"Children Learning, Parents Earning, Communities Growing"

June 3, 2024 | Issue #23

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June 2024 Featured Agency Highlight

Community Action Partnership of Kern County

Community based public and private Alternative Payment Programs (APPs) support the needs of working moms and dads with access to child care and other supports earmarked to lift families up from poverty. During the pandemic, these programs have distributed emergency essential worker child care vouchers, family child care and center stipends & PPE, diapers, food and clothing. Throughout California, these APPs may also support parental choice to CalWORKs Stages 2 & 3, preschool and center-based programs, general child care, After School Education and Safety (ASES), Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), Family Child Care Home Education Networks (FCCHENs), transportation, behavioral & mental health services, respite, regional centers, health and safety, 21st Century, resource libraries, and Trustline.

Established in 1965, Community Action Partnership of Kern (CAPK) administers more than a dozen programs aimed at meeting children, families and individuals at their point of need, for those who have had difficulty engaging the “American Dream.”

Get to know them and the full scope of their work by reading their Annual Report highlighting how they are supporting the needs of family child care providers and families in Kern County.

R&R Network and Thriving Families CA 2024 Hybrid Joint Conference!

Call for Presentations NOW OPEN!

Call for Presentations NOW OPEN!


Submit a Workshop Proposal Today!

We invite you to submit a workshop proposal to this year's Hybrid Joint Conference. Please see the 2024 Call for Presentations Announcement for more information.


Please share the below Call for Presentations links with others you feel could present workshops which would be of benefit to conference attendees.


Workshop proposals are due, Friday, June 28th

2024 Conference

Save the Date and join your peers for an amazing 2024 Joint Conference! The California Child Care Resource & Referral Network and Thriving Families CA are excited to announce that we will once again offer a joint conference in 2024 that has both an in-person and virtual option this Fall!

We are working with the Conference Committee to offer thoughtful, user-friendly options with keynote presentations, workshops, networking opportunities, and connection time with vendors. For the in-person conference, we will once again be at the Double Tree Hotel in Sacramento. For those who prefer the conveniences that come with virtual attendance, we’ll have an option that is similar to the last four years. Regardless of the option that works best for your agency, we look forward to connecting, supporting and partnering with you!

Registration information, along with a preliminary conference program, will be released soon! At that time, online registration will be open, and attendees will be able to select from the in-person conference or the virtual conference. Those that register for the in-person option will also receive access to the virtual conference. The in-person option will be limited to 450. When registration opens, all agencies will have an opportunity to register a limited number of people by a specific deadline. If spaces remain after the deadline they will be made available to interested agencies.  

Visit the Conference Webpage for more information as it becomes available.

California State Budget, Legislature & The Capitol


As of this morning, there are no budget hearings scheduled.

Last week, the Senate and the Assembly came to an agreement on a proposed 2024-25 budget. Click here to read high level overview of agreement.


Of interest to us are the following:


  • The Budget Plan uses $450 million of the Safety Net Reserve, which is $450 million less than the May Revision.
  • Child Care Slots. Restores funding for Child Care slots that have been recently offered, resulting in more than 11,000 funded slots than proposed in the May Revision.
  • Program Protections. Rejects cuts to core programs, including CalWORKs, Forster Care, and In Home Supportive Services (IHSS).

The constitional deadline for the Legislature to pass a balanced budget to the governor is by June 15.

  • If the two houses have scheduled floor votes for June 15, the Budget Act must be published on the California Legislative Information website by June 12 to meet the 72-hour bill-in-print requirement.
  • If the Legislature schedules floor votes before June 15, the Budget Act must be in print prior to June 12 to comply with the 72-hour rule — for example, by June 10 for floor votes on June 13.

Trailer bills (9 inroduced last week of interest to our field) which are also part of the state budget package, are not required to be — and rarely are — passed by June 15. Trailer bills generally make statutory changes needed to implement the policies assumed in the Budget Act.

All of the above information can be found on TFC's Budget Page. Be sure to reach out to TFC staff with any questions.


AB 2476 (Bonta) Childcare services: alternative payment programs.

Author: Assemblymember Mia Bonta

ASM Mia Bonta was elected to serve California’s 18th Assembly District in a special election on August 31, 2021. The 18th Assembly District encompasses the East Bay area of Northern California. It includes a large portion of the City of Oakland and the cities of Emeryville and Alameda. Assemblymember Bonta’s priority is to make California a more affordable, inclusive, and equitable home for all.

Mia has spent her career advocating for students and working families. Mia made Alameda her home more than 20 years ago where she has worked for and led several nonprofit organizations focused on improving educational outcomes for low-income students. Prior to being elected to the State Assembly, Mia served as the CEO of Oakland Promise, a cradle-to-college and career preparation initiative across Oakland public schools. In 2018, Mia was elected to the Alameda Unified School District School Board and she served as Board President from 2018-2021. In addition to her professional work, Mia has served on the boards of national non-profits seeking to build power for low-income people like Community Change Action and local providers like Alameda Free Library Foundation. Mia also served as an appointed 18th Assembly District Delegate to the California Democratic Party and on the AD-18 Advisory Committees for Women, Education, and Early Childhood.

Click here to view the bill.

To submit a support letter, click here.


As bills move through California’s legislative process, they are presented to and heard by several committees who may recommend amendments and vote on whether or not the bill should continue through the legislative process.

As legislators decide how to vote, they consider public opinion as expressed through position letters. To support a bill and submit a position letter, you must first register here for an account. You only need to do this once. After you register, you will log in, and then you click on submit a letter. From there, you simply click on either AB (Assembly Bill) or SB (Senate Bill) and then the bill number. If you need any support, please email TFC.


  • June 15 - Budget Bill must be passed by midnight (Art. IV, Sec. 12(c)(3)).

Upcoming Legislative Hearings:

Bills to Watch:

  • AB 1808 (Nguyen) Childcare and development services: eligibility. Extends 24-month eligibility to CalWORKs child care. TFC SPONSORED.
  • AB 2476 (Bonta) Childcare services: alternative payment programs. TFC SPONSORED.
  • AB 2381 (Bonta) California state preschool programs: reimbursement rates.


  • See the full 2023-24 Legislative Calendar here.
  • Visit TFC's legislation page to find a comprehensive list of bills of interest.
  • Visit TFC's Budget Page for full budget bill details, as well as budget hearing video archive links.
  • Visit TFC's dedicated page to find a full list of Senate and Assembly Committee chairs and contact information.
  • Click here to view all the bills that the Assembly and Senate introduced this legislative year.


All changes to committee assignments have been reflected on TFC's Committee Information, Rules & Position Letter Deadlines page. This page has been tailored to only include those committees relevant to the field. However, you can find the full, comprehensive and updated list of all committees on this site.

Please reach out to TFC staff if you have any questions.

Did you know?

Child Care Q&As

Question: What are the types of child care settings in California?

Answer: There are three types of child care settings.

  1. Licensed Family Child Care: Licensed family child care is care offered in a child care provider’s home. Families may choose family child care for their children because it is a home-based setting with smaller adult-to-child ratios. This type of care is licensed by the CDSS’s Child Care Licensing Division.
  2. Child Care Center: Child care centers are facilities that operate in a commercial setting. These programs are also licensed by the state. Child care centers range in size and can be operated by community-based organizations, school districts, religious institutions, or private businesses. Families may choose center-based care because of the more structured, classroom-like environment, greater number of adults present in the facility, and the greater variety of equipment, supplies, and activities available.
  3. Family Friend or Neighbor Care: Family, Friend, or Neighbor Care (also known as License-Exempt Child Care) is care provided in the child’s or child care provider’s home by a person who is a relative, friend, neighbor, or other license-exempt provider. This type of care is not required to be licensed by the State of California. Families who choose this type of care may know and trust the caregiver. Families may choose this type of care for linguistic or cultural reasons, or for flexibility in scheduling, and transportation reasons.

Question: What does Broadly Consistent mean and how is it beneficial to families?

Answer: Each month, child care providers turn in invoices and/or attendance sheets showing that families are using the approved child care.

In some situations, an attendance sheet or documentation will be turned in that shows the approved hours or child care were not being used by the family. If there appears to be a pattern of non-use of certified care by a family, then the Broadly Consistent law supports reaching out to the family seeking information that the family is okay. Sometimes the family has transportation issues. When an agency reaches out to talk with the family, it is simply a means to make sure the family is okay. It is not a policy used to reduce hours on families. These are two entirely different issues and should not intersect.

The 2024-25 Budget: Multiyear Budget Outlook

The LAO presents our office’s forecast of the condition of the state General Fund budget through 2027-28 under our revenue estimates and assuming the Governor’s May Revision policies are adopted. Similar to the administration, we project the state faces modest operating deficits (budget problems) over the multiyear period—ranging from a very small deficit in 2025-26 to larger ones in the out-years...

Read the full report here.

Federal Update

NWLC Federal Government Update


Congress will return from its Memorial Day recess next week and continue working on FY25 federal appropriations. More: Scalise lays out ambitious summer appropriations timetable - Roll Call


As a reminder, funding bills will almost certainly not be finalized until after the November elections. It is still critical that we remind Congress to prioritize investments in ECE programs.


⇒ Children’s Budget Coalition FY25/budget letter for sign-on. As previously reported, the House leadership’s approach to FY25 is very troubling and could mean another round of proposed cuts to ECE programs by as much as 6-11% along with more harmful policy riders. You can read the full letter and sign-onto it here. The deadline for sign-on is COB Friday, June 7.



Child Tax Credit


Improvements to the Child Tax Credit (CTC) remain at a standstill. However, the Senate could still vote on the tax package in the next few months. It is up to Senate Leader Schumer (D-NY) to make a vote happen.

⇒ Please urge your Senators to pass the expanded CTC now.


We know how to end child poverty. That is why we are fighting for this expansion right now, and why we will keep fighting to further improve the CTC.   


More: Child Tax Credit 2024 Resources & Social Media (Coalition on Human Needs)



Supplemental Federal Child Care Funding 


We are focused on ensuring that any future domestic supplemental that is considered includes $16 billion for child care and early learning.

⇒ Please urge your Members of Congress to support the $16 billion proposal supported by President Biden and many congressional Democrats


As previously shared,

Take Action - Farm Bill cuts to SNAP


From the Coalition on Human Needs (CHN):


The House Agriculture Committee voted out the Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024 (House Farm Bill). The bill poses a serious threat to the health and well-being of the more than 41.4 million people who rely on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) to put food on the table.   


⇒ Take Action: Join national, state, and community-based organizations in sending a joint letter to Congress urging that any Farm Bill must ensure that SNAP is protected and strengthened. Additionally, we will oppose any Farm Bill that proposes cuts to SNAP, including restricting future Thrifty Food Plan benefit adjustments — nearly $30 billion in cuts over 10 years, according to the Congressional Budget Office — in addition to provisions outsourcing administrative functions currently required to be performed by public sector merit employees.  

  • Read the sign-on letter here. 
  • Complete the sign-on form here (organizations only).

Funding Opportunities - 3 New OPRE Child Care and Early Education Funding Opportunities


From the US Administration for Children and Families (ACF):


The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) is soliciting applications for

  • Center for Home-based Child Care Research;
  • Access to Infant and Toddler Care and Education: Research and Evaluation Grants; and
  • Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Lead Agency Data and Research Capacity Grants.


Center for Home-based Child Care Research:

This cooperative agreement would establish a Center for Home-based Child Care Research to support research about home-based child care (HBCC) in states, territories, Tribes, and/or local community contexts. The purpose of the Center is to provide leadership, build research capacity in the field, and offer support in the development and facilitation of local research to improve understanding of HBCC settings and providers as well as access by the families who seek and utilize HBCC. The Center’s activities would build research and evaluation capacity in the field and support research in states, territories, and/or Tribes that could inform local initiatives designed to sustain and strengthen HBCC. The Center would promote sound research examining HBCC and the factors that support or suppress the availability of HBCC in states, territories, and/or Tribes. In addition, this Center would advance the field’s understanding of HBCC providers’ engagement in publicly funded programs (e.g., child care subsidies, Head Start) and quality improvement efforts (e.g., Quality Rating and Improvement Systems (QRIS), quality initiatives (QI), and continuous quality improvement (CQI) initiatives). This Center would ideally bring together a team that has experience investigating HBCC, evaluating Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) program and policies, and assessing the needs and experiences of families with lower incomes, in tribal communities, and of historically marginalized populations. The full announcement can be found here.


Access to Infant and Toddler Care and Education: Research and Evaluation Grants:

This grant opportunity will provide funding to address key research and evaluation questions related to care and education access for infants and toddlers at the national, state, or local level. Specifically, these awards will support either: 1) descriptive research studies to document current access, shifts in access over time, or the characteristics of specific policies, practices, or other efforts that may be affecting access; or 2) evaluations to explore the implementation or effects of specific policies, practices, or other efforts that may be affecting access. Proposed projects can include primary data collection and/or leverage secondary data sources. Proposed projects can use quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-methods data at the national, state, territory, or local level. The full announcement can be found here.


Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Lead Agency Data and Research Capacity Grants:

These cooperative agreements are meant to support partnerships between CCDF Lead Agencies and researchers to develop and improve state, territory, and tribal data systems and build the capacity of CCDF Lead Agencies to collect, analyze, and use data to guide child care policy decisions and program improvement efforts. These 18-month projects will fund a planning phase to develop a research plan to address questions of interest to the CCDF Lead Agency, including a plan for identifying, linking, and using state, territory, and Tribal data to inform child care policy decisions. These planning projects may be followed by a second competition (Phase II) to support execution of the research plans to develop and improve state, territory, and Tribal data systems. Projects must be conducted through partnerships between CCDF Lead Agencies (i.e., states, territories, Tribes, or local subsidy administering agencies) and researchers from institutions of higher education within the state agency, research organizations, and/or other organizations with proven expertise conducting policy research. Applications are invited from CCDF Lead Agencies, institutions of higher education, research organizations, and other organizations with proven expertise conducting policy research. The full announcement can be found here.


For further information about OPRE, see http://acf.hhs.gov/opre. For other OPRE grants forecasts for this year, please visit https://www.acf.hhs.gov/opre/grants. We recommend that potential applicants subscribe on grants.gov to these Notices of Funding Opportunities to receive notifications of updates.

Resources & Opportunities for Family Child Care


From the National Association of Family Child Care (NAFCC):

  • Upcoming opportunity to learn more about including family child care in Pre-kindergarten programs. We encourage you to share this with your state or local pre-k administrators. Please note, spots are filling up quickly. Additional here: 2024 Pre-Conference Session (Erikson Institute)
  • NAFCC just launched our new Policy Site. Please share widely with any family child care educators: https://nafcc.org/public-policy/


New Report - Reflections on the DC ECE Pay Equity Fund


From the Urban Institute:


Earlier this year, I shared findings from Urban Institute researchers on DC’s Early Childhood Educator Pay Equity Fund. Given the DC Council’s 2025 budget, which was released this week and cites Urban evidence, I wanted to share a new report from the research team that provides an in-depth exploration of early educators' experiences with the Pay Equity Fund during its initial year of implementation.


Using survey data and focus group responses, the researchers explore educators' introduction to the Fund, their application and payment experiences, financial impacts, and perceived benefits for child care programs and the broader early childhood education field.


Read the report, op-ed, and a recent statement before the DC Council to learn more about the Early Childhood Educator Pay Equity Fund.

 If you have questions or would like to speak with the research team, please email Amy Elsbree, eaelsbree@urban.org 


Updated State Profiles - NCCP's Early Childhood State Policy Profiles


From the National Center for Children in Poverty (NCCP):


NCCP has updated our Early Childhood State Policy Profiles, which provide a two-generation view of current policies affecting families and children from birth through age 5, nationally and state-by-state, in the areas of early care and education, health and development, and parenting/family economic supports. You can visit the profiles to find out if your state meets key policy benchmarks. The profiles allow you to quickly see how many states meet each benchmark as you review policies in your state's profile. You will also find data relevant to young children’s well-being in your state, including the percentage of infants and young children receiving EPSDT screens, and the percentage of infants and toddlers participating in the Part C Early Intervention Program, overall and by race/ethnicity.


New and revised TANF policy benchmarks describe which states allow 60 months of benefits without limits on continuous coverage and which states have exemptions or extensions of time limits for recipients who are pregnant or caring for a child under 6 months of age. The policy regarding housing programs that provide rental assistance to low-income families with children was revised using the Area Median Income (AMI) and Federal Poverty Level (FPL) due to AMI’s relevance in housing policies. As a result, 6 new states meet this benchmark.


The number of states that provide 12 months of postpartum Medicaid coverage for eligible women has steadily increased with 9 new states currently meeting the benchmark. Also, 5 new states require or recommend maternal depression screening in EPSDT well-child visits. Other notable policy changes include 3 new states that offer a refundable Child Tax Credit; 7 states that no longer meet a minimum wage at or above $14/hour and indexed to inflation, leaving a total of only 9 states that meet this benchmark; and 4 new states that have paid family leave for a minimum of 6 weeks with a partial replacement of wages.


We have also updated the profiles’ section, Related Research and Policy Resources, which summarizes evidence for each policy and provides links to recent reports with additional analysis of policies and their status across states.


Visit NCCP’s website: http://www.nccp.org to view the state profiles and other NCCP resources that can inform efforts to help America's low-income children. We also send occasional updates that announce the release of our latest reports on early childhood and family economic security. Join our mailing list to stay up to date on NCCP’s research.

New RAPID Survey Data - What parents and providers want policymakers to know


From the RAPID Survey Project, based in the Stanford Center on Early Childhood:


Child care availability and affordability, and the ability to meet material needs are top concerns.


Since 2020, the RAPID Survey Project has asked thousands of parents of young children and child care providers across the country this open-ended question: What do you want elected officials and policymakers to know about how your family is doing and what you need?


We have received almost 30,000 answers. During an election year that has important implications for young children and their families, these answers can help decision-makers develop policies and programs that improve family health and well-being.


Explore the data and hear from families in the RAPID 4th anniversary special report.


More: Child care providers report high levels of worker anxiety and depression, survey shows | EdSource

Most Viewed Bills of the Week:

  1. H.R.4763 [118th] Financial Innovation and Technology for the 21st Century Act
  2. H.R.4980 [113th] Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act
  3. H.R.6090 [118th] Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023
  4. H.R.7024 [118th] Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024
  5. S.596 [117th] Treat and Reduce Obesity Act of 2021
  6. H.R.3935 [118th] Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act
  7. H.R.8046 [118th] Rosatom Sanctions Enforcement Act
  8. H.R.5074 [118th] Kidney PATIENT Act of 2023
  9. H.R.7979 [118th] End China’s De Minimis Abuse Act
  10. H.R.5744 [118th] Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act of 2023

Social Media Spotlight

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Field Highlights

Child care costs are a big part of why Americans feel inflation still stings

Last week, the Federal Reserve released its annual Survey of Household Economics and Decisionmaking, a sweeping look at the financial well-being of Americans last year. Right at the top of the report, there’s this stark observation, which we paraphrase: Despite inflation slowing down, Americans still say higher prices make it difficult to make ends meet. The Fed goes on to highlight the problem that child care costs pose for parents.

KPMG, a well-known audit, tax and advisory firm, has brand-new research on how significant the cost of child care has become. “Marketplace Morning Report” host David Brancaccio talked about it with Diane Swonk, chief economist at KPMG. The following is an edited transcript of their conversation...

Click here to view the full article

As state cuts loom, a court ruling provides a lifeline for child care access in Alameda County

Karina Lopez rises with the sun every weekday and hauls her three-year-old to her day care provider in Oakland. By 7 a.m., the 24-year-old has started her workday, selling juicy slices of watermelon and other fresh fruits at outdoor stands throughout the Bay Area. Her shift wraps up at 5 p.m., when she heads back to Oakland to pick up her child.

The tenuous arrangement allows Lopez, a single mom from Guatemala, to leave her toddler with a caretaker five days a week while she tries to make ends meet. She earns roughly $300 per week through her fruit-selling gig. After paying $35 a day for child care, she’s left with only $125. The situation pushes Lopez to the brink of instability. It’s hardly enough to survive in one of the most expensive regions in the United States.

Click here to view the full article.

CDSS & CDE Information & Updates

Upcoming Webinars

RELEASED April 10, 2024: Child Development Virtual Permit Training

The Child Development Training Consortium (CDTC) is now offering virtual trainings on how to process and submit a Child Development Permit Stipend application.

We will be reviewing the Permit Matrix and the benefits of applying for a permit through CDTC. 

Registration spaces will be limited and are first come, first served. Additional information along with the registration link will be available on our CDTC website two weeks prior to each Permit training. For any questions, please reach out to us at CDTC-Permit@yosemite.edu.

Upcoming Dates:

June 13, 2024 10:00 A.M-12:00 P.M.

Information & Updates

RELEASED May 31, 2024: CCB 24-10: Fiscal Year 2024-25 Child Care And Development Support Initial Contract Award Allocations

The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) Child Care and Development Division (CCDD) has recently posted the following document on its Internet website:  CCB 24-10: Fiscal Year 2024-25 Child Care And Development Support Initial Contract Award Allocations.

The purpose of this CCB is to inform child care and development contractors of Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-25 initial support contract allocations. Please note that award amounts are proposed, and changes based on Budget Act enactment will be communicated in a forthcoming Budget Act amendment CCB. Contracts will be provided on a flow basis as soon as possible. Funding Terms and Conditions are located on the Contractor Resources webpage.

Click here to read the entire CCB.

RELEASED May 31, 2024: CCB 24-08: Fiscal Year 2024-25 Voucher-Based Child Care and Development Initial Contract Award Allocations

The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) Child Care and Development Division (CCDD) has recently posted the following document on its Internet website:  CCB 24-08: Fiscal Year 2024-25 Voucher-Based Child Care and Development Initial Contract Award Allocations.

The purpose of this CCB is to inform voucher-based child care and development contractors of initial contract allocations for Fiscal Year 2024-25. Please note that amounts in this letter are proposed, and if changes based on Budget Act enactment are required, they will be communicated in a forthcoming Budget Act. Contracts will be provided on a flow basis as soon as possible.

Click here to read the entire CCB.

RELEASED May 29, 2024: 2022-24 CCDF State Plan – Amendments #4

The California Department of Social Services, Child Care and Development Division (CCDD) has posted the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2022-24 Child Care and Development Funds (CCDF) State Plan - Amendments #4 to the CDSS’ Child Care and Development Fund State Plan webpage.


Per Title 45 of the Code of Federal Regulations, section 98.14(d), CCDD is required to post any changes to their approved state plan after policy changes have been approved by the Administration for Children and Families (ACF). 


The amendments to the following sections of the FFY 2022-24 CCDF State Plan were recently approved by the ACF, effective March 1, 2024.

  • Section 4.3.1(c) regarding the definition of part-time and full-time care.
  • Section 4.4.1(c) regarding generally accepted payment practices.
  • Section 4.4.1(f) regarding timely appeal and resolution processes for untimely payments.
  • Section 4.4.3 regarding payment practices supporting equal access.

RELEASED May 24, 2024: Contractor Connections Training Evaluation Survey

Greetings Child Care and Development Executive Directors and Program Directors,

Did you attend any of the Contractor Connections Training events from October 2023 through May 2024? If yes, this survey is for you!

Thank you for your participation in the Program Quality Improvement Branch (PQIB) Contractor Connections Training Series. The California Department of Social Services (CDSS), Child Care and Development Division (CCDD) is requesting your evaluation of the 2023-2024 Contractor Connections Training Series and input to guide training efforts for 2024-2025. 

Please rate the knowledge and skills you have gained as a result of your participation in the Contractor Connections Trainings this past year. 


Thank you in advance for your time in responding to this survey by Friday, June 7, 2024. 


Click here to begin the 2023-24 Contractor Connections Training Evaluation Survey.

Happening This Week, June 3 - June 7, 2024:

Tuesday, June 4th:

TFC Weekly Member Connections Meeting @ 1:00pm. Email to register.

Wednesday, June 5th: TFC Public Policy Meeting @ 2:00pm

Friday, June 7th: End Child Poverty Coalition Meeting @ 10:00am

Thriving Families California (formerly CAPPA) is committed to supporting our field with a coordinated calendar. Click here to see current calendar of events. If you have an event to add, email us and it will be added.

The Weekly Good

An uplifting way to start the week, for those of us who need a break from the chaos that is our lives.

During this time where we are all stressed, it would be great to celebrate the positive. Each week we will celebrate everyday heroes, inspiring movements and great things happening in our field. 

Quick Links

Join TFC Today!

Legislative Information

Job Announcements

TFC Website

Support TFC

June 2024 Monday Morning Update Sponsor

TFC Member Only Benefits

Not a member?

Find out how to join Today!

TFC Weekly Member Connections via Zoom:

Our commitment to you is to have scheduled at least once per week a call wherein we can all connect. As questions arise, forward them to TFC so that we can address them on these calls. Look for a weekly email to register. Recording and Q&A will also be posted on the Member's Only page. 

Job Descriptions and Salary Information

TFC has collected more than 85 job descriptions from member agencies that you can view and use when you create your agency's next job posting!

Visit the Member's Only website to view today!

Best Practices

TFC has been working on Best Practices and policies to support you.

Visit the Member's Only website to view today!

TFC's 2023-24 Board of Directors


Gina Fromer, Ph.D.



Michelle Graham

Children's Resource & Referral of Santa Barbara County 


LaVera Smith

Supportive Services, Inc. Fresno


Beth Chiaro

Child Care Resource Center


Rick Richardson

Child Development Associates


Leslie Reece

Family Resource Center


Jeanne Fridolfs

Napa County Office of Education


Joie Owen

Glenn County Office of Education- Child and Family Services


Karen Marlatt

Valley Oak Children's Services 


Kendall Hirai

Crystal Stairs, Inc.


Tina Barna 

Catalyst Community


Jessica Kranz

Go Kids, Inc.


Mike Michelon


Teri Sedrick

North Coast Opportunities, Inc.

Denyne Micheletti Colburn


Congratulations to our new Board Members who will begin their term on July 1, 2024!

Adonai Mack

Child Action, inc.

Phillip Warner

Children's Council San Francisco

The representation of the TFC board spreads across all agency types and sizes, and represents voices from nearly every region in California.

Click Here to see.

DSS & CDE Updates

May 31, 2024 CCB 24-08:  Fiscal Year 2024-25 Voucher-Based Child Care and Development Initial Contract Award Allocations

May 9, 2024

CCB 24-07

Subsidized Provider Report Updated Requirements

April 16, 2024

CCB 24-06:

Enrolling Families Into CalWORKs Stage 2

April 12, 2024

CCB 24-05:

Transitional One-Time Payments To Child Care Centers Pursuant To SB 140 (Chapter 193, Statutes Of 2023)

March 8, 2024

CCB 24-04:

Implementation Of The New Part-Time And Full-Time Definitions For Reimbursement

March 1, 2024

CCB: 24-03: Program Self-Evaluation For Fiscal Year 2023-2024

February 1, 2024

CCB 24-02 Child Care Providers United – California (CCPU) Access to Preservice Meetings and Orientations

Job Openings

Is Your Organization Hiring?

Post your job announcement here for thousands to see!

There is no charge for TFC members.

Non-members will be charged a fee of $75.

Please email us your posting!

Principal Accountant

Child Development Associates, Inc. (San Diego)

-Program Services Assistant III

-Local Child Care Planning Coordinator

-Teachers - Child Development

Colusa County Office of Education 

-Program Specialist (Case Management)- Orange County

-Program Specialist (Child Care Payment Case Management)-Long Beach

-Program Specialist (Child Care Payment Program Case Management)-Yuba City

Children's Home Society

-Finance Director

-Center Director at Roosevelt

Davis Street

Education Director

Sierra Nevada Children's Services

-Child Care Case Manager & Support Specialist

-Child Care Case Manager

Glenn County Office of Education

Family Advocate

YMCA of San Diego County

Pathways LA- Multiple Job Openings

Nutritional Aid, Child Care Provider Training Coordinator, Child Care Case Worker,

Preschool Associate Teacher, Child Care Professional Dev. Coach and Payment Processor

Of Interest

America’s child care crisis is holding back moms without college degrees

California is rolling out free preschool. That hasn't solved challenges around child care

Preschool? Transitional kindergarten? Is there a difference? Parents are stressing out

Seven Facts About the Economics of Child Care

CHIPS Act Child Care Requirements Already Showing Promise

California lawmakers vote to reduce deficit by $17 billion, but harder choices lie ahead

4 Shocking Stats About Child Care Costs in America

Field Happenings and Resources


how our agencies continue to engage and communicate with families and providers.

Del Norte Child Care Council May Newsletter

CocoKids May Newsletter

4Cs of Alameda Current Newsletter

Upcoming Valley Oak Children's Service Events

4Cs Sonoma Upcoming Events

Connections for Children Upcoming Events

Hively Upcoming Events

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Morning Update Partner! 

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Our weekly Monday morning distribution is to nearly 10,000 federal and state local agencies, resource and referrals, contractors, legislators and their staffs', centers, parents, providers, state departments and advocates. 

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