Connecting People to God's Grace


Hello Grace Family!

What an awesome whirlwind of a week we just experienced! First I want to give a special shout out to Jenni Cartwright and Jamie Gross and all the parents who pitched in to make the teachers and staff feel so appreciated throughout this past week. It is a blessing to serve our Grace Family!

I also want to tip my hat to Sarah Beilke and Elissa Bishop for the mission Fundraiser they put together to support the Rider's work in SE Asia. We had a tremendous show of support this week ($4,177 raised) to help fund the work they are doing in SE Asia. Thank you for your joyful generosity!

Another reason to rejoice this week was the donation of a new Mission Statement Sign that is hanging in the hallway by the office. This sign will serve as a daily reminder of why we exist at Grace - to connect people to God's grace. We are thankful for the opportunities that God has given us to carry out this mission in the past and pray that God would continue to bless us with the ability to do this well into the future.

Ladies and Gentlemen there are two weeks of school left this year! A couple of quick things to highlight - Thursday (5/23) is Graduation/Awards Night at 6:30pm. There will be a special worship service as we wrap up the year and recognize the 8th Grade Graduates. The whole school is singing at this service. Following the service, we will have an Awards Recognition where we highlight all of the things the students participated in throughout the year. PIE is providing a cake to help celebrate after the event.

Also, Friday (5/24) is the last day of school for this year! We will have a half day of school which will involve Chapel, cleaning/packing-up the classrooms, a Titan Tribe activity and 8th Grade Clap-out. Students should get picked up at 11:45 to start summer break! We have a whole school picnic planned for Saturday, July 27. Mark your calendars now for this Grace Family event!

End of the Year Survey - One of the keys to the pursuit of excellence is understanding what we do well - to build on that, and learn about areas that we can improve. If you are willing, we would love for you to take this brief survey which will help us identify areas of growth for next year - Thank you for your support in helping us drive toward continual school improvement.

Tuition Assistance - There were some significant updates to our tuition model that were approved for next year and communicated to you earlier this year. As mentioned in that communication we have Need-based Tuition Assistance available for both members of Grace Lutheran Church and Community Families. The form for church members can be picked up in the church office. The form for community families is linked HERE. We would like all of the tuition assistance applications turned in by June 1. They can be dropped of in a sealed envelope in the school office to Mr. Beilke's Attention. Thank you.

Check out the rest of the Titan Times for details on the other events and activities on the horizon!

That's it for this week!


Mr. Beilke

Meditation for the Week

Thought of the Week


Sunday, May 12

Sunday Worship Service - 8:00 & 10:30 am

Sunday School and Bible Study 9:15 am

Monday, May 13

Mr. Goody's Corn Dogs

Grace Co-ed Soccer practice 3:30 - 4:30 pm

MS Girls' Soccer practice 4:45 - 6:15 pm

Tuesday, May 14

Hot Lunch - Chicken Tenders

Grace Co-ed Soccer A team home game vs OLL 4:15 pm

MS Girls Soccer game at OLL 6:45 pm

Wednesday, May 15


Grace Co-ed Soccer practice 3:30 - 4:30 pm

MS Girls Soccer game Parents vs Players 5:00 pm

Thursday, May 16


Field Trips for Grades 6, 7, 8

Grace Co-ed Soccer A team home game vs St. Paul, St. 4:15 pm

Grace Co-ed Soccer B team game at St. Basil 4:15 pm

Grace Co-ed Soccer C team home game vs OLL 5:15 pm

MS Girls' Soccer game at Three Rivers 6:45 pm

Friday, May 17


Saturday, May 18

Men's Morning Basketball - 7:00 - 8:30 am

NWEA MAP Testing - As we finish up our standardized testing, I just wanted to provide you with a snapshot of student achievement. I made a chart of our 8th Graders achievement results and they stack up pretty favorably to the national average. What do these numbers mean? Well, the average 8th Grader at Grace scored in the 81st Percentile in Math, 65th Percentile in Reading and 70th Percentile in Language Usage! Even better than their achievement scores was Growth in the 68th Percentile on average! We are thankful for faithful students who use their abilities to God's glory and parents who partner with the teachers at Grace to support this growth and achievement.


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MLHS News and Notes

School Contact Information:

Mr. Jon Beilke / / 507-382-7830

Mr. Kevin Lemke / / 269-767-2848

Mrs. Elissa Bishop / / 765-431-1086

Ms. Elizabeth Reimers/

Mr. Gregory Rush / / 269-588-9008

Mrs. Laurie Bame / / 269-325-5257

Mrs. Nancy Leifer / / 253-625-6272

Mrs. Nicki Barabas / / 269-635-7592

Mrs. Denise Fletcher / / 269-325-1238

Mrs. Hannah Mueller / / 920-242-0407

Mrs. Anne Thorson / / 269-926-8503

Mrs. Sarah Beilke / / 507-469-4567

Mrs. Mary Duehlmeyer/

Mrs. Sandy Sempert / / 269-449-4102

Pastor Josh Bishop / / 765-431-1292

Grace Lutheran School
St. Joseph, MI 49085