the legislature approved the funds but the governor vetoed them.)

The Library - A Great Meeting Space

After the first attempt at culling books, we have distributed over 2 large boxes of books to new owners! Thank you for those who also contributed a donation. The project could use a couple of volunteers with library collection and UU/religious history knowledge to help with the curation. Please contact Peggy in the office for more information.

Staff Vacations

Rev Lise is on a hiking trip in Northern California for the month of July. If you have a pastoral care concern, please contact the office and Peggy will get you connected to our Care Team.

July 2024


Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood is the nation’s leading provider and advocate of high-quality, affordable sexual and reproductive health care for all people, as well as the nation’s largest provider of sex education. Planned Parenthood is made up of many separate non-profit organizations across the country. While these organizations are tied by a central mission — to protect access to sexual and reproductive health care and education, no matter what — they are separate entities.

Go to

Click on the Half-Portion note or Donate/ Pay

at the bottom of the home page.

Enter your donation under

“Half-Portion for Social Action”

Anchorage Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

(907) 248-3737

Minister, Rev. Lise Adams Sherry, (she/ her) 907-248-3737 x2,

Office hours are usually Tu 11-3; W and F 11-3, and by appointment

Congregational Administrator, 907-248-3737 x1

Usually Monday - Tuesday & Thursday- Friday 11:00 am-3:00 pm.

Please call before coming.

Kelly Spring, (she/ her) Communications Specialist,

Kelly's remote office hours Mon-Fri 9 am -1 pm

Esme Danner (she/her) Music Director

907-248-3737 x4

Dan Norton: AV Coordinator

907-248-3737 x5,

Director of Religious Exploration,

Our new DRE will start August 1, 2024. Please contact Rev. Lise in the mean time. 

Contact the Connections Team for more information on how to get involved at AUUF.

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