Tikvah Talk
Tikvah Means Hope
News from the Tikvah Office
To The Tikvah AJMI Family ,

It is with a heavy heart that I am sharing the news that I am stepping down from my position as Program Manager for Tikvah.

At this time, I need to do what is best for me and my family. However, I will still be connected to Tikvah by hosting some Northeast dinners and other events from time to time.

It has been a pleasure working with each and every one of you and I hope our relationship does not end here. I am honored that I got to become a part of the Tikvah family these last few years and will treasure all of the memories we made together. Please don't hesitate to reach out at any point in the future, for this is not goodbye!

With Love,
Sheila Tepel
Questions? Business Hours for Tikvah AJMI are:
Monday to Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. and Friday 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Abby Gilbert, Executive Director 215.832.0671 ext. 1 abby@tikvahajmi.org
Rob Singer, Office Assistant 215.832.0671 ext. 0 office@tikvahajmi.org
Resources and Support
Become a Member Today
We welcome your membership and support. Your membership helps us provide programming and events to our members and their loved ones.

Individual Member: $15 per year
Our Individual Membership entitles you to:

  • weekly free or subsidized social gatherings
  • bi-weekly phone squad check-in calls
  • monthly member check-in meetings
  • monthly newsletter
  • seasonal holiday events
  • periodic wellness programs
Supporter Member: $50 per year
This membership is offered to those who wish to support our organization and help make a difference in the lives of those we serve.

Your Supporter membership entitles you to receive our Tikvah Talk newsletter. You will also receive updates and invitations to Tikvah programming throughout the year.

Roger Davis
Bruce Feinstein

These gifts of support honor someone's service and/or memory:

In Memory of Mason Cusuman by Harriet Gorsen
In Memory of Stanley Ginsberg by Harriet Gorsen
In Memory by of Eric Penn by Helene Steinberg
In Memory of Martin Pressler by Ellen Gorberg, Robert Singer, Helene Steinberg