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Tikvah Means Hope

Tikvah Talk

August | 2023

Events This Month

See what's happening and register for events to save your spot!

Wednesday, August 2 | 12:30PM-1:30PM


Israeli Scouts

Israeli Youth Friendship Caravan music and dance show.

Thursday, August 3 | 5:30PM-7:30PM


Arts & Crafts

Make decorative storage boxes, men's wallet box, handbags, and jewelry boxes and more from recycled cigar boxes.

Monday, August 7 | 12PM-1:15PM

Kaiserman JCC.

Lunch and Learn

Dr. Jules Lipoff, M.D. Dermatologist. will be speaking about taking Care of Your Skin. A light lunch will be served.

Register by Monday, July 31st.

Wednesday, August 9 | 5:30PM-6:30PM

Virtual Program via Zoom

Living in the Moment

Meditation and Mindfulness practice with Rabbi Ephraim Levin

Sunday, August 13 | 8AM-4PM

Ocean City, NJ

Ocean City

Beach, boardwalk and fun with friends.

Wednesday, August 16 | 11:30AM-1:30PM


Birthday Lunch and Luau

Menu is bagel & whitefish, beet salad, israeli salad, pineapple, birthday cupcake and ice cream!  Birthday gifts for those with August birthdays and entertainment by Dave Michaels.

Register by Wednesday, August 9th.  

Wednesday, August 16 | 6PM-7PM

Virtual Program via Zoom

Zoom Trivia

Open to all Tikvah Members. Tikvah will be putting on a zoom trivia event. Put together a team and compete in a battle of knowledge!

Sunday, August 20 | 2PM-5PM

Kaiserman JCC

Pool Party

Snacks, beverages and fun with your Tikvah friends!

Thursday, August 24 | 5:30PM-7:30PM

Congregations of Shaarye Shamayim

Cooking with Mira

Learn new recipes and enjoy dinner with friends. The menu will include chicken chilli and chunky applesauce.

Sunday, August 27 | 10:30AM-12PM

Pennypack Park

Walk With Abby

Get some fresh air and exercise while spending time with Tikvah friends. Water and snacks will be provided.

Register for Programs

Zoom links for virtual events

are sent via email one week prior.

Happy Birthday! !יום הולדת שמח

Moshe R.

Mike S.

Linda K.

Faith K.

Deanne J.

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Tikvah Connect Update Events for members in their 20s 30s and 40s

We are excited to announce that Tikvah and Tribe12 are teaming up under the name TRIBE TIKVAH. We will be organizing events together and fostering a community for adults in their 20s and 30s who are passionate about promoting mental wellness for themselves and others.

Our first joint event is coming up this month on August 6th. We will be working with Comfort Caring Canines to bring an afternoon with therapy dogs!

Sign Up Here: https://forms.gle/HUfB3BJTyvvG4mp98

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If you know anyone who would be a good fit for Tikvah Connect or Tribe Tikvah, please email Carter Freedlander at carter@tikvahajmi.org.

We would love to introduce them to our amazing community!

From Our Community Partner

JRA: Jewish Relief Agency

Now Offering Additional Services:

* SNAP enrollment and renewal

* Assistance navigating social security issues

* Locating local food pantries/clothing banks

* Letters of support to agencies to increase benefits

Call JRA at (610) 660-0190 for assistance.


(Click their logo to learn more)

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Edward and Marjorie Goldberger Foundation

Nadine Hoch

Memorial Fund

The Tzedakah Foundation

Edward and Marjorie Goldberger Foundation

Temple University Hospital - Anna T. Jeanes Community Grant

Freedman & Grinshpun, PC

Rubicon Wealth Management 

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Rotary Club of NE

Philadelphia, Cheltenham, Rockledge

Fegelson Young Feinberg Jewish War Veterans

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Tikvah Community Forum

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Facebook Community

Through our Facebook page we have created a community online forum where members can stay in touch after events are over and hear about events coming up too! If you are interested or have questions about how to join, our communications manager Carter Freedlander (carter@tikvahajmi.org) would be happy to help!

Visit the Tikvah Community Forum Here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/671527237841358/

Become a Member Today

We welcome your support which helps us provide

programming and events to our members and their loved ones.

Membership Type

Individual Member: $20 per year

Our Individual Membership entitles you to:

  • Weekly free or subsidized social gatherings
  • Biweekly phone squad check-in calls
  • Monthly member check-in meeting
  • Monthly newsletter
  • Seasonal holiday events
  • Periodic wellness programs

Supporter Member: $50 per year

This membership is offered to those who wish to support our organization and help make hope happen for those we serve.

Your supporter membership entitles you to receive our Tikvah Talk newsletter. You also receive updates and invitations to Tikvah programming throughout the year.

Click HERE to Join

Donations & Grants

Paul Bucco

Steve & Amy Erlbaum

Dina Lichtman Smith & Lawrence Smith

Michael Solomon & Judy Weinberger

Judy Zon in memory of Joyce Kravitz

Neen Davis in memory of Dave Davis 


Contacting Us

Our Staff and Office Information:


     Abby Gilbert, Executive Director abby@tikvahajmi.org 

     Rhonda Cohen, Outreach Director rhonda@tikvahajmi.org 

     Barbara Ponczek, Program Manager barbara@tikvahajmi.org 

     Carter Freedlander, Communications & Young Adult Program Manager carter@tikvahajmi.org 

Office Support: Elena D'amico, Ellen Gorberg, Halie Hershman, Rob Singer, Joyce Oxfeld

Phone Squad: Chuck Allen, Matt Corchnoy, Jeff Gansheroff, Troy Rosenthal, Shari Simons,

Brandy Wasilewski


General questions office@tikvahajmi.org or call 215-832-0671 Calls are answered and messages returned Monday - Friday 9 AM to 5 PM, also three hours prior to and during programs.  


Business Office: Tikvah@KleinLife, Suite 122, 10100 Jamison Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19116

TIKVAH | https://tikvahajmi.org/

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