Tikvah Talk
Tikvah Means Hope
February | 2022
News from the Tikvah Office
Tikvah friends:

With the recent increase in COVID-19 contagion our priority is to keep everyone safe. For the month of February Tikvah members and guests will gather only virtually. When the number of COVID cases comes down we will return to a mixed access schedule of in-person and virtual programs.

Tikvah members will also stay connected through our phone squad network of members who make calls to others in Tikvah twice each month to share news of upcoming programs and generally check in.

I am working with the staff and the Board of Directors to plan opportunities for us to be together as soon as it is safe to do that. In the meantime, stay safe and well!

Abby F. Gilbert
Executive Director
Virtual Friends and Family Support Group
Become a Member Today
We welcome your support which helps us provide
programming and events to our members and their loved ones.

Membership Type

Individual Member: $15 per year
Our Individual Membership entitles you to:

  • weekly free or subsidized social gatherings
  • bi weekly phone squad check-in calls
  • monthly member check-in meeting
  • monthly newsletter
  • seasonal holiday events
  • periodic wellness programs
Supporter Member: $50 per year
This membership is offered to those who wish to support our organization and help make hope happen for those we serve.

Your supporter membership entitles you to receive our Tikvah Talk newsletter. You also receive updates and invitations to Tikvah programming throughout the year.
These gifts of support help Tikvah
to make hope happen!

In Memory of Elissa Rose Camp
Beth Or Sisterhood Mitzvah Fund
Roger Davis, Gary Freedman and Abby Gilbert
Eileen Joseph, BJ and Scott Snyder, Sheila Tepel
Ilene Schneller, Dana Marion & Norman Cohen

In Memory of Stephen Cohen
Neen Davis, Gary Freedman & Abby Gilbert

In Memory of Marvin Freedman
Rhonda Cohen, Neen Davis, Eileen Joseph