News and updates from Loeta Consulting
A semi-regularly posted e-newsletter which connects families, friends and professionals with some of the latest articles and news items dealing with the worlds of mental health, addiction treatment and self-care.
At Loeta we offer independent sober and life coaching in addition to therapeutic and educational consulting services. We work with families from around the country to not only offer guidance and support, but also to help find appropriate emotional or academic environments. We are accepting new clients, so if you are interested in learning more about the services we offer, or you know of a family struggling, please reach out to us at 207.380.2846 or click here t o be directed to our website .
How Risk Taking Changes A Teenager's Brain

Why do teenagers sometimes make outrageous, risky choices? Do they suddenly become reckless, or are they just going through a natural phase? To find out, Kashfia Rahman -- winner of the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (and a Harvard freshman) -- designed and conducted an experiment to test how high school students respond to and get used to risk, and how it changes their still-developing brains. What she discovered about risk and decision-making could change how we think about why teens do what they do.

Learn to Recognize Your Negative Thinking Traps 

Negative thoughts themselves aren’t the problem—it’s the power we give them.

All of us have a near-constant stream of thoughts running through our minds. Much of the time, these thoughts are neutral, and sometimes they’re even pleasant.

The thoughts we’ll be dealing with in this post are what psychologists call Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs), and they can lead to negative thinking traps. These are thoughts that don’t serve you well. They’re either blatantly untrue or, at the very least, not helpful.

Thank you for reading, and please share our newsletter with anyone you feel would benefit from being a part of our mailing list.