A Weekly Newsletter to update you on the week ahead!

Be sure to also check out our monthly newsletter for April HERE!

We've launched our Capital Campaign God's House, Our Home, focusing on essential updates to our campuses. Learn more about the planned projects and fill out the pledge form at cathedraloftherockies.org/capital-campaign.

We'd love to connect with you for a tour, a coffee, and a conversation on how you can make an impact. Reach out to Pastor Duane at danders@boisefumc.org or Pastor Brian at bthie@boisefumc.org


Downtown Campus Volunteer Needs

There are several volunteer needs at the downtown campus. Some of the needs are as follows:

  • Diaper Ministry Ambassador: Wednesdays from 12:30 - 3:30 pm
  • Baristas for Coffee Bar: Sundays from 9:30 - 11 am
  • Ushers for 11 am Sunday services
  • Ushers/Communion Servers for 10 am Sunday services
  • Greeters for 9 am and 11 am Sunday services
  • Front Desk Volunteers to serve as fill in and on call volunteers
  • Cooks for the Friendship Feast

Email Caprice at cbitar@boisefumc.org to volunteer for any of these needs!

Food Pantry Needs

The food pantry is low on staple foods. Canned fruits, vegetables, cereal, soup, and vegetable oil are top priorities. You can drop off food at either campus or have food delivered to the Amity Campus.

We also need volunteers to help distribute food from 4:30 - 7:30 pm on Mondays.

Sign-up to volunteer at the Food Pantry HERE!

Photographer Needed!

We're looking for someone with photography experience to capture our Sunday services and special events. If you, or someone you know, has experience and would be interested, please email our Communications Manager Brooke at bfreiheit@boisefumc.org.

Fellowship Hour

Sunday, April 28th | 10 - 11:30 am | Olivet Room, Downtown Campus

The next Fellowship Hour is coming up. Join in on Sunday, April 28th between services to connect with friends!

Bring cookies, donuts, or a treat to share!

Vacation Bible Camp

Deadline to get the early bird rate is April 30th!

Our Vacation Bible Camp registration is open for the Downtown campus (July 8-10) and the Amity campus (July 16-18) from 6 - 8 pm each night. 

Find both VBC registrations HERE!

Free Community Event:

An Evening with Jamie Bruesehoff

Thursday, May 2nd | 7 - 8:30 pm | Emmaus Center, Downtown Campus

Jamie will share from her experience of raising a trans teenager, as well as her experience speaking around the country on LGBTQ+ inclusion. Open to all LGBTQ+ individuals as well as parents, family, friends, and allies of LGBTQ+ youth and adults. Come engage in discussion on how our community can support, advocate, increase hope, and make safer spaces for our LGBTQ+ siblings here in Idaho.

KASP 2024 Fundraiser:

Sunny Days Ahead

Saturday, May 18th | 6 - 9 pm | Fellowship Hall, Downtown Campus

Support our KASP program by attending their upcoming fundraiser! The event will include a silent auction, raffles, a charcuterie, a no-host bar, entertainment, and music.

Purchase your tickets ASAP because there will be a limited amount for purchase at the door. Tickets cost $30 per person or $50 per couple.

Register and purchase tickets HERE!

IdaHope Christian Writers Conference

Saturday, April 27th | 9 am - 3 pm | Trinity Fellowship located at 300 N Latah St

IdaHope Christian Writers is a local Christian writing group hosting a conference on April 27, 2024. The goal of the conference is to bring together story tellers in the valley who have common grounding in faith and a desire to grow in their ability to write and tell stories.

This event costs $75 and requires registration. Lunch is included with registration.

View more details and register HERE!

Habitat for Humanity Build

Saturday, June 1st | 8 am | Amity Campus

This year our annual Habitat for Humanity frame build will be for a home not too far from our Amity Campus. We are partnering again with CrossRoads Missions, as we have for the past dozen years or so. As always, we need lots of volunteers!

Take a look at the sign-up link below and sign up for one of the needed jobs. No construction experience necessary and kids are welcome. Come experience something near to a miracle on earth – ALL are welcome!

Email pschroeder@boisefumc.org with any questions.

Sign-up for the Habitat for Humanity build HERE!

And Now...

"Each one must give as they have decided in their heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."

- 2 Corinthians 9:7

"In the hands of God’s children, [money] is food for the hungry, drink for the thirsty, clothing for the naked: It gives to the traveler and the stranger a place to lay their head. By it we supply a parent to parentless. We may be a defense for the oppressed, a means of health to the sick, of ease to them that are in pain. It may be as eyes to the blind, feet to the lame. Yes, even a lifter up from the gates of death!”

- John Wesley, from his sermon titled On the Use of Money

This is an exciting time in the life of our church. We are announcing the launch of our Capital Campaign God’s House, Our Home. Our mission as a church is to grow and live our faith as disciples of Jesus in a loving and grace-filled community for the transformation of the world.

This two-year campaign allows us to invest in our future. In 1958, the Boise First Congregation broke ground for our downtown campus. They invested in us. We have the chance to invest in the next generations. We celebrate that we are not in debt and will not go into debt to do this work.

Capital campaigns are over and above our regular giving and allows us to address capital improvements such as roofs, windows, security, parking, classrooms, and more. If you missed last Sunday, take time to watch or grab the sermon podcast here.

It has been an exciting week in the life of the church. In just a few days, we have received almost 40 pledges for nearly a quarter of our goal. The momentum is building. We can hit our goal if everyone participates. This week you will receive a letter from me with more information on it. I am inviting you to pray. Determine your commitment and continue the momentum as we seek to secure God’s House, Our Home for the future. Everyone and every gift makes a difference.

Thank you for your courageous generosity. If you would like more information or desire to grab a coffee, please reach out.

Grace and peace,

Rev. Dr. Duane A. Anders (He, Him, His)


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