
Title IX Weaponized: Nuclear War Declared

A bombshell was released this past Friday, April 19th, 2024. With the stroke of a pen, the Biden Administration has declared nuclear war against the rights of all students, parents, and teachers with its latest attempt at executive overreach.

Title IX was put in place in 1972 to guarantee equal access to women in school-related venues that accept federal monies. It was a very successful program that opened up tremendous opportunities for women.

How has it changed?

Through executive order, the Biden administration has changed the definition of women in Title IX to include those who "identify as women". This now gives federal Title IX protections to all men and boys identifying as female.

What does this mean for me?

This means that anyone who speaks in any way against the male transgender incursion into women's spaces can and will be charged under federal statutes for sexual harassment and civil rights violations in a school-based setting, if it accepts federal funding. This includes all public schools, charter schools, and 99.65% of colleges and universities. Because these schools accept federal money, they must follow Title IX regulations or risk losing that money. Under these conditions, no school will stand up for the rights of students, teachers, or parents.

Here are some examples that would violate the new (but NOT improved Title IX regulations):

--A teacher refuses to use a student's preferred pronouns (or to use pronouns at all). This use of "misgendering" or lack of acknowledging the student's preference would violate this new version of Title IX. The student could then file sexual harassment charges against this teacher. The school's Title IX officer (schools all have a person who handles these issues) would then be able to arbitrarily decide what happens to this teacher. The teacher has no recourse. Even if the student decides not to file charges, the Title IX officer can still choose to penalize the teacher.

--A parent is attending a school event with their 6-year old child and goes into the female restroom with them only to find a male teacher in the bathroom. If the parent complains to the administration, the teacher could file sexual harassment and civil rights violation charges against that parent, which would be a federal violation with the full weight of all the penalties that would incur.

--No due process for students. Under these new Title IX rules, students will not be able to defend themselves against charges of sexual harassment. They are considered guilty until proven innocent. Their accuser does not have to face them, and they cannot submit evidence in their own defense to counter the charges. The Title IX officer of the institution will be the final arbiter of "justice" in these college kangaroo courts. If you have sons or daughters in college, and they are accused of sexual harassment, they will have no ability to fight false accusations. The officer can indiscriminately suspend or expel a student if they deem there is cause.

--Recently, five female middle school students defaulted on purpose during a shot-put competition where they were forced to compete against a male student. After August 1st, when this Title IX change goes into effect, if these girls did this again, they could be charged with sexual harassment for their actions, not even having said a word. Again, this would remain on their school record for the rest of their lives, and they could face suspension or expulsion from school.

Click here to see the story about these brave girls and other male incursions into female spaces

--A high school female athlete is forced to change in the female locker room with a male. If she complains, the male student can file sexual harassment charges against her, or the school could discipline her. This charge would be on her record the rest of her life, negatively impacting her future college and employment plans.

Our school systems and especially our universities are totally on board with forcing women and girls into unsafe situations. The graphic below is a sign that is appearing in college bathrooms all across the country. Students have no right to complain, and if they do, the university will ignore or penalize them.

--Your college freshman daughter is excited to head to school. She has been matched with a roommate, and is excited to meet her. When she arrives, however, it turns out the person she thought was a girl is actually a transgender male. If she complains that she does not want to room with this person, the male student can file sexual harassment charges against her, and she could be charged criminally and suspended or expelled from the school.

Could this be your daughter's experience?
Under this revised Title IX, YES!

What Can We Do?

  1. FIGHT at the local and state level for due process protections. Title IX supersedes any state laws protecting women's spaces (such as mandating bathroom use based on biological sex at birth, not gender identity). Contact school boards and local and state representatives, and ask them what they will do to protect women and girls.
  2. CONTACT your Congressional Representative and U.S. Senator. Demand they apply the Congressional Review Act to these changes to Title IX.
  3. TELL everyone you know about these changes that go into effect August 1st. Every single student, parent, and teacher will be affected by these insane regulations. This regulation will affect everyone; even if you aren't in a school setting, you have family and friends that are.
  4. HELP those organizations financially that are filing lawsuits against this change and with prayer to battle against this war on American freedom.
  5. PRAY for a return to our Christian heritage, and that the unconstitutional laws against freedom of expression will be overturned, for the protection of our citizens, and for healing of the those affected by this social contagion.
  6. CALL your state Superintendent and ask him to take a stand as Oklahoma Superintendent Walters did in protecting families' rights (click here to see his strong action).

For more information on Title IX, go to the Truth in Education website

 (click here)

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Psalm 91:1-2


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