"Children Learning, Parents Earning, Communities Growing"
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January 16, 2024 | Issue #3

Support of the Monday Morning Update

For 2024 please consider a donation to help support delivery of the Monday Morning Update to your email every week by 5:30am. Our distribution of this update is now over 8,500 and growing. Your consideration is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Support the Monday Morning Update

2024 Advocacy Day:

Lifting Up Families- Next Week!

On January 24, 2024, child care, poverty, food and other advocates will be coming together to host an Advocacy Day focused on lifting up the needs of families across California.

Our newly confirmed speakers include: ASM Jim Patterson, ASM Isaac Bryan, ASM Juan Alanis, ASM Gail Pellerin, ASM James Gallagher (Minority Leader), ASM Lori Wilson, ASM Josh Lowenthal, ASM Stephanie Nguyen (Assistant Speaker pro Tempore), ASM Dr. Corey Jackson (Chair of the newly formed Budget Subcommittee on Human Services), SEN Maria Durazo, representatives from Governor Newsom's administration, and MORE to be announced soon!

Register here to register for this hybrid virtual/in-person event.

To see the customized packets created for each legislator created last year, click here!

If you are interested in partnering with TFC on this event, please email us!

California State Budget, Legislature & The Capitol


To help support you staying on top of the 2024-25 budget process and materials connected to the budget, TFC is hosting everything in one place on its Budget Page.

On January 10th, the Governor released his proposed 2024-25 budget. Click here to see the summary, and here to watch the presentation. Use this Excel document to help you track budget actions as it is updated in real time. 

Upcoming Budget Hearings:

Communications released related to the CA Budget:

All of the above information can be found on TFC's Budget Page. Be sure to reach out to TFC staff with any questions.


Upcoming dates and legislative deadlines to be aware:

  • Jan. 19 Last day for any committee to hear and report to the floor bills introduced in that house in the odd-numbered year (J.R. 61(b)(2)). Last day to submit bill requests to the Office of Legislative Counsel. 
  • Jan 31 - Last day for each house to pass bills introduced in that house in the odd-numbered year (J.R. 61(b)(3)) (Art. IV, Sec. 10(c)). (01-31-2024)

Upcoming Committee Hearings:

  • TBD

Recently Introduced Bills to Watch:

  • AB 1808 (Nguyen) Childcare and development services: eligibility. Extends 24-month eligibility to CalWORKs child care. TFC SPONSORED

2-Year Bills to Watch:


  • See the full 2023-24 Legislative Calendar here.
  • Visit TFC's legislation page to find a comprehensive list of bills of interest.
  • Visit TFC's Budget Page for full budget bill details, as well as budget hearing video archive links.
  • Visit TFC's dedicated page to find a full list of Senate and Assembly Committee chairs and contact information.
  • Click here to view all the bills that the Assembly and Senate introduced this legislative year.


All changes to committee assignments have been reflected on TFC's Committee Information, Rules & Position Letter Deadlines page. This page has been tailored to only include those committees relevant to the field. However, you can find the full, comprehensive and updated list of all committees on this site.

Please reach out to TFC staff if you have any questions.


Important Dates:

  • February 20, 2024 - Last Day to Register to Vote
  • March 5, 2024 - Presidential Primary Election
  • November 5, 2024 - General Election

Qualified Statewide Propositions:

Click here to see the Secretary of State's full list of candidates for 2024 elections.

Click here to see more information on elections from the Secretary of State.

Did you know?

Child Care Q&As

Question: If we received an award notification for the Major Renovation Grant, when can we expect to get funded? We are ready to submit building plans to city for construction approval.

Answer: We will be reaching out in the next few weeks to collect additional documentation and also sending a grant agreement. From there it may be several months until payment. Feel free to reach out to monica.williams@dss.ca.gov for more information.

Question: If we will take advantage of the two days of training to we report those days as operating at 246 or do we report 244 days of operating?

Answer: If you are closed and not serving any children you will submit a Program Narrative Change to your assigned consultant with an updated calendar. For reporting costs associated with two staff training days per contract period review pgs. 32-33 in the Fiscal Handbook.

Federal Update

NWLC Federal Update

Congressional leaders have finally come to an agreement on defense and non-defense spending (the "top-line number") for FY24 appropriations and will hopefully avoid a government shutdown. Unfortunately, the agreement does not retain the ECE increases that were included in the bipartisan Senate LHHS Fiscal Year 2024 Appropriations Bill. Therefore, it’s important that we continue to make the case that any additional funding considered by Congress includes our ECE priorities. More: Congress reaches spending deal that could help avoid government shutdown | AP News.

Our country needs Congress to push past the chaos and focus on the basics: keeping the government running and passing funding bills that place the needs of women, families, and children first. 

Supplemental Federal Child Care Funding Update:

As the timeline for passing the national security supplemental request continues to draw out, we are now focused on ensuring that any domestic supplemental that is considered includes $16 billion for child care and early learning.

Updated Report - State Child Care and Early Education Updates 2023: Continuing Progress

From the National Women’s Law Center:

State Child Care and Early Education Updates 2023: Continuing Progress - National Women's Law Center (nwlc.org)

Child care and early education is vital to parents’ work and educational opportunities, children’s development, and the economy’s growth. Yet, families struggle to find and access affordable, high-quality child care, and the child care workforce struggles with inadequate compensation. These challenges will likely only worsen with the end of the child care relief funding provided during the pandemic under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)—including $24 billion in child care stabilization grant funding for child care providers that expired at the end of September 2023, and $15 billion in supplemental funding for the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) that is set to expire at the end of September 2024—unless additional long-term federal funding is provided.

While federal investment is crucial to ensure a strong child care system across the country, states can also play an important role in supporting progress on child care through investments and innovative policies. As shown in the state-by-state summaries in this report, many states made progress in 2023, adopting policies and/or allocating resources to expand families’ access to child care and early learning opportunities and better support the child care workforce:

  • A number of states provided funding to increase early educators’ wages, benefits, and professional development opportunities in an effort to boost recruitment and retention. 
  • Some states expanded eligibility for child care assistance so that more families could receive help paying for care. 
  • Several states expanded their prekindergarten programs to serve more children and enhance quality.
  • A few states were able to either reverse past child care policies that were detrimental to families or block new legislation that would have a negative impact on child care programs and the families they serve.

The new investments and policy changes approved and/or implemented in 2023 are essential to ensuring families, child care programs, and early learning educators have the necessary support to succeed. Although many states improved their child care systems, not all states had success in 2023. Several states missed opportunities to increase funding or pass legislation that would enhance early care and education for their families. Further sustainable, long-term investments and policy improvements across all states are necessary to create a child care system that works for all families, children, and child care providers.

Take Action - New NAEYC Workforce Survey


I wanted to share some exciting information about NAEYC's newest ECE field survey, which we began fielding on Monday. We would greatly appreciate your support in lifting this up within your networks, to help ensure we receive the robust response needed to provide state-based and localized data and stories about the impact of the expiration of stabilization grants. More information below, as well as links to the survey in English and Spanish.

NAEYC’s ECE Field Survey


Take 15 minutes to complete NAEYC’s newest survey of the ECE field in English or Spanish (and have the chance to win 1 of 20 prizes, including a $100 gift card or a free registration to NAEYC’s 2024 Virtual Public Policy Forum!).

Federal child care stabilization grants ended on September 30, 2023. Through our partnership with the RAPID EC Survey Project, NAEYC has shared some data about the impact on the national child care landscape, but completing and sharing this new survey ensures we can get updated, state-based, and localized data and stories, about the up-to-the-moment realities of what is happening across our sector so we can collectively share those with you, advocates, policymakers, the press, and the public.

Webinar - Building a Comprehensive State Child Care Agenda

From the Center for American Progress:

Join the Center for American Progress’ Early Childhood team on Thursday, January 18, for a virtual event 2:30 - 3:30 pm ET exploring how state policymakers and advocates can utilize the team’s recently published Child Care and Early Learning in the U.S. Data Dashboard and State Policymaker Toolkit.


As many states embark on their 2024 legislative sessions, this event will provide state policymakers and advocates with the resources to make an effective case for increasing investments in child care and early learning programs in their states. You’ll have the chance to hear from these members of CAP’s Early Childhood Team:

  • Anna Lovejoy, Director of State Early Childhood Policy, co-author of the State Policymaker Toolkit
  • Hailey Gibbs, Senior Policy Analyst, co-author of the Data Dashboard & State Policymaker Toolkit
  • Allie Schneider, Policy Analyst, co-author of the Data Dashboard 
  • Erin Grant, Policy & Outreach Specialist 

Join the conversation. 

Lecture - Expanding Our Views of Marginalized Students’ Identities, featuring Mesmin Destin

From The Duke Center for Child and Family Policy:

The Duke Center for Child and Family Policy invites you to the Early Childhood Initiative Lecture, Expanding Our Views of Marginalized Students’ Identities, featuring Mesmin Destin from 3-4:30 PM EST on February 13. A Zoom option is available.

Abstract: Significant advances in psychological science have shed insight on how to best support the achievement and well-being of students from a diverse range of backgrounds. This talk covers research on specific factors shaping the experiences and outcomes of students from marginalized communities. Recent studies provide evidence regarding the effects of strengths-based messages about students’ marginalized identities. A series of experiments demonstrate the importance of strengths-based messages from various levels of social and contextual forces surrounding students.


Mesmin Destin is an associate professor in the Department of Psychology and School of Education and Social Policy at Northwestern University. He is also a fellow of Northwestern’s Institute for Policy Research and the inaugural faculty director of Student Access & Enrichment. He completed his Ph.D. in social psychology at the University of Michigan in 2010. Destin uses experiments and other methods to investigate factors shaping the experiences and outcomes of students from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds. He received the American Psychological Association Distinguished Scientific Award for Early Career Contribution in 2019 and a John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship in 2021.


The Early Childhood Initiative seeks to bring together scholars to address early childhood challenges and produce world-class scholarship that will help maximize the potential of all children during their early years.

Resources - Reimagining Parent Leadership

From The National Center for Family & Parent Leadership:

The National Center for Family & Parent Leadership has launched its new website, parentleadership.org. The site will serve as a launching pad for states, organizations and communities to learn about how to embed family and parent leadership in helping shape decisions and become more equitable, culturally relevant and customer-centric. The National Center offers an array of capacity-sharing opportunities and resources. Learn more about the Center, and how to authentically engage families in the creation of more equitable early childhood systems by visiting their website and sharing it with others.

Survey Analysis - Mississippi child care workers earn below 'survival wage'

From The Hechinger Report:

Mississippi child care workers are strained by low pay and lack of training — but an additional $5 an hour in salary would prompt around half of those workers to stay in their jobs and to seek additional education, according to a new survey by state child care advocates.

The coalition Mississippi Forum for the Future surveyed nearly 700 child care workers, most of whom provide care in centers, to draw attention to the precariousness of the child care sector in the state. Early childhood educators are facing strain across the nation, but Mississippi is in a particularly difficult position: Workers reported an average hourly wage of $10.93 and typically have no benefits. In contrast, a “survival wage” in the state for a single adult is $12.28 an hour, according to the report.

Nationally, child care workers earn $14.22 on average, according to federal labor statistics.

Additional information gathered from the survey:  

  • Just under 70 percent of child care workers said they worked 40 or more hours a week.  
  • More highly educated workers earned more, but the differences were not large: Child care employees with a high school diploma reported earning $10.22 an hour on average, but those with a bachelor’s degree or higher said their salary averaged $12.79 an hour. 
  • Close to half, or 48 percent of the workers surveyed, said they did not have training beyond high school. A similar percentage of child care workers — 47 percent — reported that they are working with children who have mental, physical, or emotional disabilities. 
  • About 36 percent said they relied on public support programs such as Medicaid or the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, also known as food stamps. 
  • A little more than a third reported they had looked for a new job, and of that group, most of them were looking for jobs out of the child care sector.  

In the midst of these stresses, demand for child care in the state is still quite high. 

More: Mississippi child care workers barely earn ‘survival wages’ - The Hechinger Report

Report - State Medicaid/WIC Opportunities

From the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and the Georgetown Center for Children and Families:

The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and the Georgetown Center for Children and Families are pleased to share our new report: State Medicaid Agencies Can Partner With WIC Agencies to Improve the Health of Pregnant and Postpartum People, Infants, and Young Children.

The report focuses on three ways that state Medicaid agencies can coordinate with state WIC agencies to enroll as many eligible people as possible:

  • Share Medicaid enrollee data with WIC agencies to identify eligible families who are not enrolled in WIC, conduct targeted outreach to them, and simplify their enrollment.
  • Support a community-based health workforce that can strengthen connections to WIC.

Work with health care providers and Medicaid managed care organizations to include WIC enrollment as a strategy to improve quality and address health-related social needs.

Most Viewed Bills of the Week:

  1. H.R.2670 [118th] - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024
  2. H.R.3832 [118th] - Disease X Act of 2023
  3. S.596 [117th] - Treat and Reduce Obesity Act of 2021
  4. H.R.2 [118th] - Secure the Border Act of 2023
  5. H.R.82 [118th] - Social Security Fairness Act of 2023
  6. S.1323 [118th] - SAFE Banking Act of 2023
  7. S.2226 [118th] - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024
  8. H.R.467 [118th] - HALT Fentanyl Act
  9. S.1271 [118th] - FEND Off Fentanyl Act
  10. H.R.6363 [118th] - Further Continuing Appropriations and Other Extensions Act, 2024

Social Media Spotlight

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Field Highlights

Child care deserts affect entire communities

We are all aware that having adequate child care is good for parents who would like to work, businesses that would like to have employees, and especially for children who can be better prepared for school, and have the experience of being with other children.

There are many examples of harm caused by the lack of child care. Individuals, the community and the local economy are all harmed when there is insufficient availability of quality child care.

I think we’ve all gone to restaurants or other businesses that have been closed or available for fewer hours because of the shortage of child care. An inconvenience for us but a lack of income for those businesses, income for employees and less tax collected.

Click here to view the full article.

Digging out: Newsom outlines plan to cover state budget deficit

California is in a budget hole, its depth measured not in feet, but in dollars.

How deep? A projected $38 billion deficit, according to Gov. Gavin Newsom, who said today he will declare a fiscal emergency if necessary and unveiled his initial plan to dig the state out of a fiscal chasm for the second year in a row. 

But Newsom painted it as a return to a more normal budget, after recent spikes in revenue. He called it “a story of correction, a story of normalization after a period of tremendous amount of distortion.”  

His deficit projection is far less dire than last month’s outlook from the nonpartisan legislative analysts, who projected that the state is eyeing a $68 billion deficit for the 2024-25 fiscal year, which starts July 1. 

Click here to view the full article.

CDSS & CDE Information & Updates

CDSS Child Care and Development Transition January 2024 Quarterly Report

The transition of child care and development programs from the California Department of Education (CDE) to the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) supports the State’s approach to strengthening our child care and development system to be more comprehensive, high-quality, and affordable.

The January 2024 Child Care Transition Quarterly Report outlines crucial milestones achieved from September to December 2023. It covers a historic second agreement between the State of California and the Child Care Providers United – California (CCPU), and a collaborative effort with WestEd. Additionally, a visual comparison in the report illustrates the rise in annual caseloads for CDSS’ subsidized child care and development programs from October 2022.

Read the report here.

Read the executive summary here.


The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) Child Care and Development Division (CCDD) has recently posted the following document on its Internet website: CCB 23-25E ERRATUM TO THE FISCAL YEAR 2023-2024 CHILD CARE AND DEVELOPMENT BUDGET OVERVIEW.

The purpose of this erratum Child Care Bulletin (CCB) is to provide clarification to counties and contractors regarding a minor change on page six of this CCB regarding Alternative Payment Programs Administrative Supports. The original CCB provided an overview of child care and development investments and policy changes included in the California State Budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-2024.

Read the entire CCB here.


The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) Child Care and Development Division (CCDD) has recently posted the following document on its Internet website: CCB 24-01 TRANSITIONAL ONE-TIME ALLOCATION TO FAMILY CHILD CARE HOMES AND COST OF CARE PLUS RATE PAYMENTS TO CHILD CARE CONTRACTORS PURSUANT TO SB 140 (CHAPTER 193, STATUTES OF 2023)

The purpose of this CCB is to provide contractors information regarding initial SB 140 allocations for disbursement of the Transitional One-Time Payments to Family Child Care Home providers who were reimbursed for state-subsidized child care services in the month of April 2023, outlined in CCB 23-32, and initial advances for Monthly per-child Cost of Care Plus Rates to family child care providers and centers as outlined in CCB 23-37. These allocations are issued outside of service contracts, and are to be issued to providers serving subsidized children in accordance with SB 140 guidance.

Read the entire CCB here.

ATTENTION: Child Care and Development Contractors – Remaining ARPA Funds Information

In order to comply with deadlines for certain federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds, California disbursed the funds to contractors, so that eligible child care providers would receive an additional stipend. Providers who cared for a child enrolled in a subsidy program in April 2022 received a $275 per child enrolled stipend payment. The same eligibility rules applied for this next stipend round that applied for both the AB 179 $1442 per child stipends and the AB 110 $440 reimbursement rate supplements.  


This email provides additional guidance about remaining ARPA funds. CDSS is aware that many contractors have additional ARPA funds remaining while some contractors require additional funds to issue the full round of $275 stipends. To maximize unused child care stabilization funds, contractors are instructed to:

  • Hold remaining ARPA funds until CDSS provides additional instructions in the coming weeks.
  • Complete this survey by January 31, 2024. Please be sure to submit accurate responses, as these responses will be used for final reconciliation of ARPA funds.     


The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) Child Care and Development Division (CCDD) has recently posted the following document on its Internet website: CCB 23-38: EMERGENCY CLOSURE REQUEST.

The purpose of this CCB is to notify General Child Care and Development (CCTR), Migrant Child Care and Development (CMIG), Family Child Care Home Education Network (CFCC), and Children with Severe Disabilities (CHAN) contractors of the process for submitting an Emergency Closure Request Form.

Read the entire CCB here.

2025-27 CCDF State Plan Update: Amendment #3

The California Department of Social Services (CDSS), Child Care and Development Division (CCDD) has posted the FFY 2022-24 CCDF State Plan - Amendments #3 to the CDSS’ Child Care and Development Fund State Plan webpage.


Per Title 45 of the Code of Federal Regulations, section 98.14(d), CCDD is required to post any changes to their approved state plan after policy changes have been approved by the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) Office of Child Care.


Click on the link above to see details of the approved changes.

Inclusion Works! Webinar Series - Part 3 Registration Open!

The CDSS is partnering with WestEd to offer a free expanded virtual webinar series on inclusion. This training is for all who wish to support inclusion and inclusive practices in their child care and development program, child care home, or in programs they support.


This trio of workshops builds on one another and work best when taken as a series. Using the book and accompanying video series, Inclusion Works! Creating Child Care Programs that Promote Belonging for Children with Disabilities, participants will receive training with optional follow-up technical assistance sessions after each workshop to enhance implementation. The book and videos provide a unique and comprehensive baseline for providing quality inclusion. This series offers a strong foundation in inclusive practices, has self-assessment checklists and other useful forms available for use. Participants will also develop a plan of action for implementing ideas in their settings. Participants will be assigned Inclusion Liaisons who will consult with them following each webinar.


All sessions will be simultaneously interpreted into Spanish and all materials will be available in Spanish.


Virtual technical assistance sessions will be offered regionally after each training.


Part 3: Jan. 18, 2024, 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Planning in Inclusive Setting


Register Today!

Happening This Week, January 16th-19th:

Tuesday, January 16th:

-TFC Weekly Member Call @ 1:00pm. Email to register.

Thursday, January 18th:

-Inclusion Works! Webinar Series: Planning in Inclusive Setting @ 5:30pm-7:30pm. Register Here.

Thriving Families California (formerly CAPPA) is committed to supporting our field with a coordinated calendar. Click here to see current calendar of events. If you have an event to add, email us and it will be added.

The Weekly Good

An uplifting way to start the week, for those of us who need a break from the chaos that is our lives.

During this time where we are all stressed, it would be great to celebrate the positive. Each week we will celebrate everyday heroes, inspiring movements and great things happening in our field. 

Become a Monday 

Morning Update Partner! 

Our Monday Morning Update supports our Early Learning & Child Care field with timely information about what is going on in California and nationally; as well as dates to be aware and upcoming events. 

Our weekly Monday morning distribution is to more than 6,200 federal and state local agencies, resource and referrals, contractors, legislators and their staffs', centers, parents, providers, state departments and advocates. 

To help support the continuation of this resource and or advertise in the Monday Morning Update, click HERE.

To advertise in the update, click here.

You can also make a donation to TFC and The CAPPA Children's Foundation HERE.

The Children's Foundation is a non-profit organization (501(c)3), Taxpayer Identification Number is 03-0521444. Your generous donation is tax deductible.

Quick Links

Join TFC Today!

Legislative Information

Job Announcements

TFC Website

Support TFC

January 2024 Monday Morning Update Sponsor

January 2024 Featured Agency Highlight

Human Response Network

Human Response Network (HRN) is a private, community-based, nonprofit organization that serves Trinity County in Northern California with a wide array of social and educational services.

Established in 1980 by women determined to provide needed resources to families in Trinity County, HRN is dedicated to protecting each person's right to live in safety with dignity. The agency grew out of a grassroots movement to provide support to women and children who were victims of domestic violence, abuse, or sexual assault. Since then, HRN has expanded its role in the community to include a variety of services for children, individuals, and families of all types and sizes.  

Get to know them and the full scope of their work by visiting their website highlighting how they are supporting the needs of family child care providers and families in Trinity County.

Community based public and private Alternative Payment Programs (APPs) support the needs of working moms and dads with access to child care and other supports earmarked to lift families up from poverty. During the pandemic, these programs have distributed emergency essential worker child care vouchers, family child care and center stipends & PPE, diapers, food and clothing. Throughout California, these APPs may also support parental choice to CalWORKs Stages 2 & 3, preschool and center-based programs, general child care, After School Education and Safety (ASES), Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), Family Child Care Home Education Networks (FCCHENs), transportation, behavioral & mental health services, respite, regional centers, health and safety, 21st Century, resource libraries, and Trustline.

TFC Member Only Benefits

Not a member?

Find out how to join Today!

TFC Weekly Member Connections via Zoom:

Our commitment to you is to have scheduled at least once per week a call wherein we can all connect. As questions arise, forward them to TFC so that we can address them on these calls. Look for a weekly email to register. Recording and Q&A will also be posted on the Member's Only page. 

Job Descriptions and Salary Information

TFC has collected more than 85 job descriptions from member agencies that you can view and use when you create your agency's next job posting!

Visit the Member's Only website to view today!

Best Practices

TFC has been working on Best Practices and policies to support you during this challenging time.

Visit the Member's Only website to view today!

TFC's 2023-24 Board of Directors


Gina Fromer, Ph.D.



Michelle Graham

Children's Resource & Referral of Santa Barbara County 


LaVera Smith

Supportive Services, Inc. Fresno


Beth Chiaro

Child Care Resource Center


Rick Richardson

Child Development Associates


Leslie Reece

Family Resource Center


Jeanne Fridolfs

Napa County Office of Education


Joie Owen

Glenn County Office of Education- Child and Family Services


Karen Marlatt

Valley Oak Children's Services 


Kendall Hirai

Crystal Stairs, Inc.


Tina Barna 

Catalyst Community


Jessica Kranz

Go Kids, Inc.


Mike Michelon


Marco Jimenez

Central Valley Children's Services Network


Christine Nguyen

Child Action, Inc.


Teri Sedrick

North Coast Opportunities, Inc.

Denyne Micheletti Colburn


The representation of the TFC board spreads across all agency types and sizes, and represents voices from nearly every region in California.

Click Here to see.

DSS & CDE Updates

January 8, 2024

CCB 24-01: Transitional One-Time Allocation To Family Child Care Homes And Cost Of Care Plus Rate Payments To Child Care Contractors Pursuant To SB 140 (Chapter 193, Statutes Of 2023)

December 21, 2023

CCB 23-38:

Emergency Closure Request

November 17, 2023

CCB 23-37: Cost of Care Plus Rate Payments to Child Care Providers Pursuant to SB 140 (Chapter 193, Statutes of 2023)

November 14, 2023

CCB 23-33:

Continued Funding Application Fiscal Year 2024-25

November 8, 2023

CCB 23-36:

Fiscal Year 2023-24 Direct Service Budget Act Amendments

CCB 23-34:

Implementation Of The Provisions Of SB 140 (Chapter 193, Statutes Of 2023) Pertaining To Child Care Provider Payment

November 6, 2023

CCB 23-35:

Fiscal Year 2023-24 Voucher-Based Budget Act Amendments

November 2, 2023

CCB 23-32:

Transitional One-Time Payments To Child Care Providers Pursuant To AB 140 (Chapter 193, Statutes Of 2023)

Job Openings

Is Your Organization Hiring?

Post your job announcement here for thousands to see!

There is no charge for TFC members.

Non-members will be charged a fee of $75.

Please email us your posting!

-Chief Operating Officer Internal/External

-Chief Strategy Officer Internal/External

-Human Resources Specialist-C&C/R&S 

-Child Care Subsidy Coordinator 

Child Action, Inc. Sacramento

Executive Director

Del Norte Child Care Council

Child Development Associates

Multiple Positions Open

-Program Services Assistant III

-Local Child Care Planning Coordinator

-Teachers - Child Development

Colusa County Office of Education 

Child Development Associates, Inc. San Diego

Multiple Positions Available

-Program Specialist (Case Management)- Orange County

-Program Specialist (Child Care Payment Case Management)-Long Beach

-Program Specialist (Child Care Payment Program Case Management)-Yuba City

Children's Home Society

-Finance Director

-Center Director at Roosevelt

Davis Street

Education Director

Sierra Nevada Children's Services

-Child Care Case Manager & Support Specialist

-Child Care Case Manager

Glenn County Office of Education

Family Advocate

YMCA of San Diego County

Pathways LA- Multiple Job Openings

Nutritional Aid, Child Care Provider Training Coordinator, Child Care Case Worker,

Preschool Associate Teacher, Child Care Professional Dev. Coach and Payment Processor

Of Interest

Emerging Solutions for America’s Broken Early Education System

Opinion: Bob Norris: Child care deserts affect entire communities

Would California spend billions of extra dollars to improve the wellbeing of its children?

A Good Economy Feels Bad For Americans When Care Is Still Out Of Reach

Field Happenings and Resources


how our agencies continue to engage and communicate with families and providers.

Visit our website