
March 2024 Newsletter

In This Issue

President's Report

Vote for TPID Directors 2024-2025

TPID-Endorsed Candidates for the June 25 Primary

Petitioning Is Underway for Our Endorsed Candidates

The Suozzi Campaign Thanks Three Parks

Susan Baldwin 1943-2024

Recommended Read: Laboratories of Autocracy

March Club Meeting

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

The Youth Hostel, 891 Amsterdam Ave. at

W. 103rd St., Ballroom

 *** 7:30 pm ***

What's Going on with the State

and City Budgets?

James Parrott

Director of Economic and Fiscal Policies

Center for New York City Affairs

The New School

Vote for

Three Parks Independent Democrats

Board of Directors 2024-2025


7:15 pm: Sign in

7:30 pm: Call to Order

Speaker: James Parrott

Questions and Answers

Speakers: Nominees for TPID Board of Directors

Vote for TPID Board of Directors 2024-2025

District Leader Report

State Committee Report


Masks will be available for free at the Hostel

President's Report

By Lorraine Zamora


Petitioning is here again, and we’re off and running!


As I write this, Three Parks has officially launched Petition Signing Season. Weather permitting, we will host petition tables on Broadway every weekend at mid-day and every Wednesday during the evening rush during March (see the schedule further on in this newsletter). Please come and help gather signatures for our endorsed candidates. As I’m sure you know, all candidates running for office need to receive a specific number of signatures in order for their names to be on the Primary ballot in June. Please watch for our eblasts and check our website for updates. Our deadline for petition submission is April 1, latest.


My thanks to Theresa Canter, Dan Cohen, Chuck Wall, Lynn Thomas, Lynn Max and Steve Max for the extraordinary job they’ve done to organize and coordinate the gathering of petition signatures.


And thanks to everyone at Three Parks for all that you do!

Vote for

TPID Board of Directors


The vote will take place at the March 13 Club meeting.

Here is the list of nominees:


President, Lorraine Zamora

1st Vice President, Daniele Gerard

2nd Vice President, Lynn Max

Treasurer, Ellen Flax

Recording Secretary, Michael Stearns

Corresponding Secretary, Chuck Wall

Membership Director, Josh Pepper

Special Events Director, Lois Safian

Program Director, Wendy Diller



Raven Brown

Corinne Constantine

Liza Cooper

Tim Eckersley

Paul Froelich

Mary Ann Marks

Steve Max

Miriam Rabban

Irene Shrier

Daniel Tsadok

Doug Whelan

For profiles of the nominees, click here.

The ballot box will open when the last Board candidate has finished speaking and will close when the last Club member in the room has voted.

Make Sure You Are Eligible to Vote!

In order to vote to endorse candidates and for the Board and officers, you must be a member of Three Parks Independent Democrats. Also, your dues must be current for the year in which the endorsement vote is held. In addition, you must have attended, as a member, at least one Club meeting in the six months prior to the endorsement vote. For new members, membership becomes effective one month after dues payment. For more information and a list of eligible voters, click here.

Below is the list of Club members eligible to vote on Wednesday, March 13, 2024. If you do not see your name here but believe you are qualified to vote, please contact the Membership Director, Theresa Canter.

Voters Eligible Mar. 13, 2024

  • Baldwin Emily
  • Baldwin William
  • Beels Clemens Christian
  • Beels Margaret
  • Brancato Vincent
  • Brown Raven
  • Bryan Nicholas
  • Canter Theresa
  • Chan Frances
  • Cohen Daniel Marks
  • Constantine Corinne
  • Cooper Liza
  • Daltz Mimi
  • Dannett Wendy
  • DeSeta Maxine
  • Diller Wendy
  • Eckersley Timothy
  • Edelstein Vera
  • Fifer Gerry Ann
  • Flacks Alan
  • Flax Ellen
  • Florman Cynthia F.
  • Freedman Helen
  • Freedman Henry
  • Froelich Paul
  • Geissman Mary J.
  • Gerard Daniele
  • Goldberg Judith
  • Guide Joyce
  • Hazzard Elaine
  • Honan Lindsay
  • Honan Bradley
  • Horn Mervyn A.

  • Huey Jacqueline
  • Jenkins Russell
  • Jenkins Emma
  • Karl Ellery
  • Katz Michael
  • Kellner Douglas
  • Kellner Elizabeth Krob
  • Kingsley Lawrence
  • Laufer Kenneth
  • Lazarus David
  • Lederman Raquel
  • Leider Hannah
  • Leinwall Gail
  • Levine Caroline
  • Levitt Renee Greene
  • Maderer Susan
  • Makleff Rachel
  • Malcolm Betsy
  • Markens Bruce
  • Marks Mary Ann
  • Max Lynn Bender
  • Max Stephen
  • McGuinness George
  • Medwedew Alex
  • Mehlman Arlene
  • Mendelsohn Aaron
  • Morgan Brenda
  • Mullins Derrick
  • Northrup Eli
  • Okporo Edafe
  • Pasley Mary
  • Pepper Josh
  • Pforzheimer Annie
  • Pierre Judy
  • Placeres Alfred
  • Placeres Ricardo
  • Placeres Efigenia
  • Rabban Miriam
  • Ramsey Dale
  • Rand Debra
  • Reisner Carol
  • Robbins Richard
  • Safian Lois
  • Sayers Donna C.
  • Scalise Carl Joseph
  • Schafer Judith
  • Schindler Sarah
  • Schneier Roger
  • Schneier Faye
  • Schultz Gerald
  • Shrier Irene
  • Slorance John
  • Smith Willie
  • Spiro Anna Lee
  • Stearns Michael
  • Stearns Roschel Holland
  • Straw Leilani
  • Tegnazian Stephanie
  • Thomas Lynn
  • Thomas Deborah
  • Tsadok Daniel
  • Tucker Susan
  • Voorhis George
  • Wall Charles
  • Weinstein Judy
  • Wellman Jeri
  • Wickham Landon
  • Williams Lauren A
  • Williston Kitty
  • Wood Judy G.
  • Zak Anthony
  • Zamora Lorraine
  • Zeche Gloria
  • Zucker Tamar


Eligible if dues are paid by the date of the meeting

  • Bardin Robert
  • Crowley Kitty
  • Dupuis Marnie
  • Gemson Constance
  • Goldberg Beryl
  • Halgood Prince

  • Harris Keith
  • Jamison-Howard Ruth
  • McEldowney Merle
  • Niedernan Adele
  • Perez Julio
  • Pfeiffer Ilene

  • Samuels Katherine
  • Simon Franklin
  • Simon Barbara
  • Taylor Russel
  • Eric Weltman

Weltman Eric

TPID-Endorsed Candidates for the June 25 Primary

Here are the candidates that Three Parks has endorsed for the June 25 primary:

United States Congress

Adriano Espaillat 

NY 13th District

Jerrold Nadler 

NY 12th District

New York State Offices

Cordell CleareSenate Dist. 30

Brad Hoylman-Sigal Senate Dist. 47

Micah LasherAssembly Dist. 69

District Leader (Female)

Theresa Canter

Democratic State Committee

Lynn Thomas ● Douglas Kellner

Civil Court Judges

Allison Greenfield

Louis L. Nock

Malaika Scott-McLaighlin

Ralph L. Wolf

Judicial Delegates


Alan Flacks

Elizabeth Kellner

Aaron Mendelsohn

Josh Pepper

Deborah Thomas

Alternate Delegates

Elaine Hazzard

Susan Maderer

Alfred Placeres

Stephanie Tegnazian

Doug Whelan

Anthony Zak

To hear audio recordings of the January and February club endorsement meetings, click here.

Petitioning Is Underway for Our Endorsed Candidates

Now that the endorsement votes are completed, it is time to petition to get our endorsed candidates on the June 25 Primary ballot. This year, petitioning began at the end of February and runs through March. A schedule of petitioning events for March 6 -- 10 is shown below.

Join Us at Sidewalk Tables and at the

W. 97th St. Farmers' Market

Wednesday, March 6

W. 104th Street & B'way, SW corner

W. 97th Street & B'way, NW corner

4:30--5:30 PM

Friday March 8

Farmers' Mkt on W. 97th St. btwn Amst. & Col. Aves.

10 AM -- 12 noon

Saturday March 9

W. 104th Street & B'way, SW corner

W. 97th Street & B'way, NW corner

12:00--2:00 PM

Sunday, March 10

W. 105th St. & B'way, NE corner

11:00 AM -- 1:00 PM

More petitioning events to follow.

Be sure to check the TPID website petitioning page before visiting the table in case of last-minute changes

To volunteer for any of these petitioning events, RSVP here.

Volunteers can pick up petitions at the W. 104th Street sidewalk table. To arrange petition pick-up at other times, call Lorraine Zamora at (917) 348-5136.

Above: NYS Assembly candidate Micah Lasher (4th

from left) joins Three Parks members for petitioning at

the W. 97th Street Farmers' Market on March 1.

Above: NYS Senator Brad Hoylman-Sigal and NYS Assembly candidate Micah Lasher (back row, 2nd and 4th from left) join Three Parks members for petitioning on a rainy Saturday afternoon.

The Suozzi Campaign Thanks Three Parks

Nate Munson-Palomba, Campaign Field Director for Democratic Congressional Candidate Tom Suozzi in CD3 on Long Island, salutes all the Three Parks volunteers who helped achieve last month's election victory.

Hi Three Parks - 

Thank you all so much! Has been an honor to work with you all once again, and looking forward to doing so in November!

Onward! -- Nate Munson-Palomba

Three Parks Club members and friends wrote and sent more than 4400 postcards to Long Island voters, and also canvassed door-to-door in the district. Suozzi's win marks an important step in regaining Democratic control of Congress.

Susan Baldwin 1943-2024

Susan Baldwin, a longtime member of Three Parks Independent Democrats with her husband William and daughter Emily, died at home on Feb. 15.

Since moving to the Upper West Side in the late 1960s, Susan was a Democratic Party activist, having served as a state Democratic Committee member in the 1970s and ‘80s, and as a member of the Riverside Democrats before becoming a founding member of TPID. One of her favorite activities was soliciting signatures on ballot nominating petitions for candidates. ...

Read More.

Recommended Read:

Laboratories of Autocracy by David Pepper, St. Helena Press, 2021


State governments are essential to our lives, our communities, and the functions of our democracy. Unfortunately, most Americans are woefully unaware of how state government works and pay little attention. Yet state legislatures are currently under nationwide attack from Republicans. 


David Pepper’s book Laboratories of Autocracy is an important exploration of the Republicans’ continuing autocratic campaign to take over state governments, viewed particularly through the lens of the state of Ohio. ...

Read More.

Don't Miss Out! Renew Your Three Parks Membership Now for 2024

Click here or mail in the membership form at the

end of this newsletter.

 Upcoming Meetings

Wednesday, Mar. 13, 7:30 PM

Three Parks Club Meeting

Wednesday, Mar. 27, 8:00 PM

Three Parks Board Meeting

Wednesday, Apr. 10, 7:30 PM

Three Parks Club Meeting

Wednesday, Apr. 24, 8:00 PM

Three Parks Board Meeting

The opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the authors of the articles and are not necessarily representative of Three Parks.
Lorraine Zamora
Chuck Wall

District Leader

Theresa Canter

Daniel Marks Cohen

State Committee

Douglas Kellner

Lynn Thomas

Read more about our grassroots activities.

Follow us on Facebook/Meta here

Follow us on X (Twitter) here

Website: threeparksdems.org

Read the February Newsletter here

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Print, cut out, and mail this form.


New Member __________    Renewal __________

Membership Category(check one)

Individual ($25) __________

Family: two adults in the same household ($40) __________

Low Income ($15) __________     Low Income Family ($20) __________

Sponsor ($50) __________          Patron ($100) __________

Name __________________________ Date __________________

Address __________________________Apt. # _______________

City ________________________  State _______ ZIP ________

Phone (Home) ____________________   (Cell) ___________________

Email ____________________________________________________

Please pay your dues with a check, money order or via PayPal by following this link to the Three Parks website. Please make out all checks to Three Parks Independent Democrats.

Mail to:  Three Parks Independent Democrats

                Cathedral Station, P.O. Box 1316

                 New York, NY 10025

                Attention: Treasurer