April 4, 2024---
From the Rector

We've had an eventful Lent, Holy Week, and Easter Celebration—including our celebration of the Return of the Chalice (thanks to Fr. Cliff Carr, archivist Sara Klingner, and to Lei Barry, who returned the chalice to us). As you are probably aware, this return was covered by both print and television media, which gave us a lot of publicity. Many thanks to Marcie Lightwood and Rick Weaver for their assistance in getting this out to the public.

We are grateful to Cathedral Church of the Nativity for welcoming us into their observance of Holy Week. and truly making it feel that we were two communities of faith coming together for Triduum. Maundy Thursday was a new experience for me, as I preached a sermon that was translated by Sandy Milien, our diocesan Canon for Racial Reconciliation and Community Engagement. Good Friday was quiet and thoughtfully somber, as it is meant to be. And Easter Vigil was lovely and festive, with a great sermon from The Very Rev. Jon Stratton, Dean and Rector of the Cathedral—who also has a very nice singing voice! (Go watch his sermon on their livestreaming page.) Having this week of services prepared us well to celebrate Easter the next day at Christ Church, which was also lovely and uplifting. Thank you to all who participated in Holy Week services, and as always, I am grateful that our Sunday attendance remains consistent, and slowly growing.

Now that the festive Easter season is upon us, we will be looking for ways to serve our faith community and to make ourselves very much present to the community around us. To that end, I encourage all of you to attend Gather 24 a diocesan training day for lay people. The Bishop joked that priests can attend, but it is set up to engage lay people in learning and stretching so they can be excellent leaders in their home churches. I urge you to attend. The link to register is given below. There is a $25.00 fee to attend, but scholarships are available through the Diocese and also through my own Rector's Discretionary Account. Just let me know if you'd like assistance and I will be happy to make that happy. Since it takes place in Scranton, spending the night before might be a good idea, unless you want to wake up very early to travel. Again, let me know if you need financial assistance. I want to see a good level 0f attendance from our church!

I will be on a brief holiday, experiencing the eclipse on Monday, and relaxing with my family for a few days. Fr. Cliff Carr will lead services on Sunday, so you are in for a treat! And afterwards, Ken Grieshaber will give his bi-weekly update on what's happening with our building. We are grateful for Ken's steady leadership in monitoring and interceding with all of our vendors who help us through this process, as well as the TrinTEAM's presence in our church and in planning for all the work that has happened and will happen. Currently, members of TrinTEAM include Ken Grieshaber, Sara Klingner, Sandy Mesics, Rob Baser, Marcie Lightwood, John Majczan, and Lynn Piccolo. Many thanks to them. Two other sub-committees are being formed to take on the task of Community Outreach and Publicity, as well as the planning for repair and renovation of the church building. Ken will say more about that on Sunday, I am sure!

There are many folks who have helped in packing, moving, shifting, and all the decision-making that has been required of everything (everything) in our church building. We are planning a big celebration and individual thank you to each hard working person who has given their time, energy, and individual talents of discernment to make all this happen. I look forward to our celebration of the spirit and love that each one of these workers offered to our building and to the future of Trinity Episcopal Church.

Follow the link below to register of Gather 24, and then scroll further down to see more photos of the nave.

You should attend this fun and meaningful day!

It's for you, after all, lay people of our church. A great time to get to know other lay people in the Diocese and a great way to tap into your own interests and creativity. God is calling YOU to become a leader at Trinity Church. This event will help! To register, click here. See Pam for financial assistance!
The nave is pictured above, with pews moved to the side, while the floor was covered. Those pew will soon be in storage, if they have not yet already been moved.
Our worship space really feels quite different without all the familiar appurtenances we are used to. But it's a hopeful sign that after the trauma of evaluation, repair is possible.
A view of the nave from the steps up into the chancel.
Our stained glass windows have received thorough protection.
Next to the front door to the admin building, the plaster has been peeled back, allowing the engineers to assess the danger.
Garry Applegate is master of the dungeon, now emptied of everything that used to clutter it! Thanks to Garry for his unstinting efforts!
Trinity's Sunday worship services take place this week at 8:30 a.m. at Christ UCC.

Limited parking may be available in Trinity's parking lot. You may also park in the James Funeral Home parking lot, 527 Center Street, right next door to Christ UCC. Otherwise, please park on the street.

We are so grateful to Christ UCC for their generosity and flexibility in helping us in our time of need.
Pledges and Offerings
Please do not hesitate to send your pledges and gifts to the church via snail mail (USPS). We have made arrangements with the Post Office to pick up all mail, so when you address anything to Trinity Church, it will be received!

You may also send gifts and offerings via Pay-Pay. Click here to pay online at our website.
Now, more than ever, Trinity Episcopal Church needs your financial support. You may still pledge through Realm.
Pledge online through Realm!
Realm is Trinity's online database that keeps track of membership and finances. If you have established your profile in Realm, you can turn in your pledge that way. It's very simple:
Livestreaming at Trinity

We are making plans to return to livestreaming at Trinity Episcopal Church in the near future.

As soon as we have this on the calendar, we will let you know!
Prayer and Pastoral Care
To add a name to our prayer list, inform us through our email account created especially for this purpose.
If you tell me (Pam) in person, I am likely to forget, so using our email is the best way to make sure we pray for you in the Prayers of the People. Email: prayerlist@trinitybeth.org
To view the coming week's prayer list, click here.
For Pastoral Care Emergencies, please call the church at (610) 867-4741, x 325. You may leave a message after hours and that message will be sent directly to Pam’s personal cell phone. Pams personal cell phone number is also in the church directory and may be found in Realm. Please be assured that we want to be present to you at times of pastoral need and will offer assistance and support in any way possible.

Sermons may be listened to via audio. The last one recorded was Christmas Eve Service, December25. These sermons were recorded and available on the website.
Birthdays and Anniversaries

Gretchen Tarby, April 1
Ann Thompson, April 4
Suzanne Boundy, April 6
Barbara Kearns, April 6
Bill Vitalos, April 7
Flex Illick, April 8
Michelle Mills, April 18
Aliana Roman, April 19
Sara Phillips King, April 22
Tom Molinaro, April 24


Joanne and David Gulya, April 15
Maryann and Amedeo DiEdwardo, April 22
Charmaine and Christopher Roman, April 23

44 E. Market Street
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18018
Saturday Service: 5:00 pm 
Sunday Services: 8:00 & 10:30am 
Office: 9:00am-2:00pm, M-F