Supporting Afghan Nationals with Re-parole Application

Opening Doors’ Immigration Legal Services Program held its first pro se legal clinic on June 16 to assist Afghan nationals under humanitarian parolee status apply for re-parole.

The clinic was held following the Department of Homeland Security's announcement that Afghan evacuees who arrived in the United States after the fall of Kabul, can renew their parole and employment authorization. A total of 10 clients were supported with the preparation and filing of online and paper applications.

Opening Doors will be hosting similar pro se legal clinics over the next few months to continue supporting Afghan parolees with temporary status to apply for re-parole. Parolees who have already applied for asylum or adjustment to lawful permanent status prior to the expiration of their initial parole period, need not apply for re-parole under this streamlined process.

Learn More About the Paper and Online Application

Enhancing Community Engagement for The Work of Welcome

Opening Doors hosted its quarterly Community Engagement Dinner at the end of June bringing together volunteers, donors, partners, and board members.


The event created an opportunity for participants to learn about how our Immigration Legal Services Program provides legal services to Afghans who were evacuated from Afghanistan after the withdrawal of the U.S. military. Participants were also able to network and learn about the different ways they can engage to support the work of welcome.

Future Community Engagement Dinners will highlight our Refugee Resettlement Program and Microenterprise Program in October and December respectively.

Survivor’s Courageous Journey

Blog by Emily Zelaya, Survivors of Trafficking Program Manager

Diego was labor trafficked at a young age and forced to work in an auto body shop without proper safety equipment. By the time he came to Opening Doors to seek services, he had severe health conditions and was unable to work. He was living at his friend’s house, sleeping on a couch, and struggling to move out.


Diego’s story is like the story of many victims of human trafficking, a modern-day slavery affecting millions of people worldwide. Though human trafficking happens in every community, immigrants and refugees are more susceptible to trafficking situations due to multiple factors, such as immigration status, language barriers, and little knowledge of U.S. labor laws. Labor trafficked victims are typically forced and coerced to work in industries such as agriculture, janitorial services, construction, factories, massage and salon businesses, hospitality services, and domestic work. Read more

Afghan Support Center in Sacramento

Opening Doors participated in the USCIS-coordinated Afghan Support Center information sharing event in Sacramento from June 21 to 24. The event is organized to connect refugees and immigrants with the resources they needed to experience stability, self-sufficiency, and belonging.

Over 2000 people visited the center and Opening Doors has enrolled 150 clients in need of additional services.

The event created networking opportunities for service providing organizations to better coordinate support to new neighbors residing in the greater Sacramento region.

Welcoming refugees.

Defending immigrants.

Supporting survivors.

Enriching communities.

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