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Detroit Means Business

Apply For SBOA III Fellowship by June 3!

Applications for the DMB Small Business Owners Advocates (SBOA) Fellowship close on Monday, June 3. Small Business Owner Advocates are a dedicated group of small and mid-sized Detroit business owners charged with utilizing their experience to inform the work of DMB and help the coalition keep business owner perspectives at the core of what we do. This group is carefully selected to reflect the rich diversity of Detroit’s small business community, and to bring solutions-oriented owners together to support one another as well as business owners at large. 


Program Objectives 

  • SBOA Fellows learn how to advocate as changemakers 
  • SBOA Fellows create a better business community in Detroit 
  • SBOA Fellows are better positioned to represent their industry and their district 


Benefits for Fellows 

  • Refine leadership skills 
  • Build their legacy with a tangible contribution 
  • Network with other successful business owners 
  • Leverage a platform for their voice 
  • Receive mentoring to help achieve their next level 


Fellow Qualifications 

  • Over 18 years old  
  • Full time, for-profit, LARA-registered business owner with at least one employee or contractor other than themselves  
  • Detroit-based 
  • In business for at least three years  
  • Revenue-generating, with at least the immediate past two quarters of positive cash flow  


Deadline to Apply is June 3, 2024 @ 11:59 PM ET 

Small Biz News

DMB Summit Highlights

We're still basking in the afterglow of the 2024 DMB Summit, are you? We'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback on this year's event - simply email us.

DMB Digital Access Hub is Live!

Did you know there are digital tools that could save you time and money? Check out the Detroit Means Business digital access hub today. Be sure you take the Digital Readiness Assessment and sign up for digital tool support with a Tech worker. 

Upcoming Events

Final Tech Bites Workshop on June 3

Join us for the final Tech Bites workshop on Monday, June 3, from 9 AM to 12 PM at MASH Detroit (14711 Mack Ave). We'll finish things up by discussing social media presence.

All are invited to attend!

Small Biz Opportunities

Detroit Means Business has the latest in small business opportunities: accelerators, incubators, pitch competitions, learning opportunities, and more. View opportunities with fast-approaching deadlines below.



Goldman Sachs 10kSB Detroit Cohort 31

June 1

Milestone Growth Capital Institute

June 4

How To Write a Business Plan Business Training Program

June 10

2024 Downtown Detroit Winter Markets Vender

June 17


Save the Date: Renaissance Venture Capital Fall UnDemo Da

Please save the date to join Renaissance Venture Capital for Fall UnDemo Day® on October 1-2, 2024!

The event will be in person in Detroit, and there is no cost to attend. Startups that are based in Michigan and that are seeking venture capital funding are welcome to participate. Please pass this note along to founders in your network who might be interested.

A tentative agenda is below (all times are ET):

  • October 1, 9pm-Midnight: Motown After Hours Innovators Jam
  • October 2, 12-4:30pm: UnDemoDay® at Ford Field, connecting top startups with venture capital firms from around the U.S.

Financial Resources

Access to capital is essential for a business to survive and thrive, and Detroit Means Business is here to help you do just that. View financial resources with fast-approaching deadlines below.



HFFI 2024 Planning Grant Program

June 17

Verizon Digital Ready

June 28

Entrepreneurs of Color Fund


Michigan Good Food Fund



Our Small Business Call Center is open to take calls

M-F 9AM-5PM at (844) 333-8249.