Two Visionary Insights That Give Perspective on the State of the World Right Now
Dear Friends,

This newsletter focuses on materials to look behind the crisis de jour driven news cycle, analyze causes and principles, and propose ways forward. We hope you find it of value and appreciate your feedback at 

Jonathan Granoff
President, Global Security Institute

Two in-depth publications by Jonathan Granoff:
I was recently honored with the publication of my thoughts on human security in two prestigious publications: The Fordham International Law Journal — in a special volume: Nuclear Weapons and International Law 2020, and in Cadmus: Human Security: A Strong Foundation for Multilateral Cooperation. Cadmus is published by the World Academy of Art and Science and informs policy and decision-making, and enhances our collective response to the challenges and opportunities facing the world today. The Fordham International Law Journal is one of the most competitive international law periodicals in the world and attracts contributions from prominent statespersons and members of the academic, legal, and political communities. Read the papers below:
Nuclear Expert: We Can Not Coexist With These Weapons
By Prof. Frank Von Hippel, an Advisory Board Member of the Global Security Institute, and co-Director of Princeton’s Program on Science and Global Security. Here are some of his recent articles:

Human Security: Its Time Has Come
Jonathan Granoff, President of the Global Security Institute, addressed the Rotary E-Club of World Peace on June 14, 2022. "Ask yourself every day: Is my love alive, true, generous, and open? How can I bring love into action?' He asks. The Rotary E-club is an active community of peacebuilders learning about and advancing peace.
Humanity's Moment of Choice: Choosing Peace
Listen to Jonathan Granoff, Audrey E. Kitagawa, Dot Maver, Ben Bowler, Jon Ramer, Elena Mustakova, Jude Currivan and others, speak about issues that can help uplift your life and guide the desire we all share for personal and collective peace.
Nothing has been more elusive in human history than peace, although it is the most desired element in human life. Cycles of war and violence seem to repeat with each generation. How can we meet this challenge with vision and hope? It’s time for champions of peace—at personal and collective levels—to share their hearts, and share their visions. In this VoiceAmerica Special “Humanity's Moment of Choice: Choosing Peace” — from the Evolutionary Leaders Circle, peace champions from activist, arts and media communities, and the policy-making world, gather to confront this challenge.
Ensuring Global Peace Through Ecological Regeneration
In April, the American Sustainable Business Network presented an online dialogue: "Ensuring Global Peace Through Ecological Regeneration."
In celebration of Earth Day, Monica Willard, a longtime anti-nuclear activist joined fellow peace advocates Jonathan Granoff (President of the Global Security Institute) and Kehkashan Basu (Voices Youth Gorbachev-Shultz Legacy Award for Nuclear Disarmament recipient) for a discussion with the Livable Planet Working Group Co-chair Sierra Flanigan about the inextricable connection between environmental regeneration and international conflict resolution.
Myths in Warfare: Are Nuclear Weapons Strategists Living According to Things That Are Manifestly Untrue?
Jonathan Granoff and Ward Wilson are experts on nuclear weapons; Joan Kerr specializes in community gardening and IEEE, but they all discuss nukes during this schmooze session. Jonathan and Ward assert that they are the realists, whereas the hard-nosed nuclear weapons strategists are living according to several myths that are manifestly untrue. Ward shows that the Japanese did not surrender because of the bombing of Hiroshima but because the Japanese entered the war and were advancing rapidly at the same time as the atomic bombings began. 
Common Security, Nuclear Risks, and the OSCE in the Wake of the Ukraine Conflict
A webinar highlighting the importance of common security mechanisms like the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), especially in light of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and increased nuclear threats.
UN Sustainable Development Goals: Setting the Stage for Integration, Indivisibility & Interlinkage
GSI President Jonathan Granoff recently took part in a UN High-Level Political Forum around the SGDs: Evolutionary Leaders SDG Thought Leaders Circle,
The panel included Dr. Jude Currivan (Cosmology) and Dr. Kurt Johnson (World Religions and Evolutionary Science) and was moderated by Dr. Joni Carley.
Investing money in virtuous endeavors, if done without spiritual arrogance, will bring blessings” — Jonathan Granoff
The Conference of the World Council of Religious Leaders on Faith and Diplomacy: Generations in Dialogue, co-organized by Religions for Peace and the Foundation Peace Dialogue of the World Religions and Civil Society (Ring for Peace) with the support of the German Federal Foreign Office, was convened to assess and scale up responses to the combined challenges of peace and security, humanitarian crisis and environmental degradation.
Jonathan Granoff of the Global Security Institute presented The Lindau Initiative: Responsible Investing for a Sustainable Future, which is discussed in an interview with Michael Scheyer in Ring for Peace Magazine. 
The Lindau Initiative challenges universities, religions, and all civil society institutions to adopt comprehensive investment guidelines to enhance human security and avoid environmental destruction, weapons of indiscriminate effect, and human rights violations. It's based on the success of the Norwegian Sovereign Wealth Fund’s practices.


Global Security Institute, a leader in the international quest to abolish nuclear weapons, was founded more than 20 years ago by Senator Alan Cranston. Since its founding it has relied on support from donors like you for its work and expansion. Please consider taking a moment to assist us in keeping the message and momentum for nuclear disarmament alive. Thank you.