Business Center updates to help you!
We're always working to make improvements to our systems based on your experiences and feedback. We have a couple of updates and reminders that will help you use your Business Center to manage your orders and customers.
Show module reminder: Click "Process Order" when done
Don't forget to complete the final step "Process Order" when placing an order in the Show Module. A recent system enhancement added a secondary "Process Order" button in the Show Module to avoid scrolling back to the top.

Use this button as a reminder that you need to click "Process Order" to make sure you receive your commission for the next available pay period. It's also important for updating any points for incentives, like the Founders' Club Trip.

For additional information on entering an order in the Show Module, check out the FAQs or this tutorial video found in your Business Center Resources | SHOW SUPPORT | Managing A Show.
Customer Management enhanced order view
You are going to love this! Coming December 17, you can view your customer's order history without needing to click on each individual order.

You can easily see which products they have ordered and when. This will make it easier for you to identify when to contact them or what to recommend.

The current view of a simple list will be replaced with the new view that has more information and is easier to scroll through.
Customer management orders - current view
Customer management orders - new view beginning Dec. 17
L'BRI University automatic enrollment
L'BRI University is full of great information about the products and the quality ingredients we use.

Beginning December 18, it will be even easier for new Consultants to get started because they will be automatically enrolled in L'BRI University when they join L'BRI.

Your newest team member doesn’t have to know everything about skin care to share their love and passion for L'BRI. However, L'BRI University will help them build their confidence and understanding of L’BRI Products.

Another exciting update is that we have lifted the 90-day window to complete the course content. This will allow you the flexibility and assurance that you can you can review the courses on your own time table.

Once the quizzes have been completed, you are able to print your Certified Skin Care Specialist certificate and order your Certified Skin Care Specialist gold name badge (one per Consultant).

Check out the Learning Center to access this valuable resource!

Show module updated to better reflect shopping cart availability
We are pleased to let you know that the system issue that was not properly showing which items are on backorder or out of stock has been addressed. When you select items for orders in the Show module, they should show the same availability as you would see in the Shopping Cart.
Updated Team Management report available
The system issue affecting the Team Management report was resolved 12-16-20 and an updated report is now available. We appreciated your patience as we worked to resolve the issue.

An update with this information was posted in your Business Center L'BRI News section late afternoon on 12-16-20.
Check your Business Center and Learning Center for more info
Additional resources including FAQs and tutorials are always available in your Business Center and Learning Center. If you have any questions about your resources or system updates, please contact us at