143 Bostwick NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503                                    Phone: 616-234-3603


February 4, 2013
GGRWHC Board of Directors

Jo Ellyn Clarey,
Barbara McGregor,
 Vice President
Ruth VanStee,
Connie Ingham
Janet Brashler
Gayle Davis
Cindy Dorman
Falinda Geerling
Sharon Hanks
Kyle Irwin
Mary Jane Keeler
Jef McClimans
Jennifer Morrison
Kathy Rent
Mary Seeger
Jill Straub
Sarah Wagner
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New Date Will be Announced Soon
Sneak preview at Celebration! Cinema North
Thursday, February 7th
6:00pm: networking; 6:45pm: screening
Panel discussion following
This Thursday, join WGVU's Engage / Women & Girls Lead for a free preview of the upcoming PBS documentary MAKERS: WOMEN WHO MAKE AMERICA(to premiere on WGVU on February 26th). For more information, visit
Meet 22 local "makers"  to be honored by W&GL both before the screening and afterward during a panel discussion to be led by Shelley Irwin, host of the WGVU Morning Show. Four will participate on the panel: Avery McNew, Nicki Hurley, Synia Jordan, and Dr. Patricia Quattrin. Also on hand will be GGRWHC favorite Sharon Steffens:
In 1972 Sharon Steffens served as the first state chair of WSAM, Women for the Survival of Agriculture in Michigan. By helping to organize a "ladylike" picket of fruit processors who were underpaying apple farmers on the Ridge, Steffens helped women begin stepping out of their kitchens and orchards to support family farms more publicly. Women in agriculture were an untapped resource and they were fearsome.

W&GL will also take a glance at past accomplishment by recognizing the historic accomplishments of Eva McCall Hamilton (1871-1948), the first woman legislator in Michigan. She is still the only woman from Kent County ever elected to the State Senate. Last fall she was inducted into the Michigan Women's Hall of Fame.
To reserve your ticket, go to or call WGVU at 1-800-442-2771 and reference Women and Girls Lead.  




Not a current member of GGRWHC? Membership is easy and helps offset the expenses associated with research and programming presented each year. Your membership helps to set the record straight on the women who've made history here in our community. 
And, continues to help women make history, every day! 

GGRWHC Board Meetings


Board meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm at the Vanderveen Center for the Book at the Grand Rapids Public Library. If you have suggestions for programs, oral histories or other items, please email us at or plan to attend a meeting.

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Thank you for your interest in preserving and celebrating the history of the many phenomonal women who've helped to shape West Michigan!  If you aren't already a member of the Greater Grand Rapids Women's History Council, consider showing your support through annual membership.  Visit our web site for more information and the ability to register using Pay Pal online!

Hats off to the historical women who've shaped West Michigan!