Issue No. 240 | August 11, 2022

Strengthening American Capacity for Effective Engagement

俗语 from Xi Jinping


rén xīn xiàng bèi

Meaning: popular sentiment, whether people are for or against

Original: 习近平指出,统一战线是党克敌制胜、执政兴国的重要法宝,是团结海内外全体中华儿女实现中华民族伟大复兴的重要法宝,必须长期坚持。人心向背、力量对比是决定党和人民事业成败的关键,是最大的政治。统战工作的本质要求是大团结大联合,解决的就是人心和力量问题。关键是要坚持求同存异,发扬“团结-批评-团结”的优良传统,在尊重多样性中寻求一致性,找到最大公约数、画出最大同心圆。统一战线是党领导的统一战线,要确保党对统战工作全面领导。统战工作是全党的工作,必须全党重视,大家共同来做,构建党委统一领导、统战部门牵头协调、有关方面各负其责的大统战工作格局。


Xi Jinping gave a speech at the Central United Front Work Conference, held in Beijing from July 29-30, emphasizing that this year marks the 100th anniversary of the CCP’s United Front policy. Other officials gave speeches about how important Xi’s speech was.

习近平在中央统战工作会议上强调 促进海内外中华儿女团结奋斗 为中华民族伟大复兴汇聚伟力

Weekly Reading: Thoughts on Taiwan

Here is an article making the rounds on WeChat. It is sourced from 微信公众号:九边. The author explains his understanding of Taiwanese attitudes towards reunification, based on his discussions with his Taiwanese friend. You don’t have to agree with it to find it an interesting set of insights into how some people are viewing the situation.


Think Tank Opportunities

Research Assistant, Brookings China Center

Brookings is hiring a research assistant for its prestigious China Center to provide research support, as well as administrative support and coordination for the day-to-day operation of the Center and for certain Center events. The Research Assistant performs directed research and works with increasing independence locating and compiling source materials in both English and Mandarin Chinese on projects relating to China’s politics, society, and foreign policy.

Carnegie China Global Internship Program 2022-2023

Carnegie China is seeking highly qualified and motivated students and recent graduates to apply for its Academic Year Young Ambassadors Program. Selected interns will have the opportunity to learn about key foreign policy issues by interacting with and supporting senior Chinese and international scholars and experts and supporting Carnegie China's activities and operations. Interns will become an integral part of Carnegie's global network.


Enroll in our self-paced, online Chinese course at

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Course Website
Please visit the course website or contact for more information. Ask your employer about educational reimbursement!
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