Builder Tip #54 from HomebuiltHELP 
Edge Distance Limit for Rivet Holes
How Close to the Edge should you Drill those Rivet Holes?

Does it matter how close to the edge you drill that row of rivets that hold your aircraft skins on? How close is too close?

This week's Tip video reviews the guidelines provided by FAA documents that outline the minimums for drilling rivet holes near the edge. There are simple formulas that make it easy for a builder to remember these edge distances when deciding how close to the edge to place those fasteners.

Watch this week's tip and review some important information regarding rivet spacing.

Above: simple diagram - edge distance definition
    Example of rivet holes too close to edge!
Zenith Rudder Build Workshops: Great Low-Risk way to Experience the Thrill of Building an Aircraft

Zenith Aircraft, manufacturer of the popular line of metal kit aircraft is hosting a hands on rudder build workshop at the Sebring U.S. Sport Aviation Expo (in Sebring, Florida, January 25- 28, 2017). If you are able attend, this is a great way to experience and really appreciate what it takes to build a kit aircraft. In 2 days you leave with a completed rudder that can be used on a full kit project!  Without question, this is the best, low-risk method to make a decision regarding a commitment towards building your own homebuilt aircraft.

Not everyone can attend these workshops, of course, so the next best thing is HomebuiltHELP's Metal101 Rudder Workshop DVD. This DVD provides the video instructions of building the Zenith Rudder, step by step. Designed to be used alongside the building of the actual rudder, it has also been quite popular for those that just want to see what it takes to complete the job without purchasing the rudder itself. Created for the first time builder, the video explains the tools and procedures (like riveting) needed to build, along with the step by step assembly demonstration of the rudder.

We strongly urge everyone with a potential interest in building a Zenith aircraft to start with this inexpensive DVD ($29) so that expectations of the building process are well understood.A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing... What if you get hooked! 

    Conclusion of Zenith Rudder Build Workshop
DVD shows step by step rudder assembly
  Completed rudder as demonstrated in DVD
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  Don't forget that past Tip of the Week articles and videos are listed on the Archive Listing page on our website.  You can check back there for future reference and review of these tips.You can also reach that page from a link on the top, right side of our home page.  
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