Dear Friends:
We have just had our second week of services in the parish hall. Some of you may remember past services in the hall, especially in summer when the church gets really warm. This was my first time.
I noticed the vibrant acoustics – the singing was truly wonderful. You can hear it in the recording (link below). Air-conditioning made it very comfortable – a sign of things to come when we return to a newly air-conditioned church. The one challenge was attendance: we had 60 chairs and an attendance of 55. Over the coming weeks, we will experiment with layout to see if we can fit a few more chairs. This will become a greater challenge as more people return from summer holidays.
Please note the details below for the memorial service this coming Saturday for Robin Dorrell. We are so grateful to First Baptist Church for welcoming us to hold this service in their sanctuary.
This coming Sunday’s scriptures set up the story of Jesus feeding a crowd of 5000 people. He describes the people with compassion as “sheep without a shepherd.” This theme of compassion is further explored with Psalm 23, where God is the shepherd looking to our needs. The compassion theme extends over the readings throughout the summer.
I hope you will join us as we worship this Sunday at 9:30 in the parish hall.
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SCRIPTURES - Sunday, July 28 - Tenth Sunday after Pentecost
2 Kings 4:42-44; Psalm 145:10-18; Ephesians 3:14-21; John 6:1-21
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SCRIPTURES - Sunday, Aug 4 - Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost
Exodus 16:2-4, 9-15; Psalm 78:23-29; Ephesians 4:1-16; 6:24-35
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Saturday, July 20, 2:00 p.m.
First Baptist Church
Please join us in remembering Robin. Read more about Robin's life HERE. Special thanks to First Baptist Church for hosting this service for St John's. First Baptist is located at 140 Laurier Avenue West. Parking is available at 150 Elgin, Place Bell, City Hall and the National Arts Centre.
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Above: Getting ready for the new flooring
Below: Air-conditioning units have arrived
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70 chairs have been purchased in our Buy-A-Chair Campaign!
Thank you to the over 30 people who have purchased chairs so far. Last week we challenged you to help
us reach 75 chairs. It seems we will reach that goal. How high can we go?
Please join in this wonderful opportunity to contribute to our nave renewal project.
Each chair is $200. Buy one or buy more.
Donations can be made:
If you want to know more, please speak to Pat Fisher, Jill Moll or Barb Dransch.
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As the work to install the HVAC units proceeds, the Shop will be closed as of July 2nd for approximately one month. Stay tuned for updates.
Please note that the Shop is not accepting donations during this time.
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As many of you will know, Barb Hallam-Price has resigned as our Interim Music Director for health reasons. We are so grateful to Barb for having extended her time in this role and we wish her all the best for a complete recovery. A big thank-you as well to Gordon Johnston for agreeing to provide music coverage over the summer.
Barb’s participation in the search for a new Music Director has been invaluable, and we are very pleased that she has agreed to continue as a member of the Music Director Selection Committee. We have been pursuing a number of leads in our search, and we will provide a further update later in the summer.
Brian Cameron
Chair, Music Director Selection Committee.
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What says "summer" better than a lively discussion with friends over delicious food? Mark your calendars now for this year's edition of "Books and BBQ"!
On August 13th, Ian and Michelle will host a BBQ to discuss the book "True Reconciliation" by Jody Wilson-Raybould. The book explores how individuals, communities, organizations, and governments can move forward on the journey of indigenous reconciliation. The discussion will be led by our Indigenous Engagement Coordinator, Kimberly Johnson.
Unfortunately, there appears to be a long waiting list for the book at the Ottawa Public Library, but the book is also available through Amazon and Kindle. The Lifelong Learning Committee hopes to also work with Perfect Books to secure a few copies.
The event will begin at 6pm. A main course (vegetarian and non-vegetarian) and beverages will be provided, but contributions of salads or desserts would be most welcome (but not required). Weather permitting, the gathering will take place on Ian and Michelle's back patio. Feel free to bring your bathing suit for a dip in the pool!
To confirm numbers, please register through the church office. Additional details will be provided to participants in early August.
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Saturday, July 20
- Memorial Service for Robin Dorrell.
First Baptist Church, Laurier and Elgin 2:00 p.m.
Sunday, August 11
Tuesday, August 13
Books & BBQ. Featured book: "True Reconciliation" by Jody Wilson-Raybould.
Saturday, September 21
Memorial Service for Katie Seymour. 2:00 p.m.
Thursday, September 26
Retirement Celebration: Rachel Robinson, Executive Director - Belong Ottawa
Sunday, September 29
- Service for the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
Saturday, October 26
Church Safety Training - Second Session, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Saturday, November 23
St John's Christmas Market (Back-up date is Saturday, November 30)
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Our Parish
Prayers for those in leadership roles: Gary, Allen, Christina, Pat, Barb, Kimberly, Kerry, Jesse, Monica, Barb, Jeff, Marianne, and all who minister at St John's. Those in need of our prayers: Barb, Diana, Sarah, Marcela, Pat and Wilma.
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Our Diocese
- Shane, our Bishop; Anne, our Metropolitan; Linda, our Primate.
- The Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples, The Rt Rev Christopher Harper, National Indigenous Anglican Archbishop, Sacred Circle Events, and the Ministry of Reconciliation.
- St. James, Perth. The Reverend Canon Kenneth Davis and Deacon Liana Gallant.
Anglican Church of Canada
- The Rt. Rev. Stephen London, Bishop, and the clergy and people of the Diocese of Edmonton.
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
- The dean, council, and congregations of the East Central Area of the Synod of Alberta and the Territories.
The Anglican Communion - Pray for Anglicans Worldwide
- The Nippon Sei Ko Kai (the Anglican Church in Japan)
- The flowers are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of husband John (Jack) Hampson and brother-in-law Ken Hampson and sister-in-law Libby Hampson by Jill Moll.
Parish Prayer Group
If you wish to have someone prayed for send an email to:
A Time of Prayer - Heavenly Creator, thank you that we have been placed into the Body of Christ by faith. May we draw on the example of those faithful disciples who obeyed your Word. We pray that, like them, we may devote ourselves to apostolic teaching, Christian fellowship, the breaking of bread and earnest prayer. May we seek to share the truth of the glorious gospel of the grace of God with everyone we meet, in humility and love. This we ask in Jesus' name. Amen.
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Identified donations to St John’s are charitable donations and are eligible for a charitable tax receipt. Receipts for donations made directly through St John’s are usually generated on an annual basis. Donations to St John’s through Canada Helps are receipted by Canada Helps.
Here are the different ways that you can give:
PAR (Pre-Authorized Remittance)
Enrol in the PAR (Pre-Authorized Remittance) program, whereby a designated monthly amount is withdrawn from a parishioner’s bank account or credit card. Peggy Lister, the Envelope Secretary, will provide you with the application form required to enrol in this program.
Weekly Offering Envelopes
Use identified weekly offering envelopes to make your cash or cheque donation to St John’s. A request for such envelopes goes to Peggy Lister, the Envelope Secretary, who will provide the envelopes.
Cash or Cheque Donation on Sunday
Make a cash or cheque contribution during a weekly service. The donation must be identified (i.e. a name & address on the envelope or a cheque with the donor’s information) if the donor wishes to receive a charitable receipt for the donation.
Canada Helps
Make a donation to St John’s through Canada Helps by scanning the QR code on the weekly bulletin, the QR code on the sign at the back of the church or through the ‘donate’ button on the St John’s website. Canada Helps donations can be for a single time or set up as an on-going monthly donation.
With thanks to God for your generous support
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154 Somerset Street West, Ottawa, ON K2P 0H8
The Reverend Canon Gary van der Meer, Rector
The Reverend Canon Allen Box, Honorary Assistant
The Reverend Canon Pat Johnston, Honorary Assistant
The Reverend Christina Guest, Honorary Assistant
Kimberly Johnson, Indigenous Engagement Coordinator
Barbara Dransch, Rector’s Warden
Marianne Harkema, Deputy Rector's Warden
Monica Patten, People's Warden
Jeff Biggs, Deputy People's Warden
Pat Fisher, Parish Council Chair
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