February 27, 2020

T o: London Middlesex Primary Care Providers
COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
Courtesy of Middlesex London Health Unit

Updated guidance documents

The Ministry has released updated guidance documents as well as screening signs and a new information sheet:

Follow up of travelers returning from Hubei province, China and other areas of mainland China

Please notify the MLHU if you are aware of a patient who has returned from Hubei province in the past 14 days, regardless of their symptoms. Call 519-663-5317 and ask to speak to the Infectious Disease Control team. Public health units in Ontario are actively monitoring these individuals for respiratory symptoms.

For patients who present with signs and symptoms compatible with COVID-19, such as fever and/or cough or difficulty breathing, AND who meet any of the criteria for a Person Under Investigation according to the provincial COVID-19 case definition , please notify the MLHU immediately to facilitate assessment and testing.

Links that are relevant to primary care

Fit testing in our area

Ontario modernizing the delivery of home and community care

Yesterday, Health Minister Christine Elliott announced the government's plan to "enable integrated and innovative models of home and community care through the introduction of the Connecting People to Home and Community Care Act". See their news release and backgrounder for more details.

To get advance notice of Ministry communications on health transformation and to stay up-to-date with Ontario Health, sign up to receive the Ministry's Connected Care Updates .

The London Middlesex Primary Care Alliance will continue to work with Western Ontario Health (future OHT for London Middlesex) and Ontario Health to understand what this new legislation will mean for primary care in our area. Look for updates in future newsletters.
Building a strong, united primary care sector in Middlesex & London

Do you have comments or questions OR would you like to become involved in this work? Do you have practice issues that you would like us to know about?
Seeking Concussion Champions

A local collaborative work group is looking for Physicians and Nurse Practitioners to help develop a coordinated plan to improve concussion management, documentation processes and communication between Healthcare Providers and School Boards when students experience concussions.

If you're interested and/or would like more information, contact Meagan Melling at MLHU: 519-663-5317 ext. 2223 or Meagan.melling@mlhu.on.ca .

Contact: Janet Dang
London Middlesex Primary Care Transformation Lead