Good Luck, Graduates!

It's been a year! We have all enjoyed working with you and were constantly impressed with the resilience you demonstrated in every facet of the college application process--we couldn't be prouder to be part of your journeys. With freshmen year around the corner, here are some final words of advice on starting college. And lucky for you, graduates, this will be your final college-related CBM newsletter.

Best of luck with your new endeavors, and please keep us updated on what's to come. Your colleges are lucky to have you!


Lisa, Abby, Stefanie, and the CBM Team
What's on Our Minds
Getting Your Legal House In Order Before Your Adult Child Leaves for College

Written By: Erin M. Nadeau, Esq.

Imagine the following scenario: Your 18-year-old son is away at college in a neighboring state. He is hit by a car and sustains an injury to his neck and is unconscious as a result of the accident. His roommate notifies you, and you quickly call the hospital to get more information about your son. The hospital is not cooperative and gives you very little information as to your son's condition. In addition, since he is still unconscious, it is not clear who will make decisions as to his treatment.

Once your child turns 18, as a parent, you lose the legal authority to make decisions for them since they are now considered an adult in the eyes of the law.
Social Media Postings Matter
A few years ago, Harvard rescinded admission offers to 10 students based on inappropriate and offensive postings made in a private Facebook group. And two years ago, students had their offers revoked from at least a dozen schools including Cornell, University of Richmond, and University of Florida for inappropriate posts. Your digital footprint is public. Be smart.

Sexual Assault on Campus
This is a tough but necessary topic for all families to discuss. 

The New York Times piece, "45 Stories of Sex and Consent on Campus" explores the complexity of sex on campus.
Choose Freshman College Classes Wisely
We overheard some students planning their freshman college schedule.

"I got a 5 on the AP Bio exam, so I'm placing out of Bio 100 and am taking a harder class."
"I crushed the math placement test and am jumping ahead to take the most advanced Calc class I can."

In high school, we encourage students to push themselves and to take the hardest class they can because the rigor of curriculum is important to selective college admissions. But the exact opposite is true for college freshmen. Go easy the first year as you acclimate to all the changes.

Financial Management, Healthcare, Meal Plans, and More
How do I manage my finances? Which meal plan do I pick? These questions and more are covered in our recent video series.
Our Current Favorite Podcast
Mayim Bialik's Breakdown
Mental health is always on our minds. We are loving this podcast because Bialik's wide range of guests welcome us into their personal lives and candidly share how they have learned to navigate their own struggles with success.