
"Forcing Yourself" for Wedding & Party Music

#140, August 2, 2017

 News for you or a client: 
   *  a Tip for planning your wedding & party music, 
   *  details for our next Public Event. 
   *  and another quick Video. 

If you need wedding or party music right now
and tell me about the mood you're looking for.

But first, let me tell you a quick story:

"I told the doctor I broke my leg in two places. 
He told me to stop going to those places." 

"The patient says, "Doctor, it hurts when I do this." 
"Then don't do that!"

"I take my wife everywhere, but she keeps 
finding her way back."

"The horse I bet on was so slow, the jockey 
kept a diary of the trip."

"There was a girl knocking on my hotel room 
door all night! Finally, I let her out."

"My Grandmother is over eighty and still doesn't 
need glasses. Drinks right out of the bottle." 

I'll never forget one evening back about 1993.   
I was entertaining at a benefit dinner party 
in an old San Jose nightclub.  

The after-dinner speaker was veteran comedian 
Henny Youngman.  Master of the quick one-liner, 
and one of my all-time favorite comics.

Standing with his violin, he'd play a few notes 
between jokes.  Which were two quick sentences: 

First one, tell the story.  
Second one, deliver the punch.  

Knocked me out!  

He had us laughing over a half hour with 
a ton of these classic one-liners.  Starting 
with his signature:  

"Take my wife.  Please"

And another one I'll always remember:

A bum came up to me saying, "I haven't 
eaten in two days!" I said, "Force yourself!"

What a great line!  It's been one of my favorites
ever since.  I think of it whenever someone tells 
me they're stuck on a project and can't go on.  

I'd like to say, "Force yourself!"  Just put 
yourself where you need to be, remove 
obvious distractions, and go for it!"

Just set a goal and imagine a few "easy-to-do" 
steps to reach it.  Then stick out your foot 
and take that first step.

Really, what's the worst that could happen?  
Possibly your first attempt might be so awful, 
you'll die from embarrassment.  

More likely, though, your first try will be 
pretty decent and show the way to improve 
the next step.

Are YOU stuck on a project right now?  

Let's say, for example, you're planning 
a party and can't decide the perfect  music 
to set the mood you want.

Well, don't just sit there.  Figure where you 
want to wind up and ask yourself how  you can 
get there.  What do you need  to decide first?

So ask a friend for suggestions.  Ask someone 
who's done this before.  Ask a professional 
party planner.  

Or for goodness sake, ask a musician.

They'll probably begin with "Tell me about 
the mood you're looking for."

That's the first question I always ask whenever 
I help anyone plan music for their celebration. 

Better yet, here's that Tip I promised: 
Look for the mood first hand at the next
few weddings or parties 
you attend.   

And now that we're talking about 
wedding & party music...
Labor Day and the year-end holidays are still far off. 
In the meantime,  you might be involved in planning
exciting birthday or anniversary celebration.

And if you or a friend are engaged to get  married,
you might also be involved with 
planning the wedding.

Perhaps both. 

So the next time you or a friend 
are  looking 
upbeat, elegant music
played the way you want, 
think of us.

Where can you preview us?  Here  (see details below,
and call 408-245-9120 about last-minute additions.)

Friday, August 11,  5:30-7:30pm
elegant benefit cocktail party and dinner
The Menlo Circus Club,190 Park Lane, Atherton

Caterer? Wedding or Event Planner? Bride? Groom? 
Enjoy the festive mood we'll create.  You'll  hear the
popular standards, jazz classics, and Latin favorites. 
Please stop by and say Hi.

So whenever the time is right for you, please  
and tell me about the mood you're looking for.

Listen to my favorite story about "Forcing Yourself!"

Let's chat soon.


Robbie Schlosser | Magnolia Jazz Band
"Elegant, Upbeat Music for Weddings and Parties"  

and see photos of us in action on Instagram

Now, for the "fine print":   You're receiving this reminder because we've worked together sometime in the last 42 years, or you enjoyed our music somewhere, or we met at an event, or you subscribed on MagnoliaJazz.com, or you read my BLOG, or you joined my friends on social media, or you saw our profile on AboutMe or you read our excellent reviews on Yelp or WeddingWire .  Whew!  

However you found me, THANK YOU!

Now, let me ask 3 favors:
1. If you enjoyed reading this note, please forward it to your best friend.
2. While you're here, visit our Reminders Archive for more of my stories.
3. And if you haven't subscribed yet,  CLICK HERE for your next reminder.